Wednesday, July 28, 2004

oh yeah!!!

FRIDAY JULY 30, 7 pm
Kidron Mennonite Church (take Rt. 30 to Kidron Rd., and it'll be on your right after awhile)
Music Camp progam entitled 'Once Upon a Parable'
Come watch!!! :)
days like today make me happy. i've had fun today.

music rehearsal this morning was fun, and i did a good job turning the pages for katrina!! lol
then katrina and i worked on transposing the rest of the music for the trombones, and its all done, yay!!!!!
then it was lunch time. after lunch, rochelle (westfall, the one thats my age) and i went back to our room, curled up on my bed, and i read pride and prejudice to her. it was so much fun to read. we were enjoying ourselves. :)
then i drove tamara and terri to MCC connections to buy some stuff, and i bought some piano music. (christy michaels definitely just said "hey we could teach the staff! 'this is a knife, this is a condom...'" the things you hear in the office....).
i don't know. today's just been a fun day. now its time to go lead some crafts. with rochelle. yay!!! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

oh i forgot a highlight... rochelle and i helped kirk set up a swing yesterday. i always feel like a beast when i help kirk out, cuz usually when you say, "do you want help?" he says no. i'm such a stupid GIRL sometimes... i had never SEEN, let alone USED a wratchet before yesterday, but now i have!! lol

ok now i'm done for real
ok so rewind to last week, boys camp. it was a lot of fun, probly one of my best weeks of camp ever. i was on maintenance, so i did a lot of fun stuff.
such as:
monday i used the breath of God to get all the leaves and stones and sticks and other crud off of all the sidewalks and porches and such at camp
tuesday i used the pressure washer, alllll day long on various projects
wednesday i mulched with jenny, erin, and becca. and i drove the pug around (to get more mulch and stuff like that). i even got it into and drove it in reverse several times. i'm proud of myself for learning how to drive stick shift (even if a certain person who said they would teach me never did!!!)
thursday i started helping becca with the trebuchets. MUCH fun! we used power tools!!! like drills, and saws. and we used hammers. and stuff. it was a lot of fun.
i did that again on friday.
saturday ended a very important time in my life... due to the oversights of one ali monnot (who had not been informed of my plan, and proceeded to ruin it and cause ian to see me coming with a big bucket of ice water), i lost the water war that had been going on between me and ian all through mini and boys camp. so because of that, ian won the fight. (GRRR!!!!!!! lol).

saturday around noon, brian schlabach came and picked up me and erin. and we had an awesome weekend! we ate at el campesino's with ali, kelli, and steve (and told the waiters that it was steve's birthday so they would sing to him... mwa ha ha!) and then erin, brian, and i went to brian's house. we hung out, then bought food at wal-mart to do all our cooking. we made french toast, stir fry, carrot cake (with cream cheese icing), and we had watermelon and stuff too. it was sooooo good... :). we hung out, and went to church, and brought their friend katie home from church, then we ate, then brian hershberger came over, then ali and steve came over, and we played card games and hung out until we came back to camp.

so far, the highlights of this week are... i got so much stuff yesterday!!! i got 2 letters (one containing a shrek watch with princess fiona on it and some pictures), an email from my favorite co ever, courtney, a BK bracelet from katrina (and no its not an advertisement for burger king... the select few cool ones know what it means... its a varation of NBK... haha), and a shirt.... so i'm katrina's page turner for the musical, and yesterday ian came in, and i was like "what? why is he here?" cuz he's done for the summer, and he threw a shirt at me, and then left. and then i read the shirt, and cracked up. the front says "T VS. I (tracey vs. ian) WATER WAR '04" and the back says "LOSER". the back of his says "WINNER". thats the funniest thing ever... haha.
other highlights: rochelle westfall. she makes me laugh so much, i'm glad that i'm working with her this week.
now i'm going to go talk to janson, and then maybe go read more of pride and prejudice before crafts... bye all!

Monday, July 26, 2004

(i really shouldn't be sitting in the office taking the time to do this, lol, but i saw it in lynne's journal and thought it was fun)

Child of the 90's. Bold the ones you've done.

1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCH!"
2. You watched the Pound Puppies
3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-Sitters Club and tried to start a club of your own....
6. You owned those strawberry short cake and scented dolls
7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom.
8. Two words: M.C. Hammer
9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock."
10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
11. You can sing the entire theme song to Duck Tales
12. You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
13. You wore a pony tale on the side of your head
14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.
15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
16. You played the game "MASH".
17. You wore a Jordache Jean jacket and you were proud of it.
18. L.A. Gear.
19. You wanted to change your name to "Jem" in kindergarten
20. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing" and all the Ramona books.
21. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF."
22. You wanted to be a Goonie.
23. You ever wore fluorescent clothing.
24. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.
25. You have pondered why Smurffette was the only female smurf
26. Took plastic carton lunch boxes to school
27. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
28. You remember Hypercolor T-shirts
29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence.
30. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up.
32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.
33. You owned a pair of jelly sandals.
34. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
36. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
37. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip 'n' Slide.
38. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
39. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's.
41. You remember Popples.
42. "Don't worry, be happy."
43. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights.
44. You wore socks scrunched down.
45. "Miss MARY MACK MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK"
46. You remember boom boxes vs. CD players.
47. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
48. You knew what it meant to say "The Care Bear stare"
49. You remember watching Rainbow Bright, and My Little Pony
50. You thought Doogie Howser was hot.
51. You remember Alf the little brown furry alien from Melmac
52. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool.
53. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell," the ORIGINAL class. LIKE NO OTHER!
54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - "YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME".
55. You played and or collected "Pogs"
56. You used to pretend that you could transform into a Power Ranger.

haha.... yeah... some of that is a little embarrassing to admit... i guess that just comes with being a child of the 90's! ok now its time to go make a name tag and welcome campers to music camp!! (or time to join the guys in debs office watching strongbad... that sounds more fun...) :)

Friday, July 23, 2004

well thats an adrenaline rush like no other... me, who absolutely HATES ro run, was just running from place to place around camp, and i'm not even winded. wow... i hate it when things like that happen. but its all ok, he just forgot to take his name off the board that we use for swimming, and then we couldn't find him. but he's been found... but goodness did that scare me...

ok. so virginia was awesome. thursday night we went to bob evans and ate, then i think to wal-mart, and then hung out at her house.
friday i did laundry while sarah did some errands, then we-hmm.... what did we do?? oh yeah--we bought tickets for spiderman 2--well we didn't buy them, i had 2 free tickets to any movie at any regal cinema, so we got them for free. then we went to starbucks, and then to the movie. which was amazing, may i say... ohhhh it was so good!!! then we hung out in the mallish area. i bought a journal for like $2.40 at B. Dalton, its great. its really little, i love it. then we went to barnes and noble cuz i wanted to buy a book that they were out of a B. Dalton. so now i have a little hardcover copy of pride and prejudice, yay! i think we went back to her house after that.
saturday we were a bit lazy, then we had a picnic on a mountain!!!! ohhhhhhh it was gorgeous!!!! and yeah... wow. it was so pretty!!! then we went to her mom's house and i met her family. we had dinner at her church that night, a picnic for VBS. after that we watched the bourne identity, which i really liked. then we went to bed.
sunday we got up, got dressed, and went to church. sarah taught sunday school, and her kids were so fun! we only stayed for a bit of the service, cuz i wanted to get going. we stopped at burger king on the way to her house, cuz i wanted burger king. then i got my stuff together, got online for a bit, met her roommate dana (who had been in wisconsin), then left around 2:30. the ride back was fine, until i accidentally turned east instead of west and drove an hour in the wrong direction in crummy weather... i learned a lot about driving in foggy, rainy mountain weather... it took me a little over 9 hours to get just to canton, and it was past midnight, so i stayed at janson's house cuz i didn't want to wake anyone up at camp, it would have been almost 1 am by the time i got there.
monday morning i left jansons (it was really good to see him!!!) and got here just in time for stuff. and i've been here since.  more about this week a later date....

the dinner bell just rang. CHICKEN!! i love this meal... :)

i'm sorry. i don't know what else to say....
ok so rewind rewind...

last week (monday-thursday) was mini camp. i my co was elena, and we had a good week! i had the most challenging camper that i have ever had in my life that week, so that was really hard, and really tiring, but in all it was a good week. i really enjoyed getting to know elena better, too. she was so awesome, cuz i was in the middle of planning my trip that week, and she was so awesome about me leaving to make phone calls and stuff.
on thursday, i got directions from andrew, he and christy explained them to me, and i skipped pizza hut and left. i met my mom for like 10 minutes in a parking lot at malone (i dunno... i guess it somehow made her feel better if she saw me before i left, lol), and then i was off. i spent the next 7 hours in my car. well like 6 and a halfish hours. but anyway. ohhhhhhh the mountains.... they were so beautiful!! i loved driving on 33, cuz it wound around, and up and down, and around, and up, then down... it was great

badness badness... more later.... ahhh lost camper and such...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

mornings at camp make me laugh. its 9, but i didn't want to get out of bed this morning (and seeing how i'm maintenance this week, i didn't have to). so i've only been awake for like an hour. during breakfast, i was being really random. such as, i proclaimed myself to have been a dinosaur in a past life, and proceeded to act it out. i love it here. i can't believe that its over in like 2 and a half weeks. where did this summer go?? its crazy... i'm so not ready to leave at all. i love the people here so much.

anyway. that was just a random post. now i'm going to go read and crochet for a bit before chapel. as long as today's plans don't involve the pressure washer, which i used all day yesterday, i'll be a happy camper....

(i know i'm still behind a bit on posting. i'll get back on here sometime this week and get on it, i promise!)

happy 6 months plus one day! i love you!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

i don't really have time to post. i'll try to get on a computer some time this week during boys camp. i'm leaving virginia soon. i'm sad. :( i'm really gonna miss sarah, i've had an awesome weekend!!! soon, i'll be getting in my car, and driving for 7 hours... oh joy!!

Friday, July 16, 2004

hello, i am alive. and wow, blogger is different. does it work? lets play...
my name is tracey. i'm in virginia. there are now colors in blogger!!
anyway. lol. i can change my font too. ha! this is fun!
anyway anyway. lol. lets get caught up...
jr high camp was amazing. i had 8 girls in my cabin, and i didn't counsel by myself, cuz elizabeth was there dropping off john (and nicole was there and her and russell--liz's older brother--are engaged!!! i'm so excited!!!!) and she ended up going home, getting stuff for the week, and was back by monday night to co-counsel with me. our girls were so much fun. they spent the week plotting against us, and it was just hilarious. i loved those girls. :)
that weekend, i (along with angela, anita, terri, heidi, and marc) drove erin to the cleveland airport, then after dropping her off, we spent a few hours at the cleveland zoo. it was so much fun!! we were taking pictures of ourselves with our animals (marc with a cheetah, kangaroos for melanie, giraffes for heather, we couldn't find a tapir for me... oh and we found an animal called kirk's dik-dik, so we took a picture of that for kirk), and just had fun. and acted like little kids. when we got back, kelli, terri, anita, marc, heather, and i watched mrs. doubtfire. haha. that movie makes me laugh. then we made smores. and stuff. then i went to bed.
i went to chestnut ridge last sunday, cuz i missed my friends. kelli, heather, and marc came with me. after eating at camp, and getting my laundry done, i went over to travis' house and hung out with him and tim miller. we called justin, but he wasn't home. travis and tim were recording a song, so i was watching movies on ben's laptop, and playing with travis's camera. i took some fun pictures. :) i started to leave there around 5:40, since i'm supposed to be at camp by 5:45. but then justin called, and was like "come see me." so i stopped at his house on my way back to camp, and ended up being like 20 minutes late to camp... haha.
sarah just got home!! bye for now!!!

Sunday, July 04, 2004

the rest of camp was super good. us worker bees continued to be slackers, and eat lots of good food in our room and such. we made this amazing creation on friday night... mmmm.... it was so good!!! oh and i forgot thursday night... we were definitely all laying in a circle on the floor (plus heidi, jenny, and angela) with our chins on the ground staring at a toothpick that was stuck in the carpet. it was a good time. we have some good pictures from that one. :) friday night i got my butt kicked in nerts by anita and angela and erin (duh... i know... haha). and then andrew made us go to bed. so we went to bed.

yesterday, as i said, was random. we went to pizza hut, and ali and michelle showed up, and then craig drove me back to camp and i got my car and followed brian (who had anita and erin in his car) to anita's house, and ali, michelle, and steve followed me. we hung out at anita's house, taking pictures on ali's camera (definitely took some of me doing my tapir impression... yeah it was a good time haha) and kelli came, and there was playing of nerts and egyptian ratscrew. then ali, michelle, kelli, steve, and i left to go get janson and go to akron to go to VDO. yeah it sucked. but thats ok. then we went to massillon to go to ali's house. then ali, steve, and kelli went to camp to get something for me. and michelle took me and janson to his house so i could start my laundry and such. and i played with michelle's phone the whole way, and made it fun. i love michelle a lot. :) then she left. :( then ali, steve, and kelli picked us up and we went to kent to go to steve's house (yay! mom was there!!!) and then go see fireworks. the fireworks were ok, but honestly, they were nothing compared to columbiana's. and it was the first time in like 2 years or something like that that i'd even seen fireworks (minus last years watching it on the hill at craig's house with him, matt, and sarah), and i remembered how me and leah used to lay on a blanket and try to hide from the fireworks. i love my leah!! (leah if you read this---heather showalter is back at camp this summer!! last week was her first week back. she asked about you, and told me to tell you hi!!). then we hung out for awhile. then went back to steve's. then mom took care of me and my frustrations. i love mom (even if she isn't really my mom...). then ali and kelli brought me and janson back here. and i did my laundry, and it took a long time. and then i slept.

now i'm off to see mimi!!! i haven't seen her in like 2 years, or is it 3?? i don't know... but i'm excited!

oh--prayers appreciated this week. there are so many campers coming that i'm counseling by myself. so it could get a little stressed for tracey... but it should still be an awesome week! :)

Saturday, July 03, 2004

hello hello! today has been a random day. i don't have time to post about it. more tonight...

for now, i'm waiting for ali, kelli, and steve to come get me and janson so we can go to fireworks in kent, yayayay! :)