Wednesday, March 31, 2004

t boredatwork y: no one in canton says scrog
FiReBoLt4mE2: ha ha
FiReBoLt4mE2: you go to a christian school
t boredatwork y: so?? christians scrog too!!!
i think this is the first time i've listened to this cd (polarboy's back from nowhere), but wow. i like it. and this song is awesome....

Do You Think by Polarboy
Loneliness will come and will go
Would you wanna the lonely one or the one who goes
God you know that life's hard on my soul so
Maybe I'll be better off loving you

And to the doctors I refuse
They've got nothing I could use

Do you think that Adam cried when his Eve died?

Loneliness often comes and often not goes
Would you wanna be the lonely one or the one who goes
God you know the life's hard on my soul
Maybe I'll be better off walkin with you


Do you think that Adam cried when his Eve died
And do you feel that sometimes she got the better half of the deal?

Mortars eyes I've thought I've been
Over the battle field to the end
Seems to me I thought, my friend, we'll never know quite when
But I would sure like to know my friend


Do you think that Adam cried when his Eve died
And do you feel that sometimes she got the better half of the deal?

Do you think that Adam cried when his Eve died

(yes i know i'm a post whore... lol)
current favorite cd: rascal flatts....
sshhhhh don't tell ;)
surveys i stole from ryan's livejournal...

x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry: janson
x. Made you cry: watching videos of 2 years ago made me cry
x. Spent the night with: my roomie. lol.
x. You shared a drink with: probly janson
x. You went to the movies with: cass, ess, and duff to see mona lisa smile awhile back
x. You went to the mall with: ummm... i do believe it was roger and lisa, months ago. lol
x. Yelled at you: caryn
x. Sent you an email: kara kundravi
x. You kissed: janson

x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? yes
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: i yell at jansons dog all the time for licking my toes. its so gross!! does that count?
x. Been to New York: yeah
x. Florida: no
x. California: no
x. Hawaii: no
x. Mexico: no
x. China: no
x. Canada: yeah
x. Danced naked: no
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no i don't think
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: when i was like 7 i did. lol
x. Had an imaginary friend: yeah, me, my older brother, and our cousin anya made up a whole freaking family... haha we were such losers
x. Things you like in a girl/guy: i like janson
x. Do you have a crush on someone: does josh groban count? mmmmm :)
x. What book are you reading now: the hobbit. again
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: 5 more minutes...
x. Future daughter's name: don't know
x. Future son's name: don't know
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: i actually have like 4 in my bed right now. my teddy, my sock monkey, a care bear, and the dog janson gave me
x. What's under your bed: do you REALLY want to know? cuz i'm not sure i do... haha
x. Favorite sport to watch: i can actually stand to watch nascar these days. maybe cuz i'm around it so much
x. Current Age: i'm 18. but i'll be 19 in 15 days!! :)
x. Siblings: rusty's 21 and in the air force in california. tim's 15 and at home.
x. Location: me? malone college
x. College plans: i don't know... don't ask me. lol
x. Piercings/tattoos: eyebrow pierced, no tattoos
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: boyfriend

x. Do you do drugs: nope
x. Do you drink: nope
x. Who is your best friend: i have a non best friend. does that count? brittany is my favorite non-best friend!
x. What are you most scared of: being alone
x. What clothes do you sleep in: tshirts and boxers or pj pants
x. Where do you want to get married: i don't know
x. Who do you really hate: your mom
x. Been in Love: i am
x. What type automobile do you drive: my car is currently DEAD :(:(:( but its a 91 chevy cavalier
x. Do you have a job: i have several. computer lab monitor for work study, mcdonalds at home, and camp luz in the summer
x. Do you like being around people: yes most of the time
x. Are you for world peace: who would actually say yes to this? lol
x. Are you a health freak: not at all

x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: no
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yes
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really
x. Want someone you don't have right now: no
x. Are you lonely right now: no
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: i'm too young to think about marriage
x. Do you want to get married: yes
x. Do you want kids: yes

x. Room in house: i don't really have one at home
x. Type(s) of music: pretty much whatever
x. Band: there's a lot. i don't really have a FAVORITE favorite band tho
x. Color: orange
x. Perfume or cologne: my pillar hoodie smells like axe. i got in a little cologne fight with janson's brother josh last night... :) just thought i'd share that. lol
x. Month: i like spring. so maybe april or may

x. Cried: yes
x. Bought something: nope
x. Gotten sick: nope
x. Sang: yup
x. Said "I Love You": yup
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yup
x. Met someone new: i don't think
x. Moved on: to what?
x. Talked to someone: yup
x. Missed someone: yup
x. Hugged someone: yup
x. Kissed someone: yup
x. Fought with your parents: lets see.. its wednesday... nope. i fought with my mom on sunday, but that was 72 hours ago.

Quiz Number 2

x. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
fried green tomatoes

x. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
or not

x. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
probly. not like i'd type it for the world to see though

x. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
i avoid eye contact, for one thing.

x. Are you a pyromaniac?
not really

x. Do you have too many love interests?
just one. unless you count joshy, of course :)

x. Do you know anyone famous?

x. Describe your bed.
de-bunked bunk bed, blue sheets, 3 pillows, care bear comforter, blanket i made myself, and the blanket my mom gave me

x. Spontaneous or plan?
kinda both

x. Do you know how to play poker?

x. What do you carry with you at all times?
some form of keys. either car keys, or my dorm key

x. What do you miss most about being little?

x. Are you happy with your given name?

x. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
i could never do that

x. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

x. Do transient, homeless, or starving people bother you?
i don't really see them much

x. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
i try to be

x. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
play the piano. like for real, cuz the only songs i can play are 'oh where is my hairbrush' and 'everything i do i do it for you' lol

x. What is your ideal marriage location?
don't really care

x. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?

x. Favorite fabric?
the inside of new hoodies

x. Something you love and hate?
i love chex mix. i hate raw mushrooms.

x. What kind of bedding do you use?
i think its walmart

x. Do you tell your friends about your sex life?
do i have a sex life to tell them about?

x. What's the one language you want to learn?
something fun. like chinese or japanese or swahili

x. What do you order at a bar?
never been to one... lol

x. Have you ever pierced your body parts?

x. Do you have tattoos?

x. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted?
ummm sure

x. Do you drive stick?
nope. no idea how.

x. What's one trait you hate in a person?
i don't know

x. What kind of watch(es) do you wear?
i have a mudd watch that my mom got me for christmas. and somewhere i have my walmart sport watch. somewhere...

x. Most frivolous purchase?
i don't know... a lot of things

x. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
not too bad

x. What do you cook the best?
things that can be made in the microwave

x. Favorite writing instrument?
pilot G2!!

x. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
blend in

x. What kind of books do you like to read?
a lot of kinds

x. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
get married ;)

x. What's one thing you're a sore loser at?
well the reason i didn't join band is cuz i didn't want to be at the bottom of the food chain..... so i guess you could say that

x. If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
i'm usually nice to them anyway

x. Do you cry in front of friends?
i try not to

x. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?

x. What's one thing you like to do alone?

x. Are you a giver or a taker?

x. When's the last time you cried?
last night

x. Favorite communication method?
telepathy.... lol

x. How many drinks before you're tipsy?
never had a drink

x. Do you ever have to beg?
for what?

x. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?

x. Do you think you're cute?
who are you?

x. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
yeah. lol

x. What's the most painful experience you've ever had?
i don't know. something. i'm sure. lol
so i've been watching stuff from my video camera. its kinda bittersweet. on the one hand, its hilarious and it brings back so many awesome memories. but at the same time, it makes me want to cry. 2 years ago, i was so close to everyone. we're all still friends, but some of them i never talk to. brian lives like 3 minutes from me, and i haven't talked to or seen him since january. heidi's in sweden. ben, travis, 2B, and brad are fun, but i hardly ever talk to them either. i talk to travis and thats about it. i never talk to matt yoder. so it almost hurts to watch these videos of how close we were and the fun that we had. but they do make me laugh a lot. :)

ok off to world civ 2....
so lunch was good today. matt hawks and i discussed stargate for like half an hour. yay!! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

i know that sometimes (most of the time) i'm a jerk. i say things i shouldn't, or don't say things that i should. but please don't think that i don't care, because i do. just know that i need you. even if i say or act like i don't, i do. i need you to be here for me through all the crap thats going on right now. i know that i push you away, just please don't give up on me. i love you.
i think that jars of clay's first album is pretty much my favorite cd of all time. its amazing, and continues to be so after what, almost 10 years now? i love it.

Monday, March 29, 2004

How's Your Head by Third Day

How's your head? I'm so sorry
That I can't do anything about it
Like I said, I'll be praying
Here without you I feel helpless

Sorry I had to go away
Tomorrow's just another day
without you here, I'll have to say
Hold on to love

How's your day? Do you miss me?
Right now I've only a minute
Called to say, I'm so sorry
And once again I feel helpless

God forbid we'd be apart
How close or shall I ask how far
Are we until the demise of this helplessness?
i love being lied to. for real, its my favorite thing ever.

but actually, this is what i love...
relientkbandgeek: good. now all i need is a good bomb....
relientkbandgeek: lol
LittleANGEL 0321: want to invent one??
relientkbandgeek: i bet i could find out how on the internet!
LittleANGEL 0321: lol
relientkbandgeek: you wanna help me?
relientkbandgeek: lol
LittleANGEL 0321: take over THE WORLD!!! WAAAHAHAHAHA
LittleANGEL 0321: oh sorry i got excited lol haha

i love shanny! :) i miss her a lot
schedule for next semester....

9-9:50 - Human Biology
11-11:50 - Intro to Pro and prac of Social Work
12-12:50 - Beg. American Sign Language
2-3:15 - Understanding the Social Sciences

11-12:15 - Commons 1 (Social Work class)
2:30-3:45 - Literature in Society
4-4:50 - Walking for Health (first half of semester only)

9-9:50 - Human Biology
11-11:50 - Intro to Pro and prac of Social Work
12-12:50 - Beg. American Sign Language
2-3:15 - Understanding the Social Sciences

2:30-3:45 - Literature in Society
4-4:50 - Walking for Health (first half of semester only)

9-9:50 - Human Biology
11-11:50 - Intro to Pro and prac of Social Work
12-12:50 - Beg. American Sign Language

so yeah.... thats it. i'm gonna go back to watching antiques roadshow now... :)

oh wait... i almost forgot. a little bit ago, i went to smoothie king with caryn, tessa, and RA (aka esther). on our way back, we were mooned by chad nicoletti. on route 77. from the car he was in. just thought i'd share that... lol
saturday night
i can't remember. i know i went back to jansons. i think we watched sleepless in seattle? and then some movie on TNT that i forget what it was called. oh yeah, only you. it was pretty good. then we talked for a long time, like i think until 4:30 or something crazy like that. that was good.

sunday i slept in, due to potential lack of sleep from the night before if i had gone to church. i woke up around 11:30 and hung out with jacob for awhile. i had my first experience on a trampoline, lol. i just sat on it while he jumped. janson got up around 12:30, and we just hung out until 2. at 2 we came over here, i killed some ants, took a shower, talked to cassie about my car, got yelled at by--i mean talked to my mom, then janson and i went to denny's, wal-mart, and rite aid. i have my other prescription now. i don't like it, but i'll get to that later.... we came back here after that so i could get some homework done. he went home to switch cars, then came back and got me and we went to milk and honey. then back to his house. we watched part of daredevil, then we talked again for awhile. it was hard for me, cuz my meds started to kick in and i was having trouble staying awake, but it was all good. we talked for an hour or 2, i don't know. but yeah... it was good. lots of "yawning". :)

so yeah... my meds. i'm on elavil now. i took it last night for the first time. it knocked me out!! i went to bed at like 1:30, and was gonna get up at 8:45. that didn't happen. i got up with like 10 minutes to spare for chapel, went to chapel (basically slept through it cuz i couldn't stay awake), ate lunch, then came back here and went back to bed. i had my alarm set for 1:45 so i could go to my 2 o clock class, but that didn't happen. i slept through my alarm, which i've never done before. ever. so i didn't get out of bed until like 2:30.
i don't like that. these better not do this to me every time, or i'm gonna stop taking it. i couldn't even function when i woke up this morning. i couldn't talk or anything (just ask heather and jessie... i was in their room right after i woke up, and yeah... i was so out of it. and i feel like i could just go back to bed right now. i can't do this every day for the next 2 weeks (i still have 2 weeks of pills left). i'm gonna keep taking them until thursday, cuz i have a doctors appointment on thursday. hopefully it'll get better.

i'm going to go do something. like watch tv. or something.
i just randomly found a freaking awesome band!! i was on lil ricky's xanga, which i hardly ever look at just cuz i don't know him well, but he had this song in it. i thought the lyrics were pretty sweet, so i checked out the band/the song. how about i'm in love?? check it out....
Waking Ashland
the song that i fell in love with is Counting the Stars. mmmmmmmm.

anyway. i have a long post to type out, so i'm gonna post this and then start writing...
chick flicks that i don't own that i want:

return to me
ever after
never been kissed

haha. just thought i'd share that. i need to remember to tell my mom that, cuz my b-day is coming.. :)

Saturday, March 27, 2004

last night was....
going back to jansons, watching the rundown, watching fools rush in, getting back here around 2, watching now and then with roomie until we fell asleep.

today has been...
getting up around 11:30, eating lunch with deb horst and marian wenger (jenny's mom and kendra nissly's mom)--that was awesome. i love deb. it was really nice to sit down and talk to her again. i don't know that i've ever talked to marian before, but i really enjoyed it. :)
i walked with them to mitchell, then caryn told me that ali had called, so i called her cell and found her and michelle in the quad. yayayayay for seeing michelle!!!! that made me happy. ali's right, she is hot. :)
i had made plans with jami to watch runaway jury, and i really wanted to see it, so i made ali and michelle watch it with us. good movie. i love grisham books. :)
then ali michelle and i went to subway, and kelli came. i love subway and friends.
then i said bye (tears and sadness) to michelle and kelli brought me back here.
now i'm sitting around doing nothing, talking to travis on IM. yay! oh and i got an email from matt campbell today!! that was exciting. he might work at camp, but he has 2 other options of things he could do this summer. i miss that kid a lot. i hope he works at camp. or that i at least get to see him some time during the course of the summer. i'll drive to dover if i have to, that won't bother me!
i'm going over to jansons in a little while. roomie's gone--she's spending the night at jami's. so i have the room to myself for a little bit. i'm gonna take advantage of that and blast some music. yay! :)

ohohoh--ali and i are semi-planning another road trip in a few weekends. yay for bellefontaine!

Friday, March 26, 2004

so yeah... my car is currently dead. i'm very sad about this. :(

my hitler paper is done and turned in. its not that great, but at least its done.

i bought hoobastank today, rather randomly. i've only ever heard like 2 songs, lol.

my mom ticked me off really bad today. i called to talk to her about my car, and she started flipping on me for no reason. i basically hung up on her.

i'm having lunch with deb horst tomorrow. i'm pretty excited about that.

i think i'm gonna hang out with ali and michelle tomorrow. i'm really excited about seeing michelle, i haven't since november!!

mike and reno pushed my car from in front of myers into the parking lot.
faith drove me and janson back to his house.
i really appreciate my friends--a lot.

oh--godspell last night was really good. and seeing it with sarah eades, delight, kelli, and david made it more fun. i love my friends. :)

i think i'm done now. i'm gonna wait and see if janson calls me, and if not i'm either gonna try to find a ride to his house, or just hang out here. but i left my blanket at his house, so i'm hoping he calls cuz i'll die if i don't have it to crochet!! lol

Thursday, March 25, 2004

i think i pretty much have the world's best boyfriend, no contest.

this is the abridged version cuz i gotta start my hitler paper...

i was at health center from 10 until almost 12 today. i'm on two prescriptions (or will be as soon as i pick one of them up) and have a cat scan scheduled for april 6 at 1 PM. if you think of it in the next couple weeks, pray for me. there's other stuff going on, and yeah. i could just use some prayer. thanks.

goooood news tho--my non best friend brittany just told me johnson extended the deadlines of our new testament papers--now not due until april 13!!! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

i just made an appointment with the campus doctor for tomorrow at 10. i'm scared. like shaking scared. i don't know why. its just... i've been getting these headaches for about 2 years now. i just kept ignoring them and taking more and more drugs, trying to make something work. its to the point where i take like 15 or 20 ibuprofen in the course of a day, and it still doesn't always work. maybe its nothing. maybe its just stress, and i just need stronger drugs. but what if its something more? i don't know... i'm just scared. i'm going to call home now and tell my mom, cuz she'd probly want to know that i made the appointment...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

why can't i ever say what i want to say? i worry so much about making everyone else happy. but i don't know what to do when i'm not happy. deep down, all i want is to say "i need you", but i can't make myself say it. i don't want to inconvenience anyone, i don't want to force anyone to talk to me. so i go through it alone, not knowing what to do or how to make myself feel better...
lynne was here for awhile today. that was awesome. we just hung out, drove around a bit, walked all around the campus, and talked. its so...comforting? is that the right word? i don't be able to talk to someone who's known me for most of my life. i don't have to explain anything about myself, because she already knows. it was nice to just talk. i miss lynne. i miss home. i might be going home on sunday night, actually. i'd be going to kent and picking lynne up, then going home and going to derek's going away party (he leaves for the army reserves on the 31st), taking lynne back to kent, and then coming back here. it would be a lot of driving, but i definitely want to see derek again before he leaves!!

i got my pictures back today. emily and i are officially on the wall of pictures on our dorm. yay for us!! :)

so caryn informed me right before lynne left that she's rooming in a suite with tessa next year. i don't have a roommate. i'm stressing over it, but all well. what else is new? i have a few options... i could room by myself (no. i don't want to). i could go in a suite with heather, jessie, kim, rachel, and chrissy (i'd be rooming with chrissy), lolly and i have talked a little bit about rooming if she comes here next year, and i was just talking to RA about it... she thinks that me and her sister would get along pretty well. so if nothing else works out, i'll have that to fall back on. i don't know... the whole idea makes me want to cry, and i don't know why. i guess i just feel a little unwanted right now...

i've been listening to the new blink 182 cd a lot lately. thats weird for me. i really like it though. i also LOVE the song shekina by blindside (on their new cd). its freaking awesome.

i'm gonna go watch a movie now.

Monday, March 22, 2004

usually when i get a new cd on my computer that someone sends me, i leave it there, i don't burn them very often, cuz i just listen to them on there.

but wowowow i just burned the new blindside that reno sent me before i'd even listened to the whole cd, cuz i want to be able to take it with me wherever i go. its freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!

just thought i'd share that. :)
Then Janson said: she had been really shady the past few months

thats in here for ali. because he said 'shady' and it will make ali laugh. :) i love you MY alialiali!!!!!!

Thursday Night...
janson came and hung out in myers for a bit, then we went to taco bell, then to his dad's and watched movies. we watched wild wild west, haha. that movie is so corny.

didn't have class until 2 (yay for no comp!!). i was still sick all day friday. blech blech blech. i laid down around 5 or so to take a nap, and ali called me like 15 minutes later. i ended up going to pick her up and bringing her back here (iloveyouMYalialiali!!!). we hung out here for awhile watching movies on ebaumsworld and just 'chillaxing'. we went to taco bell for her to get food, and then came back here and hung out. janson came over and we watched the goonies, cuz he'd never seen it before. i love that movie. :) kelli came and stole ali away after that, and i hung out here with janson. i ended up feeling hungry, so we took some stuff to caryn (who was in jami's room), then went to taco bell and bought food for me, him, and caryn. all 4 of us ate for like 5 bucks. i'm starting to like taco bell, lol. we just hung out in here until midnight, and i think i probly got to bed around 1 or so. thats so early for me!! lol

i got up around 11:45 or so. i took a shower, felt sick, and went back to bed. i didn't actually sleep, i just watched the rest of tuck everlasting. i went to marc's and to the bank with krystian, to realize that both our banks close early on saturdays. after that i went to jansons to pick him up, and we left for kidron. so, as usual, no one was at ben's. we went to both doors. so we went to the nut tree, i found joan, talked to her, and found out that no one was home. she called travis for me, and no one was there either. so janson and i went to town and country (no blenheim that is sadness), then to lehman's hardware. i love that store. i take so many people there, haha. i probly bore the heck outta everyone... someday i WILL buy a composting toilet... lol. :) i called travis on janson's cell phone, and he was home. so we headed over there. they have a puppy, and she's so cute!!! awwwwwww!!! :) so basically as soon as we got there, we all (me janson travis and 2B) headed to ben's house. we were there for a couple hours. janson and travis seemed to get along pretty well, which makes me happy. :) i feel so comfortable at ben's house. those guys tease me endlessly, it cracks me up. they're all like brothers to me. i was sad that brad wasn't there, even tho he makes fun of me the most haha. janson had to be back by 7, but we ended up being 15 minutes late, my fault. i had to stop and get gas (and no i'm not telling that story. if you really want to hear about how retarded i am, lol, ask janson). we just hung out and watched movies and tv and such. cuz thats all we ever do. lol. :)

i went to church with janson, and then hung out with him for the rest of the day. we went grocery shopping, haha. it was a good time. i have so much fun with him. :) i was talking to heat[h]er gunsalus online at one point, and we took control of jansons computer. we changed his font in AIM (its now yellow with a pink background, haha), gave him a new background (you don't even want to know... its so disturbing), and put up an away message for him that said 'i like boys.' heather was hungry and melissa wouldn't take her anywhere, so janson and i went and picked her up and took her to burger king. i wanted to stop in and get my dorm keys and put on real shoes (i was wearing flip flops) anyway, so it worked out. my car did the whole 'i-won't-start-for-tracey-but-as-soon-as-janson-gets-behind-the-wheel-i'll-start-for-him' thing again, so he drove my car to drop off heather and then back to his house. it hates me, i swear... it likes both tim and janson better than me. stupid prejudice car!! lol. we watched scary movie last night. that was definitely a waste of my time, lol... all well.
janson makes me happy. i'm sure that everyone knew that already, i just thought i'd repeat it. just in case you missed it. :)

got up, went to personal finance, went to chapel (yay for good chapels!!!), ate lunch with the people that i always eat lunch with after chapel (sarah e, matt hawks, kristen, sarah g, and 2 guys that i don't really know were there today--dan and heath. minus ryan and reno), started cleaning our sink, went to comp 2 (it only lasted for 20 minutes!! yayayay!! lol), finished cleaning the sink, our trash can is soaking cuz its so nasty, talked to lynne (she's coming to see me tomorrow!!! i'm so excited!!!! i miss that girl!!!!!!!!), and now i'm wasting time until i have to go to world civ 2. which is in like 5 minutes. and then i'll come back here and probly clean some more, maybe take a nap, i need a shower some time... i'm probly gonna go to janson's later. its monday and that means wrestling, blech lol, but i have some stuff that i can do while he watches it.

ok i need to put my shoes on and get to class...
oh lynne... this is my schedule for tuesday and wednesday...

class from 8-9:15
work from 10:30-11:30
class from 11:30-12:45
work from 5:30-7:30

class from 9-9:50
chapel from 10-10:45ish
meeting with my advisor at 11
class from 12-12:35ish
class from 2-2:50
work from 4:30-5:30
work from 9-11:30

ok i have to get to bed, i'm about to drop...

oh and just so everyone knows.... scary movie is just about the stupidest movie i've ever seen.. lol
what random way will you die? by egotrippngupstairs
where you will beliving with the mole people
what will happenlaceration from a pepsi can
what people will sayis that possible?
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

hahaha thats great!!
real post soon to come. either before i go to bed, or sometime tomorrow since i'm so freaking tired. this is definitely the first time that i've sat in front of my computer screen in about 36 hours...

Saturday, March 20, 2004

MERCURYfalling19 (1:19:36 AM): april is almost here and may is around the corner, keep your chin up, and oh yes, that was so cliche

yay for talking to people that i haven't talked to in MONTHS!!! :)
i didn't get my nap today, and its 1 and i'm still up.. but oh well. i don't care. i found my journal tonight. now i'm going to go spend forever writing in it. there's so much that i can't say on here cuz, well, cuz its online for all to read...

Friday, March 19, 2004

just when i was starting to feel not as sick, i get sick again. i have a cold. i keep sneezing and i can't breathe through my nose. i feel really cruddy. i can't wait to go to sleep after my world civ class!!! tonight, for real, i'm going to bed on time.... lol
so its almost 6:30 AM. i've been up for about 20 hours straight now. haha. so much for recooperating and getting more sleep... :)

i'll get to bed soon. but i'm eating cat in the hat pop tarts and listening to moulin rouge... :)
kimmy sue!!! i just read your weblog. i lost your email, or i would just email you. but you'll probly read this. surgery??? what surgery?? clue me in!! IM me or email me (still the i miss you girly!!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

ok so last night was fun. i was at kelli's for probly an hour and a half or so. sara and some random boy were there, but they left pretty much right after i got there. so it was just me, kelli, ali, and david. good times with good people. :)

today i slept thru art and music, got up for new testament, and then did nothing the rest of the afternoon. i watched fried green tomatoes. i love that movie!! :)

i just got back from wal-mart with heather grovie, joe (gnome), and sarah. it was a good time. i bought both moulin rouge soundtracks. yay!! and they were cheap. double yay!! i was gonna buy the goonies dvd, but i didn't want to spend that much money. but heathro bought it, so i can borrow it whenever. yayayay!! :)

i'm still so tired!!! blah. but i'm gonna stay up for awhile probly. jansons gonna come over, and ali and kelli are gonna stop in after celebration.

caryn informed me that her and the girls are taking me out on my birthday. i'm excited. her friends are much fun!! :)

ok i'm done typing, for now. this is the post whore signing out...
relientkbandgeek: i'm alright. i've been a bit sick lately, so i've spent a lot of time in bed and i'm starting to go stir crazy
JulisitaEstrella: oh i see. being sick stinks like gym socks
relientkbandgeek: yeah it does. i'm really tired of this little tiny dorm room that i live in.... i swear its the size of a box of matches
relientkbandgeek: lol
JulisitaEstrella: haha
JulisitaEstrella: if i could fly
JulisitaEstrella: i would come rescue you
JulisitaEstrella: but...darn lack of wings
relientkbandgeek: grow some wings!!
relientkbandgeek: lol
JulisitaEstrella: nice idea! i will.

julie is one of the few good things about mcdonalds. she makes me laugh. :)
current favorite song...

Pitiful by Blindside
As I recall when my stomach turned
And I was hiding away from myself
Away from You
Like nothing though something was terribly wrong
And I admit that I was only waiting for the right time, night time
The right moment for You to look away
Though You never did I pretended for a while
So I could walk where I don't belong

I remember every word You said
Come back in time come back
And I remember I would soon be dead
Pitiful so pitiful

But I know as they hammered those nails
Into Your beautiful hands
Your eyes they tried to search for mine
But I look away
Now Your eyes are the only thing that can save me
I'm still afraid of them piercing
You're breaking into my prison
Just pretended for a while
My soul is dying, I won't look away

I remember every word You said
Come back in time come back
And I remember I would soon be dead
Pitiful so pitiful
me and ali want to go me and ali want to go me and ali want to go.

she's gonna talk to her parents. i really want to go. :) anyone want to go????? i'm excited!!!!
just so everyone knows..... 58 days till the jars of clay concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really love old stuff by jars of clay. worlds apart is my favorite, always has been always will be. read....

Worlds Apart by Jars of Clay
I am the only one to blame for this
Somehow it all ends up the same
Soaring on the wings of selfish pride
I flew too high and like Icarus I collide
With a world I try so hard to leave behind
To rid myself of all but love
to give and die

To turn away and not become
Another nail to pierce the skin of one who loves
more deeply than the oceans,
more abundant than the tears
Of a world embracing every heartache

Can I be the one to sacrifice
Or grip the spear and watch the blood and water flow

To love you - take my world apart
To need you - I am on my knees
To love you - take my world apart
To need you - broken on my knees

All said and done I stand alone
Amongst remains of a life I should not own
It takes all I am to believe
In the mercy that covers me

Did you really have to die for me?
All I am for all you are
Because what I need and what I believe are worlds apart

I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
my sin soaked heart and make it yours --correction
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can't deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
so wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
so steal my heart and take the pain
take the selfish, take the weak
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
take my world apart, take my world apart
I pray, I pray, I pray
take my world apart

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

i know i posted this before, but i think that like 2 people did it. i want to feel loved. frrrrrrriends!! :)

is anybody out there?

if so, leave me comments and fill this out.

+what is my name?
+what is your first memory of me:
+how long have we been friends:
+tell about one memory we share together:
+describe me in four adjectives:
+if we could spend a day together what would we do:
+name one thing you really like about me:
+if you could give me a gift what would it be:
+have we ever hugged:
+what is something embarrassing that i've done:
+what do i usually look like when you see me:
+when have i helped you:
+what do i say all the time:
+do you think we will be friends in 5 years:
+what do you admire about me:
+has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't:
+what advice would you give me, in general:
+suggest a band / cd for me to listen to:
+is there a song that reminds you of me:
+what will i be doing later in life:
david and ali just left. i love those two. :)

i'm going to kelli's after i get off work. all i want to do is go to bed, but all well.... david told me that he wasn't going to leave kelli's house until i showed up, and he has to be at work at 7 tomorrow morning, so i better not make him late... lol. i really am going to try to only be there for a little bit, cuz i still feel like total CRAP.
i think i'm gonna go to the doctor soon. i've been putting it off for about 2 years now, but its to the point where i pretty much always have a headache. there are days when i take like 15 ibuprofen. that can't be healthy. i feel so crummy today. i'm exhausted, even tho i slept most of the day. my hands are shaking---no more caffiene for me. between all the pop that i drink and the excedrin migraine that i've been taking (that does absolutely NO GOOD for me anyway), i have waaaay too much caffiene in the course of a day. point in case--my hands are shaky right now. and i feel like crap. blech. so i'm gonna try to cut down on my caffiene intake. and its gonna suck, but i think i need to stop taking drugs again for awhile. i take them too much, and they don't do any good anyway. i don't know... i just feel SUPER CRUMMY today...

ohohoh!! but there is some happiness in this bleak day..... i can talk about it now, cuz by now kelli's already seen him. david lantz is up!!! woooooohoooooo!!! they're gonna stop in and see me at work for a bit tonight, which is awesome. i miss that kid. he's so much fun!! its so weird to think of him being at malone, for some reason. its like i said earlier--its mixing 2 parts of my life, college and camp!! haha

ok i'm done with this post. i'm gonna go lay down i think...
i had a 'deja vu' moment last night, sort-of. on the way back from wal-mart with janson we stopped at the gas station that i always stopped at on my way to/from camp when 62 was closed. i was just sitting in the car while he was getting gas, and i was like "wow. i've been here with heidi and shannon. i've been here with elizabeth. basically anyone that ever came home with me from camp has been at this gas station with me." and it was weird. its like there are many parts of my life--school, college, camp, home... and when different parts get mixed, its weird...

haha ok i'm done now...
i basically just got out of bed. i got up at 9 and took my personal finance test (definitely bombed it... i'm so pathetic). i felt like i was gonna puke, so i got back in bed and didn't get up until 3. i'm such a slacker. but i really did feel sick. i really need to start sleeping more....
today = good day. :)

i got to bed around 4:45 AM or so, so needless to say that i was freaking THRILLED when caryn woke me up to tell me there was a snow day!!!! i slept/layed in bed until around 11, then got up and went to lunch with friends. we were in the cafeteria for like an hour, telling dumb jokes and such. i only have one thing to say.... quit while you're aHEAD!!! bahahaha that made me laugh so much! :)
i did random things during the afternoon. i changed this, and hung out in myers sporadically with sarah, heathro, reno, and chrissy. we ended up getting a pizza for dinner, so that was yum! :)
then i 'studied' for personal finance with sarah and jenny. but i didn't feel like studying, so i hardly did at all.
then janson came and picked me up, and we went to friendly's to see ali. it was a good time, of course. the two of them, and matt, another guy who works there, crack me up a lot. it was a really good time.
then janson ali and i headed to wal-mart to do some shopping and such. i realized i hadn't talked to joe momma in a freaking LONG time, so i called him on ali's cell and talked to him for like half an hour. i love that boy a lot. i'm probly gonna go see him not this coming weekend, but the next. and he's going to take me to a coffee house. wooooo!! :)
so i bought random stuff.... haha. i bought a rose for ali's mom cuz i felt like being random and nice, roses for my roomie, a little blow up microphone for my roomie to use when she belts it out haha, yarn, and my pens. i love my pens. :)
then janson and i headed back to his house. we watched family guy (i'm starting to enjoy that show a lot lol) and mtv video clash, my new favorite show. :)
i left there a little while ago. its now 20 til 5, and i'm still up... lol. i really do need to start getting more sleep, i know.... but for now i must away and study some more.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004

oh by the way.... i had this BEAUTIFUL message from sarah eades when i got up today....

iwannacLuz (10:50:27 AM): good morning ;-) according to my calculations, your GPA for this semester w/o Crit & Create is currently 3.2. niiice :-D hope you're enjoying your sleep/snowday! ttyl

and it gets better... cuz i actually have a B+ in world civ 2, not a B. so that makes it a bit higher... woohoo!!! :)
i'm tired of messing with this. i'll fix it later.
a work in progress. again.... haha
yayayay!!!!!!!!! no classes no classes no classes no classes!!!

Monday, March 15, 2004

still looking for a new skin for my blog...
so i was 'productive' today. after lunch, i went to advising and testing and made an appt with my advisor for 2 tomorrow (remind me everyone, i don't want to forget!! lol) cuz i think i'm gonna FINALLY declare a major, then i went to the registrar and got a form to drop a class, then i paid some tuition with 2 checks from my mom and one of my paychecks, then i went to floyd and he signed my form, then i went back to the registrar and turned in the form. also, i got my midterm grades. i got a B+ in new testament, a C in personal finance, a B+ in comp 2 (and i can raise that when i rewrite a few of my papers and turn Bs into As), an A in exploring the worlds of art and music, and a B in world civ 2. and i got a D+ in crit and creat, but it doesn't matter cuz i dropped that class. so before i dropped crit and creat, my GPA was 2.962. but i figure it'll be higher now that i dropped that class. so as long as i keep being a good student (i'm gonna try to work harder), i get to keep my scholarship and come back to malone in the fall!! everyone be excited with me!! :)

i'm tired of feeling like crap. i want it to go away, but it never does. every day i tell myself its going to be different. and then every night as i sit here at the computer, it happens again, and i just start to cry.... i thought maybe being at home would change something. well it didn't. i did the same thing at home. i'm tired of crying myself to sleep. and the thing is, i don't have a reason!! its not like i can say 'ok so THAT is the reason that i feel like that.' i don't have a reason!!! i don't understand. i don't know what's going on, and i don't know how to make it stop. i just want it to go away, for good. i hate that no one can help me. i guess i can't rely on others for everything. but it would just be nice if someone could tell me what i'm supposed to do. all well. i'll just keep on keeping up appearances, cuz thats what i do best, right? :-D

i'm tired of moulin rouge. lol. time for a new background!!
i stole this from lin :)

1 MINUTE AGO: i think i scratched my head?? lol i don't know
1 DAY AGO: like 24 hours ago? in the shower. lol
1 WEEK AGO: probly in the shower after work
1 YEAR AGO: ummm... lemme check my archives!! haha. it was right after band contest, so i was freaking excited that that was over. and it was also right after emily's accident, so i was sad/scared for her
Current Clothes: pj pants, slippery rock hoodie
Current Taste: nothing
Current Hair: up and out of my face (aka i'm a bum)
Current Annoyance: headache
Current Desktop Picture: the one that i made myself
Current Movie In VCR: none i don't think, but ace ventura is in the dvd player
Current Refreshment: none.
Current Worry: 'unmentionables' lol

1. Full Name: tracey deanna yoder
2. Were you named after anyone? no
3. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? sometimes
4. Which finger is your favorite? i don't think i have a favorite finger. lol
5. When did you last cry? last night
6. Do you like your handwriting? i think its chicken scratch... lol
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? salami
8. Any bad habits? procrastinating and nail biting and being a jerk
10. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? i don't know. thats a hard question to answer
11. How many wisdom teeth do you have? 3, and the 4th is coming in. blech.
13. Do looks matter? this is probly the technical 'christian girl' answer, lol, but i really think that you're going to be attracted to your 'mate' lol in more ways than one, physically being one of them.
14. Have you ever mis-used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? probly
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? no
16. What is your favorite band/musician? don't really have one i guess
17. Are you trendy? not really
18. How do you release anger? i don't. is that a bad thing?? lol
19. Do you have anyone that is like a second family to you? the nussbaums are pretty close to a second family. especially in the summertime when i go there to check my email and such on weekends off from camp. and the eades are my other other family. :)
20. What was your favorite toy(s) as a child? i don't remember... haha. i think it was these little fisher price people. i had all kinds of houses for them and stuff. they were SWEET!
21. If you could have any one material thing, what would be it? ummm... hmmm... probly a cd or dvd or something. i don't know. lol
22.What class in school do you think is totally useless you sleep during it? EXPLORING THE WORLDS OF ART AND MUSIC!!!
23. Do you like sappy love songs? most of the time
24. Have you ever been on radio or television? nope i don't think
25. Do you have a journal? yes
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes
27. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yes
28. What do you look for in a girl/boy? janson
29. What are your nicknames? pete is basically the only one
30. Would you bungee jump? i don't know
31. What is your least favorite food in the world? raw mushrooms. cooked spinach. gross stuff like that
32. What are you worried about right now? didn't we already have this question?
33. Do you ever wear overalls? no
34. Do you think that you are strong? not really. i just pretend to be
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? superman
36. What's your favorite color? orange
37. What's your favorite flower? orange roses! altho my mom informed me that they're probly called 'apricot' or something, not orange lol
39. How many people have a crush on YOU right now? janson does. at least i HOPE so
40. Who do you miss most right now? heidi, leah, jenny, some people from HS, people from camp

Sunday, March 14, 2004

It's sitting by the overcoat
The second shelf, the note she wrote
That I can't bring myself to throw away
And also
Reach she said for no one else but you,
Cuz you won't turn away
When someone else is gone

I'm sorry 'bout the attitude
I need to give when I'm with you
But no one else would take this shit from me
And I'm so
Terrified of no one else but me
I'm here all the time
I won't go away
Yeah it's me, yeah I can't get myself to go away
Hey it's me and I can't get myself to go away
Oh God I shouldn't feel this way

Reach down your hand in your pocket
Pull out some hope for me
It's been a long day, always ain't that right
And no Lord your hand won't stop it
Just keep you trembling
It's been a long day, always ain't that right

Well I'm surprised that you'd believe
In anything that comes from me
I didn't hear from you or from someone else
And you're so
Set in life man, a pisser they're waiting
Too damn bad you get so far so fast
So what, so long

Oh ain't that right?

It's me, yeah well I can't get myself to go away
Hey it's me, yeah well I can't get myself to go away
Oh God I shouldn't feel this way now


Yeah reach down your hand in your pocket now
Reach down your hand right now
It's been a long day, always
Ain't that right?
Reach down your hand in your pocket now
Reach down your hand right now
It's been a long day, always
Ain't that right?
Oh ain't that right?
Ain't that right right right on child?
Right right right on child right right on child

--Long Day by Matchbox 20
i say 'in some ways' a lot... lol.

so celeste in the city was good. it was cute. predictable, but cute.

i like having two moms. for real, i just call mrs. eades mom. cuz she's my other mom.

ok i'm done being random now. lol.
and i'm back....

in some ways its good. like its good to be near my boy again. :)

but in some ways, i wish i was still at home....

all well. i still have a crapload of stuff to unpack. and i'm thinking i'm gonna watch this celeste in the city movie cuz its looking pretty fun! and i don't have anything else to do all night long.... (j/k i love you)

Saturday, March 13, 2004

in some ways, i'm not looking forward to going back to school. i know that all i've said all week long was that i want to get out of here and get back to canton. but i almost wish that i could just stay here. there's such a familiarity and safeness about being at home. and this is my home. people keep making comments like "when are you coming home" and such, asking about canton. its getting on my nerves. this is my home. i lived here from second grade until college. i still live here on breaks. this is where my family is. i may not like it all the time, i may not like my family all the time. and i'm never really going to live here ever again. but its still my home. that really scares me tho. i'm never going to LIVE here again. like for an extended period time. i'll be here on breaks, and part of the summer (and i probly won't work at camp again after this summer, so all of next summer. anyway...). but my moms told me more than once that i won't be living here after (if.... but thats another story) i graduate. i'm going to be on my own. i don't like that. sometimes, i wish i was still in high school. everything was so certain then.

i don't have time to finish this. i need to get to work. maybe i'll finish it tonight after work, maybe not. i've just been in a really crummy/depressed mood lately, and i don't know what to do. i don't know how to 'fix' myself. oh well. it doesn't matter, cuz i've learned to 'keep up appearances' and make everyone think that i'm fine.

off to McHell for the last time until may...
First screen name: chzoop
First piercing/tattoo:eyebrow
First credit card: i have a debit card. does that count?
First enemy: ummm...probly ashlea norman
First concert: ray boltz, back in the day. i think!! haha. maybe it was that wayne watson/point of grace christmas concert. i don't remember. i've been to a crap load of concerts
first musician you remember hearing in your house: petra probly

Last big car ride: last BIG car ride would have been to bellefontaine with MY alialiali a few weeks back
Last sorta-big car ride? to jansons yesterday
Last kiss: yesterday
Last movie seen: dances with wolves
In the theatre: mona lisa smile for 50 cents with cass, ess, and duff! :)
Last food consumed: macaroni and cheese. blech. lol
Last phone call: i called tim from work yesterday to tell him that i was staying until close
Last CD played: i'm listening to linkin park reanimation, altho i don't like it that much
Last soda drank: coffee~!-----reno dear. coffee is not a soda... haha
Last time scolded: the other day when i put on flip flops and my mom flipped out
Last website visited: reno's to get this survey

I AM: tired
I WANT: to not have to go to work tonight
I HAVE: a headache again
I WISH: that it was midnight so i could be done with work
I HATE: distance
I WONDER: what the heck i'm supposed to be doing
I LOVE: my comfy foam mattress that i left at school. i can't wait to sleep on it again...
I ACHE: when i think about heidi
I ALWAYS: bite my nails
I AM NOT: very smart
I DANCE: in my car when i listen to trans-siberian orchestra :)
I SING: a lot. except when i'm around janson, then i don't sing
I CRY: every freaking night and i hate it
I AM NOT ALWAYS: the way that i might seem to be
I WRITE: in the book that i bought to write to heidi in
I WIN: a lot, cuz i'm a stubborn mule, according to travis
I LOSE: my mind
I CONFUSE: myself and everyone else
I NEED: a nap
I SHOULD: take a nap

YOU KEEP A DIARY: this one, and i have a regular one that no one reads
YOU LIKE TO COOK: no i'm horrible at it

DO YOU...?
GET MOTION SICKNESS: yes horribly so. i can usually handle rollercoasters, but i freaking hate long car rides if i'm not the one driving cuz i usually get sick
LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: if i'm indoors they're ok. oh and they're cool at camp too
CURRENT HAIR COLOR: brown with reddish highlights

NUMBER: don't have one
COLOR: orange
DAY: saturday i guess
MONTH: may or june
SONG(S): a lot
SEASON: spring
DRINK: 2% milk

CUDDLE OR MAKE OUT: i'm a cuddler lol

CRIED? yes
HELPED SOMEONE? i tried, but i suck so it probly didn't do any good...
BOUGHT SOMETHING? yeah i bought excedrin migraine on my break last night
SAID 'i love you'?: yes
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER: wrote in my heidi book
WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL?: in more than one
1. WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING? blue. they're my blue pajama pants that have white stars
2. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? my moms birds I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!! lol. the cd that i want (starting line) is out in my car in my cd player and i don't want to go out there and get it... lol
7. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? my little brother. i called him from work yesterday to tell him that i was staying until close instead of leaving at 9
8. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS? i stole it from reno. he stole it from ali. they're both good people.
10. FAVORITE DRINK? 2% milk
11. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? never had alcohol
12. FAVORITE SPORT? dont really like sports
13. HAIR COLOR? brown, currently with some faint reddish highlights. i don't really like it, but everyone else does
14. EYE COLOR? the color of poop
15. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? i have them, i never wear them
16. SIBLINGS AND THEIR AGES? rusty 21, tim 15
17. FAVORITE FOOD? chex mix
18. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? dances with wolves. and now i'm half an hour into seabiscuit
19. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? i don't think i have one
20. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? probly. i don't know. i've never really asked anyone out i don't think.
21. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
25. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? ali and reno already did. sarah eades my homeschooler maybe?
26. LEAST LIKELY? just about everyone else. lol
27. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? normally at malone with the best roomie, but currently i'm at home and enjoying it
28. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? hmmm lets see... there are quite a few. the chamber by grisham, i started the hobbit again, the oath by peretti, i'm in the middle of re-reading the diary of a teenage girl series... i can't read just one book at once, lol
29. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? its a farmers national bank one that my mom brought home from work
30. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? monopoly me and tim style
31. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? worked 4-close, and then talked to janson online for a long time. i miss him.
32. FAVORITE SMELLS? anything NOT greasy mcdonalds, or the butt smell thats back by the sink at said restaurant
33. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? nope, but donna doo can!
34. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? stories on oprah!! j/k, i've never really seen oprah lol
35. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? either plain or buttered
36. FAVORITE CAR? i don't really care
37. FAVORITE FLOWER? roses are good. especially orange ones :)
38. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 3--key to start my car, key to get into my car, and key to get into/start my moms minivan
39. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
40. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE TRAPPED IN A ROOM WITH? brittany merriman. lol
41. 7-UP OR SPRITE? 7-up
42. COFFEE? only with lots of cream and sugar... lol
43. WHO'S YOUR TRUE LOVE? hey i have one of those! :)
44. FAVORITE PERFUME? i don't wear perfume
45. FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME? i don't know. i'm mad at relient k
46. DOGS OR CATS? cats
47. DO YOU FLOSS? sometimes. when cassie makes me. lol
48. BITE YOUR NAILS? constantly
49. PET PEEVES? when the toilet paper comes out of the bottom and not the top!!!!!!! lol
50. IS YOUR NAME RENO? ummm no that is a very random question lol
You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a lime green neon.
You will marry janson jacobsen and have 831 kids.
You will be a teacher in georgia.

well, at least i marry janson... haha...
craig sent me some pictures last night. i feel compelled to share them with the world (or at least the small group of people who actually read my weblog), because they're hilarious... :)

first, we have craig the greasy italian...

next, we have craig the cowboy...

and last but not least, craig with his hair in a fro. my personal favorite... lol

they make me smile :)

so i ended up closing tonight. what a surprise!!! lol.
it wasn't too bad. i mean the night dragged on freaking forever, and we got out really late, but it was with melissa, nome, and ashley, so it was ok. well except for the whole i had a headache for almost 4 hours until i went on break and went over to sparkle to buy some drugs, cuz no one had any. but its all better now.
nome cracks me up. we spent so much time talking about his man boobs.... haha. he had the best quote tonight, if i can remember it right... he was talking about how girls have cheaper car insurance than guys, and its not fair.
"i'll just cut off my penis and because of my man boobs, i'll get lower insurance."
or something like that. i think you had to be there. it was funny. he had a lot of quotes tonight, but i don't remember any of them. except for when he called the grill a dirty skank cuz it let everyone slap meat on it... wow... 'good times' at mcdonalds... we all hate that place so much... lol.

i haven't really eaten anything today. i'm kinda hungry. i think i want some cereal...

Friday, March 12, 2004

freaking snow. i hate snow. i passed like 4 wrecks on my way back!
anyway. i just got back from jansons. :) unless you're my mom and you're reading this. if you are, then i just got back from casey's house. haha. i love my boy. i love him enough to kinda lie to my mom and sneak out f the house... lol. ok now its time to get something to eat, and then go to work. oh joy....

oh and i love my roomie. she's quite possibly the funniest person i've ever met...

ok of to McHell!!
...sometimes, i can even fool myself...
BTIHAD (best thing i heard all day, for the challenged):
craigrobert1: i still think you need to be able to throw and catch a frisbee by the time summer rolls around :-)
relientkbandgeek: hmmm fat chance on that one
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: i just can't do it
relientkbandgeek: its not in my abilities
craigrobert1: some where out there, beneath the pan of light..... so never, say never, again
craigrobert1: lol
relientkbandgeek: i didn't say never!
relientkbandgeek: lol

craigrobert1: what were you going to say
relientkbandgeek: well i was either gonna crack on your direction-giving skills, or just say that mvnu is bigger than malone
relientkbandgeek: lol
craigrobert1: malone is the same size
relientkbandgeek: enrollment, yes. but i think your campus is bigger
craigrobert1: no, your buildings are just closer together
craigrobert1: well, i guess we did just buy a bunch of land, but it isn't developed yet
craigrobert1: i think there is more open field at malone around the edges
relientkbandgeek: i still have no idea how to actually get to or from there... i got lost on the way out, and i followed someone on the way in
craigrobert1: lol
craigrobert1: what am i gonna do with you
craigrobert1: lol
relientkbandgeek: hey now... who's fault is it that i got lost on the way out? who can't give directions?
craigrobert1: hey, you got your own directions for coming out here
craigrobert1: i only got you lost going out to my house
relientkbandgeek: yeah, which was "go to travis's house. follow travis to tim's house. follow them to meet tim's brother. follow them to the campus." no i definitely got lost with your directions to get back to malone...
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: i ended up going on 71
relientkbandgeek: next time, i'm leaving my car at my grandma's and having her drive me....
relientkbandgeek: lol
craigrobert1: yeah, or you could tell me where your grandma lives and i'll have someone else give you directions from there
craigrobert1: lol
relientkbandgeek: i like the 'have someone else' part
relientkbandgeek: thats nice :-)
craigrobert1: thanks, i thought long and hard about it
relientkbandgeek: did it use too much brain power? are you going to be ok?
craigrobert1: i don't know, i might not recover
relientkbandgeek: hmm there's not much that i can do to help from leetonia. i guess you're screwed
craigrobert1: dang it, i knew it

relientkbandgeek: lool
relientkbandgeek: *lol
craigrobert1: looooool
craigrobert1: sounds like droool
craigrobert1: lol
relientkbandgeek: gee i think maybe craig is tires
relientkbandgeek: *tierd
craigrobert1: ok, getting slap happy
relientkbandgeek: *tired
craigrobert1: lool
relientkbandgeek: and i can't type
craigrobert1: no you can't
craigrobert1: anywho

Thursday, March 11, 2004

so i'm 'sneaking out' tomorrow. i'm leaving here around 9, and coming back in time to be at work at 4. i'm such a bad person... but all well. everyone does it at some time, right?? lol
so my mom and i didn't even make it out of the house before we started fighting, lol. but all well. we lived through the afternoon, and it was actually an ok one. i mean yeah, we had our share of fighting, but don't we always? i didn't go to band at all. we left here later than we meant to, and then did some random shopping. we went to the bookstore behind the dutch house cuz joyce wanted to talk to me (boy was that fun. ............), and to ten thousand villages (i love that store! and arthur and lucille were working, they're sweet people!!), and the dutch cupboard, and the dollar store. i bought fun stuff in the dollar store. yay for cheapness!!
i think i have about an hour left in dances with wolves. it drags a lot. i mean its a good movie, but 4 hours??? wow... its intense. lol
doug was here earlier. he and tim went to mcdonalds after track, and they stopped here first. that kid cracks me up. a lot. i saw him yesterday too. when i was sitting in his van out in the street. lol. anyway...
i'm tired. i think i should go to bed early tonight. or maybe just on time. that would be good too.
i'm done with this post. i'm out of stuff to say... lol
i don't find kevin costner very attractive. especially not with a funky mustache. but in general, i just don't. am i weird?? lol

ok back to movie until mom is ready to go..
my mom let me sleep in till 11 today!! woohoo!! she hates sleeping in, and she usually wakes me up around 9 or 10. but i got up at 11 and it was nice. :) tonight, i'm gonna go to bed on time. but thats cuz i might be getting up early tomorrow. most likely. cuz i'm gonna be a bad kid.... lol
i started watching dances with wolves a bit ago. i'm probly half an hour into it. it isn't that good, but i'm assuming that its gonna get better since everyone loves that movie.
i'm gonna go watch some more of it now. i'm hungry, but i have to wait. mommy and i are going to main street for lunch (i wanted to go yesterday, but mike and keith didn't, so mom and i are going to today! :) ) and she's in the shower.
i might go to the end of band today. i don't know. i want to see my girls, but i don't want to see rodik. but i need to talk to casey anyway, so i'll probly go...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

today was a good day. i didn't sleep well last night, so i'm tired, but yeah...
janson got here around 10:45 or so. he called me and told me he was in my driveway, and i was like "whoa..." cuz i didn't even see him pull in. he brought me an orange rose. :) i love him. :)
we went down to the bank to see my mom, and then to DQ to see christy. jessi was there, so janson and i got some ice cream and talked to them for a bit. when we got back here, i called kutch (tkach) but no one answered. so we just drove over there. mike's dad told us that him and keefry were at keef's dads house, so we went over there for a bit. i played with a bunch of little tiny dogs. they were so cute. awww! :) then keith and mike went to the bank and janson and i came back here to wait for them. then we went to keith's moms so keith could feed his rat and stuff. lol. then we went to perkins for lunch. keith is such a weirdo. i wish he had an off button sometimes, lol. but its all great. it was still fun. we went over to cd warehouse, and i was a good girl and didn't buy anything. but then we went to best buy and i bought the blast soundtrack cuz i've wanted it for awhile. artistic dermagraphics didn't have any clear eyebrow rings in my gauge. how nice... all well.
my car stalled once again on the way home. but i'm pretty sure its just bad gas. cuz i had a fourth of a tank of gas in my car before we left today, and its almost empty now, and i didn't drive it that much. i don't know if i even have enough to make it back to columbiana, lol. all well.
we dropped off mike, then came back here. i was hoping for like 15 minutes of no one being here, but that didn't happen. tim got here right after we did, and mom got here right after tim. i was in a really crummy mood for the last hour or so that he was here. i think its cuz my head hurts really bad, i'm getting tired, i don't want to go to work tonight, my car is pissing me off, and i didn't want him to leave. i'm such a dork. als;dkjfasdlfkjawer.
i don't want to go to the doctor. cuz no matter what the doctor says, i don't want to hear it. i don't want to be told that i need medicine to be happy. but at the same time, i don't want to be told that there's nothing wrong with me and that its all in my head. cuz that means that i'm just a loser. blech. too much thinking.
i don't want to end this on a bad note, even though thats how i'm feeling right now. i did have a really good day with my boy. :) i think it made me miss him more, but i'll get over it. i'll be back on sunday. except i won't see him till monday probly. if i can get out of b/s (i have a good reason don't flip out). lakdf;jal;wkejrawer. i don't want to go to work. i shouldn't be in such a bad mood. i did a good job with my happy face for my family until they left to go to church, so i'll just have to continue with that happy face until after work. all well. i can do it.
at least i had a good day. :) i love you.

i love my roomie :)

relientkbandgeek: GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT?!?!??!
carynpatriciaf: what?
relientkbandgeek: jansons coming over tomorrow :-D
carynpatriciaf: you want a cookie?
relientkbandgeek: i like cookies!
carynpatriciaf: im glad you asked him over but dont have the decentcey to ask me
carynpatriciaf: hmph.
carynpatriciaf: and im your roomie!
relientkbandgeek: i didn't ask him!! he invited himself!
relientkbandgeek: lol
carynpatriciaf: the one who deals with you 24/7
carynpatriciaf: well thats rude!
carynpatriciaf: 8-)
carynpatriciaf: you need to teach your man some manners
relientkbandgeek: lol!!!
carynpatriciaf: but i dont think you mind too much;-)
relientkbandgeek: nope definitely not :-)
carynpatriciaf: well im so happy for you.
relientkbandgeek: thanks roomie!
relientkbandgeek: lol
carynpatriciaf: i guess you didnt catch the sarcasm
carynpatriciaf: :-P just kidding
relientkbandgeek: i did, i just ignored it
relientkbandgeek: :-)
carynpatriciaf: hey whatever works

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

this is only funny if you work at camp or happen to randomly somehow know the song 'God is a good God'. its a fun song. i like it. and i love ali for this... haha

monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
monogram1: he comes to see
monogram1: you on spring break
monogram1: he would even come
monogram1: if it rained a lake

monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
monogram1: he likes to listen
monogram1: to good bands
monogram1: of yellowcard
monogram1: he's a huge fan

monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
monogram1: boy is a good boy yes he is [clap clap]
Then Janson said: I'll be there @ 11

a;lskfja;wlekjr;alwkjera;werolj :) :) :)

is it tomorrow at 11 yet?????????????????
relientkbandgeek: are you actually gonna come?
Then Janson said: I am planning on it

thats all i have to say. :) :) :) :)
work sucked tonight. it was fine until like 9:45. i worked with starr for awhile which was cool, cuz i hadn't seen her since i was on christmas break. but yeah. at 9:45, bob left cuz someone called him and he had to take his daughter to the hospital (i can't really say that i didn't like him leaving. he definitely creeps me out. he's like 50, and he has a fiance, a daughter, and a son, but i dunno... he's just too friendly, in a weird way. and he kept 'bumping' into me. he kinda scares me...). so guess who got to sweep and mop the lobby?? yes thats right. me. cuz i don't know how to close grill at all, so kelli worked on that while she watched the screen, and i did the lobby. and i worked counter and backed up shannon on drive thru when she needed me to. it took me probly 45 minutes to do that, so as soon as i was done i started the dishes. shannon had to leave at 11 cuz she's a minor, but she had most of her stuff done so it was ok. kelli did everything except for sweep and mop the grill, so i did that after i finished dishes. i also had to re-sweep and mop the crew and stock room, cuz joe did a freaking crappy job. so over the course of the night, i swept and mopped the entire store. boy was that fun!!
i got out of there around 11:45. kelli was still doing paperwork, but she told me to go.
so now i'm here, in a bad mood. i hate it when i get like this. but i do it every night, pretty much. this is basically the only time i get to talk to janson all day long, and i hate it when i'm in a crummy mood. i hate myself a lot.
tomorrow is going to be boring. mom works, so i'll be here by myself until i go to work. gee that'll be fun.... lol
ok i'm going to continue talking to janson now. i miss him a lot.

Monday, March 08, 2004

today i got up at 10:30 or so, cuz thats pretty much the latest my mom will let me sleep in. i called jeff and made an appointment to bring my car down around 1. then i played zoo tycoon for awhile. that game is great. :) mom and i went down to jeff's. he looked at my car for awhile, then came out and basically said he doesn't know whats wrong with it. it might be something about a switch (he explained it but i don't remember... haha) or it might be bad gas, or something little like that. so he told me to drive it around for the rest of the week and see what it does, and then call him again. i love jeff, cuz most mechanics would have charged like $20 for me even bringing it down there. but cuz i'm 'tight' with his fiance, lol, he didn't charge me anything. he even checked my oil for me, cuz he knows that i can't do it. lol.
on my way home i saw that christy was working in the dairy queen, so i did a nice little almost u-turn to go see her. lol. it was a good time. i love that girl.
then i got back here and mom did my hair while we watched mickey blue eyes. wow that was an interesting movie... i can't say that i liked it, lol. and my hair messed up a bit, so we're probly do it over again on thursday. it doesn't necessarily look bad, i just want it to be darker.
time for worky!! i work 5-close tonight. blech.
ok so i'm gonna update so janson has something to read... haha. where did i leave off yesterday?? :)

saturday afternoon
yeah jaclyn was so random. it cracked me up a lot. after sunny's i went to marc's real quick and bought some hair dye, then i met them at wal-mart (by the bandanas... haha). they bought some cds. i bought some more yarn. i borrowed britt's new testament notes since i skipped class the other day and we have a test on tuesday, and got her cell number so i can call her about going to butler. then i went home, read for a sec, and went to work.

saturday night
work was alright. nome was there for the first hour. after a bit, i was like 'nome some things have changed since the last time i saw you...' he was like 'your lips lost their virginity didn't they?!?!' and he applauded me. it was so funny. the conversation escalated from there, and we ended up talking about mennonite girls reactions to the word sex. it was hilarious. i missed that kid.
julie went on break as i started pre-close dishes, so we blasted yellowcard in the crew room. it was a good time. :) she's so much fun to work with!
i got out a bit early, which was nice.
hmmm what did i do last night... i showered when i got home. i hate the smell of that place. then we watched ocean's 11. it was a good movie!! and then i stayed up till 2:30 talking to janson online... haha

i got up around 8:45, and went to church. well mom drove me to church since my car is still in the garage undriveable... lol. so yeah, mom and tim both came to church with me. that made me happy. they both really like my church. i love my church too. :) i guess steve had to drop out of MVNU, that's sad. but he has a job (well he starts one tomorrow) and he's gonna work and go to kent salem until he can go back to MVNU) and jeremiah wasn't there today, that's sad too. i don't know when their spring break is. all well. it was a good service, and i absolutely love my sunday school class. they're the greatest. :) i'm glad that i get to go next week too, cuz i really missed them.
we came home after that, picked up dad, and went to east of chicago for the sunday buffet. mmmm i love the sunday buffet there. its so good. :)
mom dad and tim left pretty much as soon as we got home from there to go to alliance to see the passion. i stayed cuz i had to work, and plus i don't know if i want to see it or not. i basically sat on the computer the whole time i was here. lol.
then i went to work. i was only supposed to work 5-8, but someone called off and the other closer was a no call no show, so kelli asked me to close. i said i would, cuz she looked desperate. she was gonna have christa stay, and she'd been there since 8 AM. so i closed. it was horrible, lol. so it was a 'fun time'....
out of the 6 1/2 hours that i was there... 3 of them were spent with me working the grill completely by myself, making the food, keeping all the meat and nuggets and chicken and the prep table stocked, filling the shake machine, heating up any needed soup, and cooking any needed pies. 1 1/2 hours were spent doing the closing dishes. about an hour was spent with someone actually helping me in grill. half an hour was spent on break. gee what a fun night.
but i worked with julie and shanny (kenny broke up with her!!! i'll kill him for hurting my shannon!! lol), so that was good. the old bob (there are 2 bobs now.. old bob and mcbob.. lol) was a little weird to work with, but we got outta there at 11:25 so that was good.
i came home, talked to mom about the passion for a bit, took a shower, and now i'm talking to janson. the best part of my day... :)

tomorrow i'm going to call jeff and hopefully (somehow, haha) take my car down to him. and mom's gonna do my hair. and i work 5-8.

i miss janson a lot. in case you all were wondering... :)

i miss ali too. i'm too used to talking to her whenever i feel like it. ahhh i'm ready to go back to canton. without the whole 'classes' part. just being in canton. lol
201. are insects cool: i don't really care one way or the other
202. are spiders THE MOST DISGUSTING creatures on this earth: not really, but maggie thinks so. :)
203. were men a mistake: just some of them
204. do you like Mexican food: sometimes
205. ever been out of the USA: canada, didn't we already have this question?
206. are little kids fun or annoying: fFUNFUNFUN!!! :)
207. gum or hard candy: gum
208. night or day: night
209. do you like to call or be called: be called, but i usually call
210. what does your ideal bf/gf look like: hmmm i'm thinking JANSON :)
211. act like: see above
212. dream date: i don't know
213. what's the last book you read: i'm almost done with artemis fowl eternity code
214. the last CD you listened to: yellowcard while i was doing dishes at work, and then story of the year on the way home
215. can you sew: no
216. what time were you born: around 2 or 3 AM i think
218. who did you go to your last school dance with: jeremiah wagner
219. do you play solitaire non-stop: i used to be really addicted to spider solitaire. i still play it a lot
220. have you ever been on TV: nope
221. in the newspaper: i think
222. what elementary school did you go to: van wert elementary, some elementary school in east palestine, washingtonville elementary, and then orchard hill elementary
223. high school: leetonia
224. do you have a job: yes, i have 3 technically
225. if yes, what: computer lab monitor at school, mcdonalds at home, and camp luz in the summer
226. what is Pooh bear: makes me think of lynne
227. what was the brand of your first bike: i think a huffy probly
228. what kind of car do you want: i don't care. something that runs with minimal or no problems
229. what's your mom's maiden name: ewalt
230. do you bite your fingernails: constantly
231. your toenails: ummm NO! lol
232. do you keep a journal: this one and a paper one
233. do you twirl your hair: yes
235. do you impersonate people: not really
236. have you ever relayed commercials: definitely
237. do you chew gum obnoxiously: i hope not
238. drool when you sleep: sometimes
239. do you sleep w/ a stuffed animal: yes
240. how often do you shower: every day/ every other day
241. brush your teeth: twice a day
242. how often do you hug people: depends on the person
243. what's on your nails: nothing
244. your toenails: nothing
245. have your parents actually told you you were a mistake: i don't think
246. what's in your desk: at school...i just cleaned it so not much. my computer, a mug with some pens/markers in it, some cds/computer games, i think thats about it
247. what's in your CD player right now: i was the last one to use my mom's cd player, so it has train, skillet, and the starting line in it
248. what's on your bedroom ceiling: white paint
249. what's in your closet: junk/clothes/shoes
250. how often do you clean your room: caryn and i clean our dorm every once in awhile... haha

286. what's your house gonna look like: i don't know/care
287. do you really care about it right now: no
288. where are you gonna live: no idea
289. what career do you wanna have in life: wish i knew
290. how many kids: i don't know, maybe 2 or 3??
291. if you could marry ANYONE who would it be: josh groban!! haha
292. rather marry perfect lover or best friend: best friend
293. what kind of animals are you gonna have: i don't know

294. stroodle: toodles from peter pan (lol THAT was random)
295. Amy: vadasz
296. Zeke: amish name
297. duck: tales
298. golf: heathro
299. geek: glasses
300. Jess: gilmore girls
301. sponge: cake
302. taffy: daffy duck
(sometimes i wonder about the state of my brain.. haha)

303. your best friend moved away: .......... no comment
304. your parents died: that'd be sad
305. you found out you were adopted: it would be a shock, but i don't think it would change much
306. you won the lottery: i'd get married ;)
307. you found you only have 48 hours to live: i don't know... thats hard
308. you were diagnosed with leukemia: that would suck
309. you failed your current grade: not go back to school, stay at home and work for awhile
310. you had to move: i guess i wouldn't really care, i don't really live at home anymore anyway

311. was I NOT right: about what?
312. was it time consuming: yeah
314. was this one of the best surveys ever: ummm sure
315. how long did it take you: like an hour earlier, and then 15 minutes or so tonight

Sunday, March 07, 2004

1. first name: tracey
2. middle name: deanna
3. last name: yoder
4. hair color: currently brown, but that will probly change tomorrow. i'm tired of my hair. :)
5. eye color: the same color as poop, basically
6. height: somewhere around 5'7 or 5'8
7. shoe size: 9
8. b-day: april 15, 1985
9. grade: freshman in college
10. school: malone
11. current location: home for spring break
12. birthplace: columbus, OH
13. hospital: riverside methodist
14. righty or lefty: righty
15. who were you named after: no one
16. what does your name mean: i have no idea
17. single or taken: taken
18. if single, who do you like:
19. how many sibs do you have: 2--rusty's 21 and tim's 15. and i have a lot of 'adopted siblings', such as the horst family (haha), elizabeth, and craig
20. do you like them: which ones? my little brother rocks, rusty's ok, and the rest are awesome but not really related to me :)
21. Do you look like them: apparently i look like a horst! lol
22. how many cousins: i don't know. not a lot, unless you count all my 2nd and 3rd and 8th cousins on my dad's side (basically all of holmes county, lol)
23. are your parents divorced: no
24. are stepparents evil: i don't know
25. do you adore your grandparents: i don't 'adore them' but they're cool
26. who's your second family: jenny's, ali's, ben's
27. do you wish you were adopted: ummm no
28. have you ever been to a family reunion?: unfortunately

29. say ONE thing to ANYONE: i don't know... lol
30. best friends: i have a NON-BEST friend. brittany spaulding. does that count?? :)
31. friend/s you don't have to do anything w/ and can still have fun: pretty much all of them
32. friend/s you tell your dreams/wishes to: i don't much
33. friend/s that you think you're telepathically connected to: ali and kelli
34. friend/s you want to grow old with: i'm not picky. :) all of them
35. friend/s you have the most fun with: pretty much all of them
36. friend/s you go to for advice: ali
37. friend/s you'd do ANYTHING for: almost any of them
38. friend/s you've had HUGE fights w/and still managed to befriends w/: ALIALIALI!!! wow definitely her. kinda david too, although it wasn't really a fight persay
39. friend/s that you owe money: i don't think i owe anyone
40. friend/s that owe you money: roomie, jami, and meghan
41. friend/s who know what's wrong before you do: i don't think anyone does
42. friend/s that you've known since kindergarten: i've known kelli for a freaking long time. like 10+ years or something like that
43. friend/s that are smarter than you: haha all of them, i'm dumb
44. friend/s that act the most like you: i don't know my head hurts stop asking hard questions lol
45. friend/s that you spend the most time with: people at school, ali, kelli

46. fave color: orange
47. fave word: i don't know...
48. fave ice cream: superman
49. fave junk food: sour patch kids
50. fave TV show: gilmore girls
51. fave TV actor: don't really have one
52. fave TV actress: see above
53. fave movie actor: see above above
54. fave movie actress: sandra bullock
55. fave movie: princess bride, beautiful mind, extreme days, minority report, almost famous, robin hood prince of thieves, some other random ones that i can't think of right now lol
56. fave type of movie: musicals :)
57. fave soundtrack: robin hood prince of thieves
58. fave singer: joshy
59. fave band: relient k, but all i listen to right now is pretty much yellowcard. lol
60. fave radio station: radio u
61. fave song: a lot
62. fave type of music: whatever is cool with me. i've even been listening to a bit of country lately, haha. but still no R&B. i still hate that. :)
63. fave fast food restaurant: i don't really care
64. fave sit down restaurant: max and erma's
65. fave state: unconsciousness (aka sleep)
66. fave place to relax: jansons
67. fave place to hang out: jansons
68-70 are gone??? lol
71. fave animal: pigs
72. fave pair of shoes: flip flops. and my chucks that are slowly dying.. *sniff*
73. fave pants: pajama pants
74. fave shirt: my energize me shirt
75. fave sport/s: to play: not much
76. fave hobby: crocheting :)
77. fave food: chex mix
78. fave stores: thrift, walmart, jcpenney, old navy bargain section
79. fave book: little women by louisa may alcott :)
80. fave author: grisham and peretti
81. fave scripture: 2 corinthians 4:8-9
82. fave magazine: brio
83. fave catalog: don't have one
84. fave teacher/s: don't really have one. carchedi was fun my senior year. fawc was cool too
85. fave grade so far: i don't know. either sophomore or senior year i guess. junior year SUCKED big time
86. fave girl's name: ??
87. fave guy's name: micah
88. who's your hero: currently? i think the last person i called my hero was janson
89. fave season: spring
90. fave present you got for your birthday: i don't know about for my birthday
91. for Christmas: christy taking me to trans-siberian orchestra last year, and to BLAST! this past christmas
92. fave vacation spot: camp luz, cuz i've never really been on a real vacation, unless you count camping which i don't cuz i hated it
93. fave soda: pepsi
94. fave drink: milk
95. fave number: 23
96. fave sound: i don't know
97. fave shape: i don't know
98. fave texture: i don't know
99. fave flower: i don't reallly have one, is that sad?? lol
100. fave day: saturday
101. fave possession: my journals and photo albums

102. where do you want to go to college: i'm at malone
103. pen or pencil: pencil
104. blue or black: black
105. what color are the walls in your room: white in my dorm, flowery here at home
106. what's under your bed: a huge mess
107. what does your bed spread look like: at school its care bears, here at home its one my mommy made me :)
108. who did you take your first steps to: ask my mom i dont' know
109. pick a theme song for yourself: no idea
110. what's the worst thing you've ever eaten: ko's beans.... ugh!!! those of you that he made try them feel me on this one
111. what'd you do yesterday: got up around 10:30, did nothing, met brittany and jaclyn for lunch at 1, went to marcs and then wal-mart, came home in time to read for a bit, worked 4-8, showered, got online for a bit, watched ocean's 11, then got back online and talked to janson till 2:30 AM... so much for recovering my sleep over break lol
112. how about today: got up at 8:45, got dressed, went to church, went to sunday school (i love my sunday school class... getting to go to it is like a treat for me, they're so awesome), went to lunch at east of chicago with my family, then they left to go see the passion. i work 5-8, and then i'll do nothing for the rest of the night
113. what do u plan on tomorrow: getting up around 10:30 again, calling jeff and hopefully taking my car down to him, my moms gonna highlight/trim my hair, i need to call britt and make plans for butler museum, and i work 5-8
114. do you go to church: yup. i love my church here at home. i miss it when i'm gone
115. do you believe in God: yeha
116. do you exercise regularly: no
117. do you use a treadmill: no
118. where do you most wanna have sex: honeymoon
118. the most powerful experience you've ever had: a lot of stuff at camp
119. is your house old or new: middle... lol i don't know
120. what color is it: red
121. do you have a pool: no
122. a hot tub: no
123. a trampoline: no
124. what's the weirdest movie you ever saw: home fries
125. do you believe in love at first sight: no
126. have you ever been in love: yes
127. do you get along with your sibs: most of the time
128. w/your folks: sometimes
129. what bones have you broken: none
130. have you ever laughed so hard that you peed: ...yes...
131. what was so funny: ask leah. lol
132. how many foreign countries have you been to: none. except canada.
133. if it could rain ONE thing: happiness
134. do you prefer one or two pillows: AT LEAST two
135. what are you wearing right now: glittery corduroy pants and a nice shirt (still dressed from church)
136. what snacks do you get at a movie theater: none i'm too cheap
137. bad habits: nail biting and being a jerk
138. good habits: ummm NONE! lol
139. do you want to wait for marriage: YES
140. do you think this survey is gay: ummmm sure
141. do you do drugs: no
142. have you ever: no
143. do you smoke: no
144. have you ever: no
145. do you drink: no
146. have you ever: no
147. are you in band at school: not anymore, but i was from 5-12 grade
148. are you any good: i was when i was in it. i was second chair!! lol
149. do you like sarcasm: yes
150. have you ever given yourself a swirlie: ummm no
151. has anyone ever given you a swirlie: no
152. if you were to get a tattoo, where would you get it andwhat would it be: i stole the idea from kelli: small black star on my left wrist
153. do earrings belong on a guy: sure
154. if you could move anywhere: out of ohio
155. would you shave your head for money: probly not
156. how much:
157. do you tell the people that you love that you love them: yes
158. have you ever eaten lunch w/a cop: nope
159. have you even gotten cocky w/ a cop: nope
160. what do you wish you'd done that you haven't: i have a list!! haha
161. what do you wish you hadn't done that you have: ...............
162. you're embarrassed about: hitting lynne in the head with a baseball bat in 3rd grade!!!
163. you love: janson
164. one thing someone could do to make you fall in love with them: just be themselves and be honest and stuff. i don't know. lol
165. when was the last time you yelled: ummm... i don't remember. i haven't been mad in awhile
167. if you could punish one person, who would it be and what would you do to them: ???
168. do ceiling fans scare you: not really. but this question always reminds me of doug and how we used to watch our ceiling fans while talking on the phone
169. do spinning chairs scare you: they're much fun
170. are roller coasters fun: muchly
171. name one thing: headache
172. if you could turn into any animal: i don't know
173. have you ever run away from home: no
174. what's your favorite jello flavor: peach
175. if you could fly, would you: as Doug would say: you bet I would!!!
177. what's the background on your computer: at school its the one that i made myself. here its some boring gateway thing
178. what's on your mouse pad: at school its princess bride. here its my MYST one that my mom stole from me, lol
179. what kind of computer is it: mine's a dell. this one is a crapwa-i mean gateway
180. do you have Yahoo! Messenger, mIRC, ICQ, AIM, MSN, or AOL: no no no yes yes no
181. what's your screen name: there's a lot of them. but my main one is relientkbandgeek on AIM
182. water bed or mattress: mattress
183. lights on or off: off
184. do you like surprise parties: i don't know
185. follower or leader: i'm a follower
186. passive or aggressive: i tend to be a little of both, but more passive
187. sit or stand: siy
188. make the moves or wait: wait
189. what kind of milk do you like the best: 2%
190. cat or dog: cat
191. is junk food good for you: no
192. biking or blading: neither
193. skiing or boarding: neither
194. hottest guy/gal you know: i'm pretty partial to janson :)
195. rain or snow: rain
196. you're the most jealous of: i don't know
197. what do you do when it rains: i play in it sometimes :)
198. eyes open or closed: closed
199. gloves or mittens: gloves
200. is Bill Clinton a nice guy: i don't know

theres like a hundred more questions, but my head hurts and i'm bored. i'll finish it later tonight after work.