Thursday, January 15, 2004

today i was tiiiiiiiired all day. silly body. it thinks because it slept like 10 hours a night over break that it gets to sleep that much now. noooo!!! i only sleep like 6 hours a night when i'm at school!
tonight was fun. janson came on campus to eat dinner with people from his humanities class. he hung out in here with me and caryn for awhile. i think i only talked to him a few times last semester, but i'm glad that i'm getting to know him now. i was a little 'iffy' about going to steak n shake with him and caryn on sunday night cuz i didn't really know him that well, but i'm glad i went. it was a good time. :)
working the 'late shift' SUUUUUCKS!!!!!!! first of all, i'm down there in that lab with like no one around. what if someone came and like killed me or something???? lol. there was only like 3 people using computers the whole night. i shut down one of the labs early cuz no one was using it. but all well. its over now. i don't have to work that late again till next week. now i'm going to bed, cuz i have that lovely class at 8 tomorrow.... BLECH!!

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