According to your hygiene, which Hogwarts old person are you?
this quiz by aoudakav
thats gross. i promise that i shower more than voldemort does!!!
My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, A More Meaningful Harry Potter House Sorter, is Hufflepuff: You are the pillars supporting the wizarding world. You are the builders and workers keeping society running smoothly. You take great pride in your accomplishments. You do not like getting involved in anything risky, worried about losing all that you have worked hard for, but you still manage to be generous to those who need help. You enjoy good company and are fiercely loyal to friends who have proven themselves to you. You work hard to be an upstanding citizen, and think of others as the same, unless they give you good reason not to. You are both practical and efficient. You aren't afraid of work, knowing that it will pay off in the long run. Many Hufflepuffs eventually acquire positions of great wealth and respect. You aren't likely to whine or complain, knowing that for the most part, things usually work out for the best.
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