i had a nice nap last night. well it got interrupted 4 times, lol, but it was still good. (jessie brought caryn's notebook, liz called, ali called, and then janson called to wake me up). i'm so out of it when i wake up. i slept for like 5 more minutes after janson called. so i got up, put on pants cuz i was wearing shorts to sleep, peed, and went to jansons. on our way out to my car, we ran into kelli and sara. i love kelli and sara!!! :) i miss those two. lets do something sometime!!!
i was at jansons till almost 5. lol. niiice. i was going to sleep in today, but i didn't. i slept for about 4 and a half hours. all well. it was worth it. :)
so now i'm just sitting around. i have class in a few. then i'm eating lunch with heather. then i'm gonna study a bit for world civ 2. then i'm going to that class. then i'm gonna shower and pack, and i want to leave here before 4 for WEST LIBERTY!!!!!!!!!! :) i'll be back here sunday afternoon, like 4-ish. i'll miss you guys!! pray for me. its gonna be a long drive thru snow, and we all know how much i like snow....
Friday, January 30, 2004
Thursday, January 29, 2004
FiReBoLt4mE2: I just was going to say
FiReBoLt4mE2: that these are my pants
relientkbandgeek: these ARE your pants?? cuz i thought they weren't your pants
relientkbandgeek: and i was wondering
FiReBoLt4mE2: they are
relientkbandgeek: whose pants are they anyway?
FiReBoLt4mE2: well the costa rican's tried to steal them
FiReBoLt4mE2: but they weren't theres
relientkbandgeek: but they're still your pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: yep
FiReBoLt4mE2: I think
relientkbandgeek: you think.
relientkbandgeek: way to be sure
FiReBoLt4mE2: ha ha
FiReBoLt4mE2: they feel like my pants
relientkbandgeek: how can they feel like your pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: they just do ok
FiReBoLt4mE2: I feel them
FiReBoLt4mE2: and they feel like pants
relientkbandgeek: well yes
relientkbandgeek: but do they really feel
relientkbandgeek: like YOUR pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: see I don't know
FiReBoLt4mE2: because they are clean
FiReBoLt4mE2: I don't know what that feels like
relientkbandgeek: you only wear dirty pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: well you know
FiReBoLt4mE2: I grab what's there
FiReBoLt4mE2: and then once a year
FiReBoLt4mE2: I clean them all
relientkbandgeek: you've always been pretty dirty
FiReBoLt4mE2: hey what can I say
FiReBoLt4mE2: that these are my pants
relientkbandgeek: these ARE your pants?? cuz i thought they weren't your pants
relientkbandgeek: and i was wondering
FiReBoLt4mE2: they are
relientkbandgeek: whose pants are they anyway?
FiReBoLt4mE2: well the costa rican's tried to steal them
FiReBoLt4mE2: but they weren't theres
relientkbandgeek: but they're still your pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: yep
FiReBoLt4mE2: I think
relientkbandgeek: you think.
relientkbandgeek: way to be sure
FiReBoLt4mE2: ha ha
FiReBoLt4mE2: they feel like my pants
relientkbandgeek: how can they feel like your pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: they just do ok
FiReBoLt4mE2: I feel them
FiReBoLt4mE2: and they feel like pants
relientkbandgeek: well yes
relientkbandgeek: but do they really feel
relientkbandgeek: like YOUR pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: see I don't know
FiReBoLt4mE2: because they are clean
FiReBoLt4mE2: I don't know what that feels like
relientkbandgeek: you only wear dirty pants?
FiReBoLt4mE2: well you know
FiReBoLt4mE2: I grab what's there
FiReBoLt4mE2: and then once a year
FiReBoLt4mE2: I clean them all
relientkbandgeek: you've always been pretty dirty
FiReBoLt4mE2: hey what can I say
eligibilitydude: hey
relientkbandgeek: hey! whats up?
eligibilitydude: n'much
eligibilitydude: how're u?
relientkbandgeek: i have a paper to write that i really don't want to write
relientkbandgeek: lol
eligibilitydude: story of my former life
eligibilitydude: what class?
relientkbandgeek: world civ 2
eligibilitydude: hmmm... world civicization 2. Good class.
relientkbandgeek: no. not good class.
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: its alright, i just don't want to write this paper
eligibilitydude: Well, I don't want to bother you
relientkbandgeek: its ok, i've been sitting here for an hour now and i haven't written a single word
relientkbandgeek: haha
eligibilitydude: wow
eligibilitydude: you rival even the great Jon
relientkbandgeek: i'm such a procrastinator
eligibilitydude: I think I have done almost 2 hours
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: nice
eligibilitydude: maybe I can help
eligibilitydude: what is the topic
relientkbandgeek: christopher columbus
eligibilitydude: psh
eligibilitydude: dude
eligibilitydude: easy one
eligibilitydude: just him, or anything in particular?
relientkbandgeek: should be, but the questions aren't fun
eligibilitydude: questions?
relientkbandgeek: we have 4 questions that we have to answer in our paper
eligibilitydude: shoot
relientkbandgeek: shoot?
eligibilitydude: tell me the questions
relientkbandgeek: ohhhh
relientkbandgeek: ok
eligibilitydude: unless you really doubt my ability to help
eligibilitydude: :-)
relientkbandgeek: 1. why were people so upset about preparations for the columbus day 500th anniversary? what are the primary issues at stake?
relientkbandgeek: 2. how did the library of congress exhibit attempt to address the concerns of indigenous peoples? evaluate this exhibit. is this what you would have expected for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of columbus' voyage?
relientkbandgeek: 3. should we celebrate columbus day with a national holiday every year? describe at least 5 reasons why and three reasons why not (with evidence). what side do you find more convincing?
relientkbandgeek: 4. what insights does this debate give you about the value of history and about the role of history in our society?
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: and thats my paper
eligibilitydude: I could do it in ten minutes
eligibilitydude: questions number one, for example
relientkbandgeek: 10 minutes???
relientkbandgeek: wow
eligibilitydude: yeah
eligibilitydude: OK, columbus day anniversary equals what?
eligibilitydude: parade
eligibilitydude: parade equals floats
eligibilitydude: Now, picture yourself on the sidewalk eating cotton candy with 400 gazillion perfect strangers
relientkbandgeek: mmm i like cotton candy
relientkbandgeek: lol
eligibilitydude: do you want to see a float of an italian explorer wearing a commodore jones outfit, or the obvious alternative?
eligibilitydude: Spongebob!
relientkbandgeek: haha spongebob. nice.
eligibilitydude: right... soooooooo
eligibilitydude: why were people upset about preparations for the 500th columbus day ann?
eligibilitydude: No spongebob!
relientkbandgeek: if i could actually use that in my paper, i would
relientkbandgeek: thats hilarious
eligibilitydude: Too much famous explorer, not enough deep sea humor
eligibilitydude: that is what is wrong with the world
eligibilitydude: :-)
relientkbandgeek: everything could be fixed by just adding a little spongebob
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: i'm not sure i've ever actually seen that show
eligibilitydude: haha... it's overrated
eligibilitydude: but he is great in the parade
eligibilitydude: So, you're saying my profound answer is no good for your paper? :-)
relientkbandgeek: well... when i think about your answer, and i think about my professor....
relientkbandgeek: no
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: sorry
relientkbandgeek: hey! whats up?
eligibilitydude: n'much
eligibilitydude: how're u?
relientkbandgeek: i have a paper to write that i really don't want to write
relientkbandgeek: lol
eligibilitydude: story of my former life
eligibilitydude: what class?
relientkbandgeek: world civ 2
eligibilitydude: hmmm... world civicization 2. Good class.
relientkbandgeek: no. not good class.
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: its alright, i just don't want to write this paper
eligibilitydude: Well, I don't want to bother you
relientkbandgeek: its ok, i've been sitting here for an hour now and i haven't written a single word
relientkbandgeek: haha
eligibilitydude: wow
eligibilitydude: you rival even the great Jon
relientkbandgeek: i'm such a procrastinator
eligibilitydude: I think I have done almost 2 hours
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: nice
eligibilitydude: maybe I can help
eligibilitydude: what is the topic
relientkbandgeek: christopher columbus
eligibilitydude: psh
eligibilitydude: dude
eligibilitydude: easy one
eligibilitydude: just him, or anything in particular?
relientkbandgeek: should be, but the questions aren't fun
eligibilitydude: questions?
relientkbandgeek: we have 4 questions that we have to answer in our paper
eligibilitydude: shoot
relientkbandgeek: shoot?
eligibilitydude: tell me the questions
relientkbandgeek: ohhhh
relientkbandgeek: ok
eligibilitydude: unless you really doubt my ability to help
eligibilitydude: :-)
relientkbandgeek: 1. why were people so upset about preparations for the columbus day 500th anniversary? what are the primary issues at stake?
relientkbandgeek: 2. how did the library of congress exhibit attempt to address the concerns of indigenous peoples? evaluate this exhibit. is this what you would have expected for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of columbus' voyage?
relientkbandgeek: 3. should we celebrate columbus day with a national holiday every year? describe at least 5 reasons why and three reasons why not (with evidence). what side do you find more convincing?
relientkbandgeek: 4. what insights does this debate give you about the value of history and about the role of history in our society?
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: and thats my paper
eligibilitydude: I could do it in ten minutes
eligibilitydude: questions number one, for example
relientkbandgeek: 10 minutes???
relientkbandgeek: wow
eligibilitydude: yeah
eligibilitydude: OK, columbus day anniversary equals what?
eligibilitydude: parade
eligibilitydude: parade equals floats
eligibilitydude: Now, picture yourself on the sidewalk eating cotton candy with 400 gazillion perfect strangers
relientkbandgeek: mmm i like cotton candy
relientkbandgeek: lol
eligibilitydude: do you want to see a float of an italian explorer wearing a commodore jones outfit, or the obvious alternative?
eligibilitydude: Spongebob!
relientkbandgeek: haha spongebob. nice.
eligibilitydude: right... soooooooo
eligibilitydude: why were people upset about preparations for the 500th columbus day ann?
eligibilitydude: No spongebob!
relientkbandgeek: if i could actually use that in my paper, i would
relientkbandgeek: thats hilarious
eligibilitydude: Too much famous explorer, not enough deep sea humor
eligibilitydude: that is what is wrong with the world
eligibilitydude: :-)
relientkbandgeek: everything could be fixed by just adding a little spongebob
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: i'm not sure i've ever actually seen that show
eligibilitydude: haha... it's overrated
eligibilitydude: but he is great in the parade
eligibilitydude: So, you're saying my profound answer is no good for your paper? :-)
relientkbandgeek: well... when i think about your answer, and i think about my professor....
relientkbandgeek: no
relientkbandgeek: lol
relientkbandgeek: sorry
tonight was an interesting night. it ended well, but for awhile there i wasn't so sure. i just get so freaking depressed sometimes. i was such a jerk tonight. to many people. but mostly to janson. and yet, all things said and done, we're still dating. he puts up with my crap. not only does he put up with it, he totally overlooks it and likes me anyway. that boy is amazing, let me tell you. i've become so dependent in the last week and a half, its crazy. i can't wait till tomorrow night, even if it is a million hours away......
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
i love david lantz. he makes the world a better place.
relientkbandgeek: sometimes, i want to throw my roommate out the window
relientkbandgeek: but not all the time
relientkbandgeek: just sometimes
cowexnihilo: that sounds fun
relientkbandgeek: i think it would be
cowexnihilo: mabye you should try
relientkbandgeek: she might get mad at me
cowexnihilo: I don't think so
relientkbandgeek: its pretty cold out
relientkbandgeek: i think she would
cowexnihilo: she likes to be cold
relientkbandgeek: actually, i think she does. she hardly ever wears a coat. she complains when we make her
cowexnihilo: see
relientkbandgeek: i still can't throw her out the window
relientkbandgeek: the ground is right below our window
cowexnihilo: so?
relientkbandgeek: i just can't be that mean
cowexnihilo: I think she would like it
relientkbandgeek: do you know her?
cowexnihilo: yep
relientkbandgeek: oh yeah?
relientkbandgeek: whats her name?
cowexnihilo: karin
relientkbandgeek: close. caryn. :-)
cowexnihilo: I'm not sure that's how it's spelled though
cowexnihilo: whatever
relientkbandgeek: how tall is she?
cowexnihilo: this is rediculous
relientkbandgeek: well you claim to know her
cowexnihilo: of course
relientkbandgeek: i'm proving you wrong
cowexnihilo: nope
relientkbandgeek: you make me laugh, you know that?
cowexnihilo: I don't know how tall you are, but I know you
cowexnihilo: that's good
cowexnihilo: true dat
relientkbandgeek: i can't believe you just said true dat.
relientkbandgeek: wow
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: i really like sour patch kids
cowexnihilo: that works well
relientkbandgeek: as;ldkfj;alkwejf;awelkf
cowexnihilo: you really like elks don't you?
relientkbandgeek: haha i did it again
relientkbandgeek: asdlfkjawe;lkfjavnalwejrowieajvcweaf
relientkbandgeek: there
relientkbandgeek: no elk that time
cowexnihilo: yes there is
relientkbandgeek: no! el;k doesn't count
cowexnihilo: the ; just stresses the k
relientkbandgeek: sdlkfjawldkfjawlkdvlajwlkjreoaiwjrlasdkfjlwakvclwakejr
relientkbandgeek: there
relientkbandgeek: better?
cowexnihilo: still elk
relientkbandgeek: where????
relientkbandgeek: liar
cowexnihilo: right after r,r,d
relientkbandgeek: i don't see it
cowexnihilo: well it's there
relientkbandgeek: no its not
cowexnihilo: yes it is, you should get your eyes checked
relientkbandgeek: my eyes are fine
relientkbandgeek: thanks for caring
cowexnihilo: no problem
relientkbandgeek: i can beat you up
cowexnihilo: have you been lifting?
relientkbandgeek: what if i have?
cowexnihilo: then I would laugh a lot
relientkbandgeek: why???
cowexnihilo: : ) it's a great mental picture
relientkbandgeek: i'm going to start lifting
relientkbandgeek: just for that
cowexnihilo: have fun with that
relientkbandgeek: i will
cowexnihilo: that works
relientkbandgeek: then i'll come beat you up
relientkbandgeek: NO!!!!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: why not?
cowexnihilo: what about spot?
relientkbandgeek: S
relientkbandgeek: T
relientkbandgeek: O
relientkbandgeek: P
cowexnihilo: or is it tops?
he just makes me laugh a lot :)
relientkbandgeek: sometimes, i want to throw my roommate out the window
relientkbandgeek: but not all the time
relientkbandgeek: just sometimes
cowexnihilo: that sounds fun
relientkbandgeek: i think it would be
cowexnihilo: mabye you should try
relientkbandgeek: she might get mad at me
cowexnihilo: I don't think so
relientkbandgeek: its pretty cold out
relientkbandgeek: i think she would
cowexnihilo: she likes to be cold
relientkbandgeek: actually, i think she does. she hardly ever wears a coat. she complains when we make her
cowexnihilo: see
relientkbandgeek: i still can't throw her out the window
relientkbandgeek: the ground is right below our window
cowexnihilo: so?
relientkbandgeek: i just can't be that mean
cowexnihilo: I think she would like it
relientkbandgeek: do you know her?
cowexnihilo: yep
relientkbandgeek: oh yeah?
relientkbandgeek: whats her name?
cowexnihilo: karin
relientkbandgeek: close. caryn. :-)
cowexnihilo: I'm not sure that's how it's spelled though
cowexnihilo: whatever
relientkbandgeek: how tall is she?
cowexnihilo: this is rediculous
relientkbandgeek: well you claim to know her
cowexnihilo: of course
relientkbandgeek: i'm proving you wrong
cowexnihilo: nope
relientkbandgeek: you make me laugh, you know that?
cowexnihilo: I don't know how tall you are, but I know you
cowexnihilo: that's good
cowexnihilo: true dat
relientkbandgeek: i can't believe you just said true dat.
relientkbandgeek: wow
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: i really like sour patch kids
cowexnihilo: that works well
relientkbandgeek: as;ldkfj;alkwejf;awelkf
cowexnihilo: you really like elks don't you?
relientkbandgeek: haha i did it again
relientkbandgeek: asdlfkjawe;lkfjavnalwejrowieajvcweaf
relientkbandgeek: there
relientkbandgeek: no elk that time
cowexnihilo: yes there is
relientkbandgeek: no! el;k doesn't count
cowexnihilo: the ; just stresses the k
relientkbandgeek: sdlkfjawldkfjawlkdvlajwlkjreoaiwjrlasdkfjlwakvclwakejr
relientkbandgeek: there
relientkbandgeek: better?
cowexnihilo: still elk
relientkbandgeek: where????
relientkbandgeek: liar
cowexnihilo: right after r,r,d
relientkbandgeek: i don't see it
cowexnihilo: well it's there
relientkbandgeek: no its not
cowexnihilo: yes it is, you should get your eyes checked
relientkbandgeek: my eyes are fine
relientkbandgeek: thanks for caring
cowexnihilo: no problem
relientkbandgeek: i can beat you up
cowexnihilo: have you been lifting?
relientkbandgeek: what if i have?
cowexnihilo: then I would laugh a lot
relientkbandgeek: why???
cowexnihilo: : ) it's a great mental picture
relientkbandgeek: i'm going to start lifting
relientkbandgeek: just for that
cowexnihilo: have fun with that
relientkbandgeek: i will
cowexnihilo: that works
relientkbandgeek: then i'll come beat you up
relientkbandgeek: NO!!!!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: why not?
cowexnihilo: what about spot?
relientkbandgeek: S
relientkbandgeek: T
relientkbandgeek: O
relientkbandgeek: P
cowexnihilo: or is it tops?
he just makes me laugh a lot :)
monogram1 (8:39:19 AM): fine then... just get up and change your away message and don't say good morning to me
monogram1 (8:39:22 AM): that's fine...
monogram1 (8:39:23 AM): I can deal
monogram1 (8:39:28 AM):
monogram1 (8:39:53 AM): it's alright that getting to personal finance on time is more important than me..
monogram1 (8:39:57 AM):
monogram1 (8:40:00 AM): alright so I lied.
monogram1 (8:40:02 AM): I can't deal!
monogram1 (8:40:21 AM): I can never be second to anything! ever! I can't take this anymore tracey.
monogram1 (8:40:39 AM): You're always going to class... and doing that homework thing.
monogram1 (8:40:50 AM): Like school is more important than our relationship!
monogram1 (8:40:57 AM): That's it.
monogram1 (8:41:00 AM): I'm just gonna say
monogram1 (8:41:07 AM): Just come out there and say it...:
monogram1 (8:41:12 AM): I think we should get a divorce.
monogram1 (8:41:36 AM): lol.
monogram1 (8:41:48 AM): ok so I'm a little more than tired this morning. I love you! have a happy wednesday.
monogram1 (1:38:36 PM): You're never home when I am!!!!
monogram1 (1:38:48 PM): I swear you plan things just so we can't be together
monogram1 (1:38:53 PM): you hate m!!!
monogram1 (1:38:58 PM): you can't even look at me!!!
monogram1 (1:38:59 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:39:03 PM): we so need to be divorced
monogram1 (1:39:03 PM): and freaking out.
monogram1 (1:39:09 PM): yeah we do.
monogram1 (1:39:12 PM): hey tracey?
monogram1 (1:39:26 PM): we could never be married. ever. we would kill each other.
relientkbandgeek (1:39:30 PM): hahaha yeah
relientkbandgeek (1:39:33 PM): it would be bad
monogram1 (1:39:35 PM): besides the whole lesbian thing.
monogram1 (1:39:35 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:39:41 PM): cuz that just doesn't work out for me
relientkbandgeek (1:39:56 PM): well duh
relientkbandgeek (1:39:58 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:39:59 PM): so let's just get a divorce... it's not you, it's me.
monogram1 (1:40:03 PM): we can still be friends!
relientkbandgeek (1:40:09 PM): *sigh*
monogram1 (1:40:10 PM): lol (classic breakup lines)
relientkbandgeek (1:40:10 PM): i don't know
monogram1 (1:40:14 PM): :-)
relientkbandgeek (1:40:20 PM): i'm not good with being friends with people after breakups
monogram1 (1:40:23 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:41:05 PM): ok well let's just stay married until this guy that I KNOW you're seeing on the side (don't deny it... I know why you come home so late) asks you to marry him
monogram1 (1:41:09 PM): and then we'll HAVE to get a divorce.
relientkbandgeek (1:41:34 PM): you're so sure that i'm cheating on you.....
relientkbandgeek (1:41:34 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:41:45 PM): well you are.
monogram1 (1:41:55 PM): OHEMGEE!!!!! It's Janson isn't it!
monogram1 (1:41:57 PM): ?!?!?!?!
relientkbandgeek (1:42:05 PM): ummm....well... no...errrr... uh......
relientkbandgeek (1:42:08 PM): :-[
monogram1 (1:42:32 PM): I cannot believe you do this to me. And with an OFF CAMPUS guy!?!?!? That's insult to injury.
monogram1 (1:42:33 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:42:39 PM): you don't go here either!!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek (1:42:43 PM): you never take the time to see me
relientkbandgeek (1:42:48 PM): you hate me
relientkbandgeek (1:42:52 PM): i had too much free time
relientkbandgeek (1:42:57 PM): so i started this relationship
relientkbandgeek (1:43:02 PM): thinking it would be nothing
relientkbandgeek (1:43:05 PM): just a little fling
monogram1 (1:43:07 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:43:08 PM): ....i'msorry...
relientkbandgeek (1:43:08 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:43:19 PM): I'm cracking up and people in the computer lab are looking at me funny.
monogram1 (1:43:25 PM): WELL I HOPE HE MAKES YOU HAPPY!
monogram1 (1:43:31 PM):
relientkbandgeek (1:43:34 PM): oooooooooooooooo he does!!!!!!!!! :-D
relientkbandgeek (1:43:35 PM): haha
relientkbandgeek (1:43:41 PM): i let him eat red sour patch kids!!!!!!!
monogram1 (1:43:43 PM): YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM WE WERE MARRIED?
monogram1 (1:43:46 PM): you lied to him!
relientkbandgeek (1:43:56 PM): well... see... he knows that i'm married to casey back home
relientkbandgeek (1:43:57 PM): i think
relientkbandgeek (1:44:00 PM): and he knows
monogram1 (1:44:01 PM): WHAT!??! OK that's it... sour patch kids is like a mortal sin.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:02 PM): that i'm engaged
relientkbandgeek (1:44:04 PM): to justin
relientkbandgeek (1:44:07 PM): haha
monogram1 (1:44:27 PM): we are so over.
monogram1 (1:44:34 PM): I'm packing my bags.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:37 PM): fine.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:38 PM): leave.
monogram1 (1:44:38 PM): and disconnecting my phone.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:41 PM): i don't even care anymore
monogram1 (1:44:46 PM): and going to live with my mother for a while.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:51 PM): LOSER!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek (1:44:52 PM): :-)
monogram1 (1:44:53 PM): LOL
monogram1 (1:45:16 PM): Dudette Tracey: I love you times 323 to the infinity power
monogram1 (1:45:19 PM): you make my day!
relientkbandgeek (1:45:27 PM): this conversation is going into my weblog
relientkbandgeek (1:45:28 PM): as usual
relientkbandgeek (1:45:28 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:45:55 PM): yeah mine too
monogram1 (8:39:22 AM): that's fine...
monogram1 (8:39:23 AM): I can deal
monogram1 (8:39:28 AM):
monogram1 (8:39:53 AM): it's alright that getting to personal finance on time is more important than me..
monogram1 (8:39:57 AM):
monogram1 (8:40:00 AM): alright so I lied.
monogram1 (8:40:02 AM): I can't deal!
monogram1 (8:40:21 AM): I can never be second to anything! ever! I can't take this anymore tracey.
monogram1 (8:40:39 AM): You're always going to class... and doing that homework thing.
monogram1 (8:40:50 AM): Like school is more important than our relationship!
monogram1 (8:40:57 AM): That's it.
monogram1 (8:41:00 AM): I'm just gonna say
monogram1 (8:41:07 AM): Just come out there and say it...:
monogram1 (8:41:12 AM): I think we should get a divorce.
monogram1 (8:41:36 AM): lol.
monogram1 (8:41:48 AM): ok so I'm a little more than tired this morning. I love you! have a happy wednesday.
monogram1 (1:38:36 PM): You're never home when I am!!!!
monogram1 (1:38:48 PM): I swear you plan things just so we can't be together
monogram1 (1:38:53 PM): you hate m!!!
monogram1 (1:38:58 PM): you can't even look at me!!!
monogram1 (1:38:59 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:39:03 PM): we so need to be divorced
monogram1 (1:39:03 PM): and freaking out.
monogram1 (1:39:09 PM): yeah we do.
monogram1 (1:39:12 PM): hey tracey?
monogram1 (1:39:26 PM): we could never be married. ever. we would kill each other.
relientkbandgeek (1:39:30 PM): hahaha yeah
relientkbandgeek (1:39:33 PM): it would be bad
monogram1 (1:39:35 PM): besides the whole lesbian thing.
monogram1 (1:39:35 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:39:41 PM): cuz that just doesn't work out for me
relientkbandgeek (1:39:56 PM): well duh
relientkbandgeek (1:39:58 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:39:59 PM): so let's just get a divorce... it's not you, it's me.
monogram1 (1:40:03 PM): we can still be friends!
relientkbandgeek (1:40:09 PM): *sigh*
monogram1 (1:40:10 PM): lol (classic breakup lines)
relientkbandgeek (1:40:10 PM): i don't know
monogram1 (1:40:14 PM): :-)
relientkbandgeek (1:40:20 PM): i'm not good with being friends with people after breakups
monogram1 (1:40:23 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:41:05 PM): ok well let's just stay married until this guy that I KNOW you're seeing on the side (don't deny it... I know why you come home so late) asks you to marry him
monogram1 (1:41:09 PM): and then we'll HAVE to get a divorce.
relientkbandgeek (1:41:34 PM): you're so sure that i'm cheating on you.....
relientkbandgeek (1:41:34 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:41:45 PM): well you are.
monogram1 (1:41:55 PM): OHEMGEE!!!!! It's Janson isn't it!
monogram1 (1:41:57 PM): ?!?!?!?!
relientkbandgeek (1:42:05 PM): ummm....well... no...errrr... uh......
relientkbandgeek (1:42:08 PM): :-[
monogram1 (1:42:32 PM): I cannot believe you do this to me. And with an OFF CAMPUS guy!?!?!? That's insult to injury.
monogram1 (1:42:33 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:42:39 PM): you don't go here either!!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek (1:42:43 PM): you never take the time to see me
relientkbandgeek (1:42:48 PM): you hate me
relientkbandgeek (1:42:52 PM): i had too much free time
relientkbandgeek (1:42:57 PM): so i started this relationship
relientkbandgeek (1:43:02 PM): thinking it would be nothing
relientkbandgeek (1:43:05 PM): just a little fling
monogram1 (1:43:07 PM): lol
relientkbandgeek (1:43:08 PM): ....i'msorry...
relientkbandgeek (1:43:08 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:43:19 PM): I'm cracking up and people in the computer lab are looking at me funny.
monogram1 (1:43:25 PM): WELL I HOPE HE MAKES YOU HAPPY!
monogram1 (1:43:31 PM):
relientkbandgeek (1:43:34 PM): oooooooooooooooo he does!!!!!!!!! :-D
relientkbandgeek (1:43:35 PM): haha
relientkbandgeek (1:43:41 PM): i let him eat red sour patch kids!!!!!!!
monogram1 (1:43:43 PM): YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM WE WERE MARRIED?
monogram1 (1:43:46 PM): you lied to him!
relientkbandgeek (1:43:56 PM): well... see... he knows that i'm married to casey back home
relientkbandgeek (1:43:57 PM): i think
relientkbandgeek (1:44:00 PM): and he knows
monogram1 (1:44:01 PM): WHAT!??! OK that's it... sour patch kids is like a mortal sin.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:02 PM): that i'm engaged
relientkbandgeek (1:44:04 PM): to justin
relientkbandgeek (1:44:07 PM): haha
monogram1 (1:44:27 PM): we are so over.
monogram1 (1:44:34 PM): I'm packing my bags.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:37 PM): fine.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:38 PM): leave.
monogram1 (1:44:38 PM): and disconnecting my phone.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:41 PM): i don't even care anymore
monogram1 (1:44:46 PM): and going to live with my mother for a while.
relientkbandgeek (1:44:51 PM): LOSER!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek (1:44:52 PM): :-)
monogram1 (1:44:53 PM): LOL
monogram1 (1:45:16 PM): Dudette Tracey: I love you times 323 to the infinity power
monogram1 (1:45:19 PM): you make my day!
relientkbandgeek (1:45:27 PM): this conversation is going into my weblog
relientkbandgeek (1:45:28 PM): as usual
relientkbandgeek (1:45:28 PM): lol
monogram1 (1:45:55 PM): yeah mine too
yes. i am a dork. i love this song. i hope it gets stuck in your head for hours and hours after you read this. and hours and hours and hours......
Hey Ya by Outkast
1, 2, 3, go!
My baby don't mess around
Because she loves me so
And this I know fa sho (Uh!)
But does she really wanna
But can't stand to see me walk out the do'
Don't try to fight the feeling
'Cause the thought alone
Is killing me right now (Uh!)
Thank God for Mom and Dad
For sticking two together
'Cause we don't know how
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
You think you've got it
Oh, you think you've got it
But got it just don't get it
Til theres's nothing at all (Ah!)
We get together
Oh, we get together
But separate's always better
When there's feelings involved (Oh!)
If what they say is "nothing is forever,"
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes (What makes? What makes?)
Love the exception?
So why oh, why oh
Why oh, why oh, why oh
Are we so in denial
When we know we're not happy here?
(Ya'll don't want to hear me
You just want to dance
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya)
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Don't want to meet your daddy (Oh oh!)
Just want you in my Caddy (Oh oh! Oh oh!)
Don't want to meet your momma (Oh oh!)
Just want to make you come-a (Oh oh!)
I'm (Oh oh!)
I'm (Oh oh!)
I'm just being honest (Oh oh!)
I'm just being honest
Hey! Alright now!
Alright now, fellas! (Yeah!)
Now what's cooler than being cool? (Ice cold!)
I can't hear ya!
I say what's, what's cooler than being cool? (Ice cold!)
Alright! (15x)
Okay now, ladies! (Yeah!)
Now we gon' break this thing down in just a few seconds
Now don't have me break this thing down for nothin!
Now I wanna see ya'll on ya'll baddest behavior!
Lend me some sugar!
I am your neighbor!
Ah! Here we go! Uh!
Shake it, sh-shake it (Oh oh!)
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Sh-shake it (Oh oh!)
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Shake it, sh-shake it (Hey ya!)
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it (Shake it sugar!)
Shake it like a polaroid picture
(Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Sh-shake it
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it like a polaroid picture)
Now all Beyonce's and Lucy Lui's and baby dolls
Get on the floor
Get on the floor
You know what to do
You know what to do
You know what to do
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya....
Hey Ya by Outkast
1, 2, 3, go!
My baby don't mess around
Because she loves me so
And this I know fa sho (Uh!)
But does she really wanna
But can't stand to see me walk out the do'
Don't try to fight the feeling
'Cause the thought alone
Is killing me right now (Uh!)
Thank God for Mom and Dad
For sticking two together
'Cause we don't know how
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
You think you've got it
Oh, you think you've got it
But got it just don't get it
Til theres's nothing at all (Ah!)
We get together
Oh, we get together
But separate's always better
When there's feelings involved (Oh!)
If what they say is "nothing is forever,"
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes
Then what makes (What makes? What makes?)
Love the exception?
So why oh, why oh
Why oh, why oh, why oh
Are we so in denial
When we know we're not happy here?
(Ya'll don't want to hear me
You just want to dance
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya)
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Don't want to meet your daddy (Oh oh!)
Just want you in my Caddy (Oh oh! Oh oh!)
Don't want to meet your momma (Oh oh!)
Just want to make you come-a (Oh oh!)
I'm (Oh oh!)
I'm (Oh oh!)
I'm just being honest (Oh oh!)
I'm just being honest
Hey! Alright now!
Alright now, fellas! (Yeah!)
Now what's cooler than being cool? (Ice cold!)
I can't hear ya!
I say what's, what's cooler than being cool? (Ice cold!)
Alright! (15x)
Okay now, ladies! (Yeah!)
Now we gon' break this thing down in just a few seconds
Now don't have me break this thing down for nothin!
Now I wanna see ya'll on ya'll baddest behavior!
Lend me some sugar!
I am your neighbor!
Ah! Here we go! Uh!
Shake it, sh-shake it (Oh oh!)
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Sh-shake it (Oh oh!)
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Shake it, sh-shake it (Hey ya!)
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it (Shake it sugar!)
Shake it like a polaroid picture
(Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Sh-shake it
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it, shake it
Shake it, sh-shake it
Shake it like a polaroid picture)
Now all Beyonce's and Lucy Lui's and baby dolls
Get on the floor
Get on the floor
You know what to do
You know what to do
You know what to do
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya
Hey Ya.. Hey Ya....
i should be writing my comp paper right now... all well. i'm almost done with it. i'm a slacker, we all know that.
i'm glad i went to chapel today. it was really good. you have to walk thru the freaking artic to get there, tho! lol
i got tim's b-day presents last night. i'm gonna take them to WL with me, cuz i guess i'm meeting my family in columbus on saturday for a few hours. this weekend is gonna be all about using up a lot of gas. i'm going to west liberty on friday (i need to call liz and david!!!!!!!! someone remind me! lol), then to columbus and back to west liberty on saturday, and back here on sunday. lydia is working 2-4 for me, i told her i could be at work by 4. so that means i have to leave WL by 12. anyway.
janson took me shopping last night. hah. well it was more like "hmmm i need to buy some stuff. but i don't want to drive..." so janson drove. he's such a nice boy. i like him a lot. :) we went to wal-mart, borders, and starbucks. and then sat in myers for like 2 hours.
ok no more procrastinating for tracey. paper time!! then comp 2. then lunch. yeah lunch!! :)
i'm glad i went to chapel today. it was really good. you have to walk thru the freaking artic to get there, tho! lol
i got tim's b-day presents last night. i'm gonna take them to WL with me, cuz i guess i'm meeting my family in columbus on saturday for a few hours. this weekend is gonna be all about using up a lot of gas. i'm going to west liberty on friday (i need to call liz and david!!!!!!!! someone remind me! lol), then to columbus and back to west liberty on saturday, and back here on sunday. lydia is working 2-4 for me, i told her i could be at work by 4. so that means i have to leave WL by 12. anyway.
janson took me shopping last night. hah. well it was more like "hmmm i need to buy some stuff. but i don't want to drive..." so janson drove. he's such a nice boy. i like him a lot. :) we went to wal-mart, borders, and starbucks. and then sat in myers for like 2 hours.
ok no more procrastinating for tracey. paper time!! then comp 2. then lunch. yeah lunch!! :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
i watched an hour of pride and prejudice with cassie and est today. i love that movie. :)
i love cassie. i love being able to go down there, flop on the bed, and just talk. about anything. roommate trouble, janson, school, whatever i need to talk about. its like she said last week: if we had met each other in high school (when she lived 2 streets away from me and we didn't know each other), we would have been really close. so we're just starting that friendship a little later. :)
i ate dinner with christina and some of the girls down the hall tonight. i definitely want to get to know christina better. she's a lot of fun.
hearing 'great light of the world' by bebo norman makes me miss craig a lot. i took advantage of seeing him last semester. between sonfest, track meets, and camp stuff, i saw him a few times.
ok enough randomness from tracey. maybe i'll go take a shower. then take a nap. or write my paper for english tomorrow. we'll see...
i love cassie. i love being able to go down there, flop on the bed, and just talk. about anything. roommate trouble, janson, school, whatever i need to talk about. its like she said last week: if we had met each other in high school (when she lived 2 streets away from me and we didn't know each other), we would have been really close. so we're just starting that friendship a little later. :)
i ate dinner with christina and some of the girls down the hall tonight. i definitely want to get to know christina better. she's a lot of fun.
hearing 'great light of the world' by bebo norman makes me miss craig a lot. i took advantage of seeing him last semester. between sonfest, track meets, and camp stuff, i saw him a few times.
ok enough randomness from tracey. maybe i'll go take a shower. then take a nap. or write my paper for english tomorrow. we'll see...
today sucked.
tonight didn't. :) so i'm not gonna go into any huge details, i'm just gonna say this. my virgin lips are no longer virgin.... (lol that was for nome)
oh and underworld? a little confusing, but still good. and even more so when you watch it with janson and josh (one of his brothers). highly amusing then. i just can't wait till little sibs when MY little brother is over watching movies, and we can be our dumb selves :)
ok so i have to be up in about 4 hours and 15 minutes or so. haha. this whole sleep thing just isn't working for me these days... lol
tonight didn't. :) so i'm not gonna go into any huge details, i'm just gonna say this. my virgin lips are no longer virgin.... (lol that was for nome)
oh and underworld? a little confusing, but still good. and even more so when you watch it with janson and josh (one of his brothers). highly amusing then. i just can't wait till little sibs when MY little brother is over watching movies, and we can be our dumb selves :)
ok so i have to be up in about 4 hours and 15 minutes or so. haha. this whole sleep thing just isn't working for me these days... lol
Monday, January 26, 2004
so between the phone call as i was falling asleep from brittany, and the one that woke me up this morning from kristen, i'm up. normally i wouldn't be up for 10 more minutes, but i've been awake for 10 or 15. that sucks. lol.
so we still have classes today. that sucks too. i was hoping to get out of the world civ quiz that i haven't quite studied enough for..... :)
last night=good night. i found out that friends did stuff without me, but what else is new. i had an awesome night so i don't care. janson came over here. we hung out in here for awhile, then went down the hall (and walking down the hall with janson is always interesting, cuz he gets stopped like 4 times lol) to sarah's room, and then over to PGB to matt hawk's room. and were there until visitation was over. it was fun. i love my friends. :) and my boyfriend is awesome. he makes me really happy. :)
ok i'm going to get dressed now. vjowe;ifjvnowe;iaruh;lavnoi;erwf on already being awake and phone calls in the middle of the night.
so we still have classes today. that sucks too. i was hoping to get out of the world civ quiz that i haven't quite studied enough for..... :)
last night=good night. i found out that friends did stuff without me, but what else is new. i had an awesome night so i don't care. janson came over here. we hung out in here for awhile, then went down the hall (and walking down the hall with janson is always interesting, cuz he gets stopped like 4 times lol) to sarah's room, and then over to PGB to matt hawk's room. and were there until visitation was over. it was fun. i love my friends. :) and my boyfriend is awesome. he makes me really happy. :)
ok i'm going to get dressed now. vjowe;ifjvnowe;iaruh;lavnoi;erwf on already being awake and phone calls in the middle of the night.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
quotes from the other night that i'm just not getting around to putting in here...
Me as I'm getting ready to go to Janson's, and everyone is being funny about it: "I'm gonna go sex it up, k?" (and i pretty much yelled that lol)
Esther: "I think we need to talk." (i love RA!!)
it was so funny. i love our floor. yeah woolman 1!! :)
Me as I'm getting ready to go to Janson's, and everyone is being funny about it: "I'm gonna go sex it up, k?" (and i pretty much yelled that lol)
Esther: "I think we need to talk." (i love RA!!)
it was so funny. i love our floor. yeah woolman 1!! :)
stolen from random xanga while xanga hopping....
--Current mood: tired cold and a little crabby
--Current taste: gum
--Current hair: wet and pulled back
--Current clothes: jeans, back to the future shirt, and pillar hoodie
--Current annoyance: headache
--Current thing I ought to be doin: studying
--Current windows open: this and my work screen name buddy list
--Current desktop picture: chippenlords haha
--Current book: my world civ 2 book blech
--Current cd in stereo: ummm.... tfk i think
--Current favorite celeb: i don't know
--Current hate: headaches
--Smoke?: no
--Do drugs?: no
--Have sex?: no
--Have a dream that keeps coming back?: probly
--Remember your first love?:
--Still love him/her?:
--Read the newspaper?: not really
--Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
--Believe in miracles?: yes
--Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: possible, but doesn't happen much
--Consider love a mistake?: no
--Like the taste of alcohol?: not really
--Have a favorite candy?: sour patch kids
--Believe in magic?: no
--Believe in God?: yes
--Have any pets: at home
--Go to or plan to go to college: hopefully i'll be able to stay here at malone
--Have any piercings?: eyebrow
--Have any tattoos?: nope
--Have an obsession?: josh groban, of course
--Have a secret crush?: joshy is no secret! everyone knows!! haha
--Have a best friend?: my heidi
--Wish on stars?: it doesn't work but its still fun
--Care about looks?: me or other peoples?
--Rubber: ducky
--Rock: cave
--Green: grass
--Wet: rain
--Cry: tears
--Peanut: butter
--Hay: horse
--Cold: snow
--Steamy: vegetables (wow that was random.. lol)
--Fast: and the furious (even tho i've never seen it)
--Freaky: friday
--Rain: clouds
--Bite: me
Have You Ever
--Dated one of your best friends? no
--Loved somebody so much it made you cry? not necessarily in the sense that this question is asking
--Drank alcohol? sipped it
--Done drugs? no
--Broken the law? probly
--Ran away from home? no
--Broken a bone? no
--Played truth or dare? probly
--Kissed someone you didn't know? no
--Been in a fight? no
--Came close to dying? yeah
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Got beaten up: no
-- Your weakness: janson. lol
-- Your fears: too much to get into
-- Your thoughts first waking up: can i go back to sleep?
-- Your bedtime: usually around 2 or 3
-- Your most missed memory: times spent with heidi
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: i don't know
-- Number of CDs that I own: over 100
-- Number of scars on my body: a lot
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 12008423809784032978321.6
What would you do . . .
--If you have 10 mins to live?: 10 minutes???? call heidi
--When and who was your first crush?: i don't even remember lol
--What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: hair
--Your idea of a perfect date?: something fun
--How romantic are you? [1-1o]: i don't know. in the middle somewhere
--Biggest turn-on:
--Have you ever been sent flowers?: i've never been sent flowers.. but i GOT a flower last week!!!! :)
--If you could go back in time, where would you go?: camp in like jr hi when i was still close to jimothy, brian, and andrew
--What'd you do yesterday?: went home for awhile wit janson
--Last thing you said: wow it was awhiiiiile ago. ummm.... it might have been when jessie stuck her head in the door of our dorm looking for caryn around like 12:45 or something. lol
--Last song you listened to: this bitter pill by dashboard
--Occupation you want: don't know yet
--Favourite food: chex mix
--favourite drink: 2% milk
--Favourite cd: robin hood prince of thieves soundtrack
What is
--The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: justin timberlake
--Your favorite thing for breakfast? cereal when i actually eat
--Your favorite restaurant?: max and erma's
Random questions
--What's on your bedside table?: i don't know, i left it at home lol
--What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: cheese. lol
--What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: fried green tomatoes
--If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: nose. lol
--What is your biggest fear?: people being mad at me
--What feature are you most insecure about?: a whole lotta stuff
--Do you ever have to beg?: for what?
--Are you a pyromaniac?: not really
--Do you have too many love interests?: nope
--Crushes? nope
--Do you know anyone famous?: nope
--Describe your bed: ummm.. i sleep on the top bunk. caryn sleeps on the bottom. yeah. i have a care bear comforter. lol.
--Do you know how to play poker?: no
--What do you carry with you at all times?: chap stick
--What do you miss most about being little?: being happy and carefree
-- What country would you most like to visit: england
--How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: a LOT of money
--What color is your bedroom?: at home, pink. blech. lol. i picked it out in like 4th grade
--Do you talk a lot?: yeah
--Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: not one bit
--Do you think you're cute?: no
--Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? what kind of question is that?
--WHo do you argue the most with?: mom
--Who have you known the longest?: kelli ferguson
--Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: mostly
--Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: its probly about even (between friends and boyfriend, that is)
yay now its time to be done with work!!!!!!!
--Current mood: tired cold and a little crabby
--Current taste: gum
--Current hair: wet and pulled back
--Current clothes: jeans, back to the future shirt, and pillar hoodie
--Current annoyance: headache
--Current thing I ought to be doin: studying
--Current windows open: this and my work screen name buddy list
--Current desktop picture: chippenlords haha
--Current book: my world civ 2 book blech
--Current cd in stereo: ummm.... tfk i think
--Current favorite celeb: i don't know
--Current hate: headaches
--Smoke?: no
--Do drugs?: no
--Have sex?: no
--Have a dream that keeps coming back?: probly
--Remember your first love?:
--Still love him/her?:
--Read the newspaper?: not really
--Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
--Believe in miracles?: yes
--Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: possible, but doesn't happen much
--Consider love a mistake?: no
--Like the taste of alcohol?: not really
--Have a favorite candy?: sour patch kids
--Believe in magic?: no
--Believe in God?: yes
--Have any pets: at home
--Go to or plan to go to college: hopefully i'll be able to stay here at malone
--Have any piercings?: eyebrow
--Have any tattoos?: nope
--Have an obsession?: josh groban, of course
--Have a secret crush?: joshy is no secret! everyone knows!! haha
--Have a best friend?: my heidi
--Wish on stars?: it doesn't work but its still fun
--Care about looks?: me or other peoples?
--Rubber: ducky
--Rock: cave
--Green: grass
--Wet: rain
--Cry: tears
--Peanut: butter
--Hay: horse
--Cold: snow
--Steamy: vegetables (wow that was random.. lol)
--Fast: and the furious (even tho i've never seen it)
--Freaky: friday
--Rain: clouds
--Bite: me
Have You Ever
--Dated one of your best friends? no
--Loved somebody so much it made you cry? not necessarily in the sense that this question is asking
--Drank alcohol? sipped it
--Done drugs? no
--Broken the law? probly
--Ran away from home? no
--Broken a bone? no
--Played truth or dare? probly
--Kissed someone you didn't know? no
--Been in a fight? no
--Came close to dying? yeah
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Got beaten up: no
-- Your weakness: janson. lol
-- Your fears: too much to get into
-- Your thoughts first waking up: can i go back to sleep?
-- Your bedtime: usually around 2 or 3
-- Your most missed memory: times spent with heidi
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: i don't know
-- Number of CDs that I own: over 100
-- Number of scars on my body: a lot
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 12008423809784032978321.6
What would you do . . .
--If you have 10 mins to live?: 10 minutes???? call heidi
--When and who was your first crush?: i don't even remember lol
--What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: hair
--Your idea of a perfect date?: something fun
--How romantic are you? [1-1o]: i don't know. in the middle somewhere
--Biggest turn-on:
--Have you ever been sent flowers?: i've never been sent flowers.. but i GOT a flower last week!!!! :)
--If you could go back in time, where would you go?: camp in like jr hi when i was still close to jimothy, brian, and andrew
--What'd you do yesterday?: went home for awhile wit janson
--Last thing you said: wow it was awhiiiiile ago. ummm.... it might have been when jessie stuck her head in the door of our dorm looking for caryn around like 12:45 or something. lol
--Last song you listened to: this bitter pill by dashboard
--Occupation you want: don't know yet
--Favourite food: chex mix
--favourite drink: 2% milk
--Favourite cd: robin hood prince of thieves soundtrack
What is
--The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: justin timberlake
--Your favorite thing for breakfast? cereal when i actually eat
--Your favorite restaurant?: max and erma's
Random questions
--What's on your bedside table?: i don't know, i left it at home lol
--What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: cheese. lol
--What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: fried green tomatoes
--If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: nose. lol
--What is your biggest fear?: people being mad at me
--What feature are you most insecure about?: a whole lotta stuff
--Do you ever have to beg?: for what?
--Are you a pyromaniac?: not really
--Do you have too many love interests?: nope
--Crushes? nope
--Do you know anyone famous?: nope
--Describe your bed: ummm.. i sleep on the top bunk. caryn sleeps on the bottom. yeah. i have a care bear comforter. lol.
--Do you know how to play poker?: no
--What do you carry with you at all times?: chap stick
--What do you miss most about being little?: being happy and carefree
-- What country would you most like to visit: england
--How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: a LOT of money
--What color is your bedroom?: at home, pink. blech. lol. i picked it out in like 4th grade
--Do you talk a lot?: yeah
--Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: not one bit
--Do you think you're cute?: no
--Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? what kind of question is that?
--WHo do you argue the most with?: mom
--Who have you known the longest?: kelli ferguson
--Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: mostly
--Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: its probly about even (between friends and boyfriend, that is)
yay now its time to be done with work!!!!!!!
so i went home today. janson came with me. :) i forgot to grab my directions to his house, i was so proud of myself when i found my way on my own. haha. (yes i am a dork, i know... lol). we stopped at the wal-mart in alliance cuz i wanted to see if they have the book i'm getting tim for his birthday, but they didn't. (and yes hun, i will be buying you a cherry cheesecake sucker every time i go in wal-mart from now on.... ha). then we went to mcdonalds so i could get my paycheck (minus the raise that i thought was going to be on it, slacker workplace!!!!), then went home. janson was in awe of how small leetonia is. lol. i took him on beeson mill road and then down columbia street and up chestnut st. the 'main drags' of leetonia. hah. we weren't there very long when we ended up going back to salem cuz i had to go to auto zone and get a headlight for my car. janson was so quiet when he was at my house. every time we got in the car, he'd talk like normal (maybe even more than normal, lol). but when we were at my house, he barely said a word. we watched the hulk, and it was good. :) i missed tiny little bits here and there cuz i was doing my laundry at the same time, but it was still good. leah called as we were getting ready to eat dinner, and i told her i'd call her later when i knew what was going on. tim and i made our 'devious plans' for little sibs weekend. lol. except not really. we just decided that we're going to watch a certain movie at janson's house. :) i love my little brother, he's the coolest!!! i called leah back and made plans to meet her at 7:15 at lazy bean cafe. it closes at 6, apparently.. haha. so we went to mcdonalds and i used the phone there to call paul's cell. they met us at mcd's. i love that girl a lot. i've really missed her. paul and janson are a lot alike, in a way. they both just kinda sat there while leah and i talked and flipped out, well basically we were just being ourselves. :) mike tkach and mike esenwein came in while we were there. that was cool. i hadn't seen esenwein since graduation. we left there after awhile, and other than stopping for gas in salem (cuz it was 15 cents cheaper than it is out here in canton) we came straight back. janson talked a lot on the way home. :) when we go to his house we sat outisde in my car for an hour. that boy... i tell you what. he is amazing. :)
so i get back to school, and janson had IMed me telling me that he left the hulk in my car and had to come get it or jake would kill him. so he brought jake and josh over to pick it up. they took the time to make fun of our room (which, by the way, is rather clean right now!!!). lol. we went down and visited people down the hall (cassie, christina, molly, sarah, jenny, est), then christina, janson, jake, josh, and i came back up here. they left, and christina and i talked in here for a bit. she's awesome. i want to get to know her better. (oh, hun--she said she wants to do something with you sometime cuz she hasn't for awhile).
i've never felt like this before. ever. i almost don't know what to do with myself. it hasn't been that long, but it feels like its been forever and that it could go on forever. and i wouldn't mind that. i've become so dependent on him already. its like i think about him all the time. when things go wrong, my first thought is 'i want janson'. i dunno... its crazy to me that he cares. i've never had someone care about me this much before. wow. i really like him. :)
ok i'm gonna play a little uru, then get to bed. or watch some tv. i don't think i'm going to go to church tomorrow. eating that chicken at home might not have been the best idea after all... lol
so i get back to school, and janson had IMed me telling me that he left the hulk in my car and had to come get it or jake would kill him. so he brought jake and josh over to pick it up. they took the time to make fun of our room (which, by the way, is rather clean right now!!!). lol. we went down and visited people down the hall (cassie, christina, molly, sarah, jenny, est), then christina, janson, jake, josh, and i came back up here. they left, and christina and i talked in here for a bit. she's awesome. i want to get to know her better. (oh, hun--she said she wants to do something with you sometime cuz she hasn't for awhile).
i've never felt like this before. ever. i almost don't know what to do with myself. it hasn't been that long, but it feels like its been forever and that it could go on forever. and i wouldn't mind that. i've become so dependent on him already. its like i think about him all the time. when things go wrong, my first thought is 'i want janson'. i dunno... its crazy to me that he cares. i've never had someone care about me this much before. wow. i really like him. :)
ok i'm gonna play a little uru, then get to bed. or watch some tv. i don't think i'm going to go to church tomorrow. eating that chicken at home might not have been the best idea after all... lol
Saturday, January 24, 2004
erin milhoan makes me laugh :)
LilMilhoan06: BLACK HOLE!
My Away Message: oh wow.... what a night... lol. if only i had time to recover from it. but nope, i only have a little bit before i have to get my laundry and crap into my car, go to the bank, pick up janson, and head towards the black hole in ohio otherwise known as leetonia...
LilMilhoan06: geez-us-pete!
LilMilhoan06: it's not that bad!
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: lol
relientkbandgeek: well after being in canton, where there's actually stuff to DO
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: well you've got a point there
LilMilhoan06: lol but i don't like cities
LilMilhoan06: i like country homeness
LilMilhoan06: *hugs bed*
relientkbandgeek: and see, canton people think canton is a small town. i'm like "woo buddy my town has like 2000 people in it. on a good day." canton is huge to me
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: lol
LilMilhoan06: or you could say we have mnore cows then people in my town
LilMilhoan06: lol
relientkbandgeek: haha!! good one
LilMilhoan06: BLACK HOLE!
My Away Message: oh wow.... what a night... lol. if only i had time to recover from it. but nope, i only have a little bit before i have to get my laundry and crap into my car, go to the bank, pick up janson, and head towards the black hole in ohio otherwise known as leetonia...
LilMilhoan06: geez-us-pete!
LilMilhoan06: it's not that bad!
relientkbandgeek: haha
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: lol
relientkbandgeek: well after being in canton, where there's actually stuff to DO
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: well you've got a point there
LilMilhoan06: lol but i don't like cities
LilMilhoan06: i like country homeness
LilMilhoan06: *hugs bed*
relientkbandgeek: and see, canton people think canton is a small town. i'm like "woo buddy my town has like 2000 people in it. on a good day." canton is huge to me
relientkbandgeek: lol
LilMilhoan06: lol
LilMilhoan06: or you could say we have mnore cows then people in my town
LilMilhoan06: lol
relientkbandgeek: haha!! good one
Friday, January 23, 2004
and we have conversation highlights.. haha
littlepinkpony85: can you see the floor?
relientkbandgeek: yes!!
relientkbandgeek: the entire carpet!
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: no way!
littlepinkpony85: im bringing my camera
littlepinkpony85: are you two being good...
relientkbandgeek: define good...
relientkbandgeek: haha jk
littlepinkpony85: lol bad tracey
littlepinkpony85: lets keep it g-rated
littlepinkpony85: hehe
relientkbandgeek: is PG ok??
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: uh oh
relientkbandgeek: yup... soon i'll be cool like you
relientkbandgeek: haha jk
littlepinkpony85: haha yes...we all aspire to be cool like me
littlepinkpony85: :-P
relientkbandgeek: as soon as i have my roommate changing my away messages for me, i'll be cool like you
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: lol
littlepinkpony85: yes...then you will we cool
littlepinkpony85: be*
littlepinkpony85: not we
relientkbandgeek: isn't that a poem? we real cool or something?
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: if it isnt it should be
relientkbandgeek: hmm... i'm gonna look it up. i think itis
relientkbandgeek: *it is
littlepinkpony85: lol
relientkbandgeek: We real cool. We
Left school. We
Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.
relientkbandgeek: ha!
relientkbandgeek: i knew it
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: thats awesome
littlepinkpony85: its so...good
littlepinkpony85: lol
relientkbandgeek: i remember reading it in high school, and i was just like "ummm... yeah...."
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: that was special
heather makes me laugh :)
littlepinkpony85: can you see the floor?
relientkbandgeek: yes!!
relientkbandgeek: the entire carpet!
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: no way!
littlepinkpony85: im bringing my camera
littlepinkpony85: are you two being good...
relientkbandgeek: define good...
relientkbandgeek: haha jk
littlepinkpony85: lol bad tracey
littlepinkpony85: lets keep it g-rated
littlepinkpony85: hehe
relientkbandgeek: is PG ok??
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: uh oh
relientkbandgeek: yup... soon i'll be cool like you
relientkbandgeek: haha jk
littlepinkpony85: haha yes...we all aspire to be cool like me
littlepinkpony85: :-P
relientkbandgeek: as soon as i have my roommate changing my away messages for me, i'll be cool like you
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: lol
littlepinkpony85: yes...then you will we cool
littlepinkpony85: be*
littlepinkpony85: not we
relientkbandgeek: isn't that a poem? we real cool or something?
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: if it isnt it should be
relientkbandgeek: hmm... i'm gonna look it up. i think itis
relientkbandgeek: *it is
littlepinkpony85: lol
relientkbandgeek: We real cool. We
Left school. We
Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.
relientkbandgeek: ha!
relientkbandgeek: i knew it
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: thats awesome
littlepinkpony85: its so...good
littlepinkpony85: lol
relientkbandgeek: i remember reading it in high school, and i was just like "ummm... yeah...."
relientkbandgeek: lol
littlepinkpony85: hahaha
littlepinkpony85: that was special
heather makes me laugh :)
this is my roomie's current favorite song, so i hear it a lot. i love it. i can definitely relate to it right now. i seems like all good things eventually come to an end for me, and i don't want that.
I can't stand the sound
Of losing control
But whenever you're around
I can't find the breath to speak at all
I need you to be careful with me...
Please don't go away
Please don't leave me here
I know if you don't stay
My heart will disappear...
I need beautiful you
Your love brings me in
And swallows me whole
But underneath your skin
Is the only peace I know
All that I need is you here with me...
I can't stand the sound
Of losing control
But whenever you're around
I can't find the breath to speak at all
I need you to be careful with me...
Please don't go away
Please don't leave me here
I know if you don't stay
My heart will disappear...
I need beautiful you
Your love brings me in
And swallows me whole
But underneath your skin
Is the only peace I know
All that I need is you here with me...
Thursday, January 22, 2004
so this is what happens when i tell ali i'm bored at work. we write a story... haha read this...
monogram1 (5:37:13 PM): Yesterday
t boredatwork y (5:37:15 PM): I
monogram1 (5:37:18 PM): went
t boredatwork y (5:37:19 PM): to
monogram1 (5:37:22 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:37:23 PM): store
monogram1 (5:37:27 PM): but
t boredatwork y (5:37:30 PM): when
monogram1 (5:37:38 PM): I
t boredatwork y (5:37:39 PM): got
monogram1 (5:37:44 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:37:46 PM): the
monogram1 (5:37:50 PM): road
t boredatwork y (5:37:52 PM): it
monogram1 (5:37:56 PM): had
t boredatwork y (5:38:05 PM): turquoise
monogram1 (5:38:21 PM): jello
t boredatwork y (5:38:27 PM): in
monogram1 (5:38:35 PM): huge
t boredatwork y (5:38:40 PM): bowls
monogram1 (5:38:46 PM): everywhere
t boredatwork y (5:38:48 PM): .
t boredatwork y (5:38:53 PM): (does that count? lol)
monogram1 (5:39:04 PM): (no... you get to start if you end it.)
t boredatwork y (5:39:14 PM): (oh ok)
t boredatwork y (5:39:18 PM): . so
monogram1 (5:39:28 PM): I
t boredatwork y (5:39:34 PM): turned
monogram1 (5:39:45 PM): left
t boredatwork y (5:39:53 PM): but
monogram1 (5:39:59 PM): my
t boredatwork y (5:40:05 PM): car
t boredatwork y (5:40:09 PM): no wait
monogram1 (5:40:09 PM): decided
monogram1 (5:40:11 PM): lol
t boredatwork y (5:40:12 PM): scratch that
t boredatwork y (5:40:14 PM): my elephant
monogram1 (5:40:26 PM): decided
t boredatwork y (5:40:28 PM): that
monogram1 (5:40:37 PM): she
t boredatwork y (5:40:43 PM): needed
monogram1 (5:41:02 PM): CHOCOLATE
t boredatwork y (5:41:15 PM): . so
monogram1 (5:41:41 PM): we
t boredatwork y (5:41:55 PM): went
monogram1 (5:42:04 PM): frolicking
t boredatwork y (5:42:24 PM): in
monogram1 (5:42:35 PM): our
t boredatwork y (5:42:51 PM): lake
monogram1 (5:43:01 PM): of
t boredatwork y (5:43:16 PM): poop
monogram1 (5:43:19 PM): wearing
t boredatwork y (5:43:24 PM): green
monogram1 (5:43:30 PM): plaid
t boredatwork y (5:43:45 PM): suspenders
monogram1 (5:43:50 PM): over
t boredatwork y (5:43:55 PM): my
monogram1 (5:43:59 PM): orange
t boredatwork y (5:44:07 PM): pants
monogram1 (5:44:20 PM): . Unfortunately
t boredatwork y (5:44:36 PM): the
monogram1 (5:44:49 PM): sun
t boredatwork y (5:45:02 PM): decided
monogram1 (5:45:09 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:45:13 PM): not
monogram1 (5:45:29 PM): be
t boredatwork y (5:45:38 PM): happy
monogram1 (5:45:50 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:45:57 PM): run
monogram1 (5:46:03 PM): away
t boredatwork y (5:46:09 PM): . we
monogram1 (5:46:13 PM): barely
t boredatwork y (5:46:20 PM): had
monogram1 (5:46:30 PM): time
t boredatwork y (5:46:41 PM): to
monogram1 (5:46:49 PM): escape
t boredatwork y (5:46:59 PM): before
monogram1 (5:47:09 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:47:19 PM): monster
monogram1 (5:47:27 PM): made
t boredatwork y (5:47:38 PM): a
monogram1 (5:47:46 PM): sandwich
t boredatwork y (5:47:58 PM): out
monogram1 (5:48:08 PM): of
t boredatwork y (5:48:15 PM): sardines
monogram1 (5:48:19 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:48:33 PM): cranberries
monogram1 (5:48:41 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:48:47 PM): mustard
monogram1 (5:48:50 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:48:57 PM): jelly
monogram1 (5:49:11 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:49:26 PM): little
monogram1 (5:49:39 PM): blue
t boredatwork y (5:49:46 PM): insects
monogram1 (5:49:49 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:50:56 PM): chartreuse
monogram1 (5:51:03 PM): slimy
t boredatwork y (5:51:13 PM): eels
monogram1 (5:51:23 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:51:40 PM): no
monogram1 (5:52:02 PM): eyes
t boredatwork y (5:52:15 PM): . then
t boredatwork y (5:52:24 PM): (no more sandwich please haha)
monogram1 (5:52:26 PM): Super-Tracey
t boredatwork y (5:52:30 PM): and
monogram1 (5:52:35 PM): her
t boredatwork y (5:52:42 PM): sidekick
monogram1 (5:52:51 PM): named
t boredatwork y (5:52:58 PM): ALIALIALI
monogram1 (5:53:11 PM): (lol)
monogram1 (5:53:18 PM): flew
t boredatwork y (5:53:23 PM): into
monogram1 (5:53:35 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:53:40 PM): lake
monogram1 (5:53:44 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:53:47 PM): swam
monogram1 (5:53:55 PM): under
t boredatwork y (5:54:09 PM): the
monogram1 (5:54:17 PM): monster's
t boredatwork y (5:54:34 PM): nose
monogram1 (5:54:53 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:55:01 PM): they
monogram1 (5:55:22 PM): sped-like-speeding-bullets
monogram1 (5:55:26 PM): (it's hypenated!)
t boredatwork y (5:55:33 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:55:36 PM): (lol!)
monogram1 (5:55:55 PM): crash
t boredatwork y (5:56:01 PM): into
monogram1 (5:56:15 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:56:31 PM): road
monogram1 (5:56:58 PM): . THis
t boredatwork y (5:57:42 PM): was
monogram1 (5:57:51 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:57:54 PM): last
monogram1 (5:58:19 PM): time
t boredatwork y (5:58:24 PM): that
monogram1 (5:58:32 PM): anyone
t boredatwork y (5:58:37 PM): ever
monogram1 (5:59:21 PM): saw
t boredatwork y (5:59:24 PM): them
monogram1 (5:59:37 PM): alive
t boredatwork y (5:59:43 PM): . the
t boredatwork y (5:59:48 PM): (say end... please... lol)
monogram1 (5:59:52 PM): end
hope you enjoyed that. now go have a sardine and cranberry and mustard and jelly with blue insects and chartreuse slimy eel with no eye sandwich!!!
monogram1 (5:37:13 PM): Yesterday
t boredatwork y (5:37:15 PM): I
monogram1 (5:37:18 PM): went
t boredatwork y (5:37:19 PM): to
monogram1 (5:37:22 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:37:23 PM): store
monogram1 (5:37:27 PM): but
t boredatwork y (5:37:30 PM): when
monogram1 (5:37:38 PM): I
t boredatwork y (5:37:39 PM): got
monogram1 (5:37:44 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:37:46 PM): the
monogram1 (5:37:50 PM): road
t boredatwork y (5:37:52 PM): it
monogram1 (5:37:56 PM): had
t boredatwork y (5:38:05 PM): turquoise
monogram1 (5:38:21 PM): jello
t boredatwork y (5:38:27 PM): in
monogram1 (5:38:35 PM): huge
t boredatwork y (5:38:40 PM): bowls
monogram1 (5:38:46 PM): everywhere
t boredatwork y (5:38:48 PM): .
t boredatwork y (5:38:53 PM): (does that count? lol)
monogram1 (5:39:04 PM): (no... you get to start if you end it.)
t boredatwork y (5:39:14 PM): (oh ok)
t boredatwork y (5:39:18 PM): . so
monogram1 (5:39:28 PM): I
t boredatwork y (5:39:34 PM): turned
monogram1 (5:39:45 PM): left
t boredatwork y (5:39:53 PM): but
monogram1 (5:39:59 PM): my
t boredatwork y (5:40:05 PM): car
t boredatwork y (5:40:09 PM): no wait
monogram1 (5:40:09 PM): decided
monogram1 (5:40:11 PM): lol
t boredatwork y (5:40:12 PM): scratch that
t boredatwork y (5:40:14 PM): my elephant
monogram1 (5:40:26 PM): decided
t boredatwork y (5:40:28 PM): that
monogram1 (5:40:37 PM): she
t boredatwork y (5:40:43 PM): needed
monogram1 (5:41:02 PM): CHOCOLATE
t boredatwork y (5:41:15 PM): . so
monogram1 (5:41:41 PM): we
t boredatwork y (5:41:55 PM): went
monogram1 (5:42:04 PM): frolicking
t boredatwork y (5:42:24 PM): in
monogram1 (5:42:35 PM): our
t boredatwork y (5:42:51 PM): lake
monogram1 (5:43:01 PM): of
t boredatwork y (5:43:16 PM): poop
monogram1 (5:43:19 PM): wearing
t boredatwork y (5:43:24 PM): green
monogram1 (5:43:30 PM): plaid
t boredatwork y (5:43:45 PM): suspenders
monogram1 (5:43:50 PM): over
t boredatwork y (5:43:55 PM): my
monogram1 (5:43:59 PM): orange
t boredatwork y (5:44:07 PM): pants
monogram1 (5:44:20 PM): . Unfortunately
t boredatwork y (5:44:36 PM): the
monogram1 (5:44:49 PM): sun
t boredatwork y (5:45:02 PM): decided
monogram1 (5:45:09 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:45:13 PM): not
monogram1 (5:45:29 PM): be
t boredatwork y (5:45:38 PM): happy
monogram1 (5:45:50 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:45:57 PM): run
monogram1 (5:46:03 PM): away
t boredatwork y (5:46:09 PM): . we
monogram1 (5:46:13 PM): barely
t boredatwork y (5:46:20 PM): had
monogram1 (5:46:30 PM): time
t boredatwork y (5:46:41 PM): to
monogram1 (5:46:49 PM): escape
t boredatwork y (5:46:59 PM): before
monogram1 (5:47:09 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:47:19 PM): monster
monogram1 (5:47:27 PM): made
t boredatwork y (5:47:38 PM): a
monogram1 (5:47:46 PM): sandwich
t boredatwork y (5:47:58 PM): out
monogram1 (5:48:08 PM): of
t boredatwork y (5:48:15 PM): sardines
monogram1 (5:48:19 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:48:33 PM): cranberries
monogram1 (5:48:41 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:48:47 PM): mustard
monogram1 (5:48:50 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:48:57 PM): jelly
monogram1 (5:49:11 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:49:26 PM): little
monogram1 (5:49:39 PM): blue
t boredatwork y (5:49:46 PM): insects
monogram1 (5:49:49 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:50:56 PM): chartreuse
monogram1 (5:51:03 PM): slimy
t boredatwork y (5:51:13 PM): eels
monogram1 (5:51:23 PM): with
t boredatwork y (5:51:40 PM): no
monogram1 (5:52:02 PM): eyes
t boredatwork y (5:52:15 PM): . then
t boredatwork y (5:52:24 PM): (no more sandwich please haha)
monogram1 (5:52:26 PM): Super-Tracey
t boredatwork y (5:52:30 PM): and
monogram1 (5:52:35 PM): her
t boredatwork y (5:52:42 PM): sidekick
monogram1 (5:52:51 PM): named
t boredatwork y (5:52:58 PM): ALIALIALI
monogram1 (5:53:11 PM): (lol)
monogram1 (5:53:18 PM): flew
t boredatwork y (5:53:23 PM): into
monogram1 (5:53:35 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:53:40 PM): lake
monogram1 (5:53:44 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:53:47 PM): swam
monogram1 (5:53:55 PM): under
t boredatwork y (5:54:09 PM): the
monogram1 (5:54:17 PM): monster's
t boredatwork y (5:54:34 PM): nose
monogram1 (5:54:53 PM): and
t boredatwork y (5:55:01 PM): they
monogram1 (5:55:22 PM): sped-like-speeding-bullets
monogram1 (5:55:26 PM): (it's hypenated!)
t boredatwork y (5:55:33 PM): to
t boredatwork y (5:55:36 PM): (lol!)
monogram1 (5:55:55 PM): crash
t boredatwork y (5:56:01 PM): into
monogram1 (5:56:15 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:56:31 PM): road
monogram1 (5:56:58 PM): . THis
t boredatwork y (5:57:42 PM): was
monogram1 (5:57:51 PM): the
t boredatwork y (5:57:54 PM): last
monogram1 (5:58:19 PM): time
t boredatwork y (5:58:24 PM): that
monogram1 (5:58:32 PM): anyone
t boredatwork y (5:58:37 PM): ever
monogram1 (5:59:21 PM): saw
t boredatwork y (5:59:24 PM): them
monogram1 (5:59:37 PM): alive
t boredatwork y (5:59:43 PM): . the
t boredatwork y (5:59:48 PM): (say end... please... lol)
monogram1 (5:59:52 PM): end
hope you enjoyed that. now go have a sardine and cranberry and mustard and jelly with blue insects and chartreuse slimy eel with no eye sandwich!!!
Then Janson said: write an awesome post about me lol
Then Janson said: that would be sweet
well now... lets see... what to write about my boyfriend. :)
how about he's the most caring guy ever. it doesn't matter what i say, or how i look, or how i act, he likes me anyway. i've never had anyone treat me the way that he does. i've never felt so cared about. i don't need my "button to push and make bad things go away" around janson, cuz he is one. i can be in the worst mood in the entire world, and after a little time with him, its all better again. he's amazing.
now that all my friends think i'm a total sap, haha, i hope you're happy hun :)
Then Janson said: that would be sweet
well now... lets see... what to write about my boyfriend. :)
how about he's the most caring guy ever. it doesn't matter what i say, or how i look, or how i act, he likes me anyway. i've never had anyone treat me the way that he does. i've never felt so cared about. i don't need my "button to push and make bad things go away" around janson, cuz he is one. i can be in the worst mood in the entire world, and after a little time with him, its all better again. he's amazing.
now that all my friends think i'm a total sap, haha, i hope you're happy hun :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
this has to be the worst shift ever. 9-11:30. especially since i'm not feeling all that great. i ate some dinner, and now i wish i hadn't.... my stomach is all laksfj;lkwaenowieuraowinvowiearu.
ALIALIALI is going to SKILLET on FRIDAY!!! :) oh happy day!! i can't wait!!!!
and then saturday... haha. poor janson is coming home with me. but not for very long, cuz i don't wanna scare him away... haha jk. i just hope my mom doesn't find any reason to flip out on me while i'm home. that tends to happen a lot....
ALIALIALI is going to SKILLET on FRIDAY!!! :) oh happy day!! i can't wait!!!!
and then saturday... haha. poor janson is coming home with me. but not for very long, cuz i don't wanna scare him away... haha jk. i just hope my mom doesn't find any reason to flip out on me while i'm home. that tends to happen a lot....
i think i'm going to change my work schedule on thursdays. i'm not seeing a reason why i can't, as long as someone hasn't already taken the hours that i want. right now i work 5:30-6:30 and 8-9 on thursdays. but i think i'm gonna work 3-4 and 5:30-6:30 instead. i like that. now i just have to remember to go to IT tomorrow and change it. :)
i'm sure i seem like a compulsive poster today, haha. but stuff keeps happening...
i hung out in cassie's room for a bit earlier. she made a comment that i thought was awesome. she said "i almost wish that i had gone to leetonia schools, cuz i think you would have been one of my best friends." we're a lot alike. it seems like everything that i say about janson, or about dating in general, she either feels that way or has felt that way before. she always understands what i'm saying completely. i'm going back down there after work, cuz we didn't even finish talking. i love cassie. i really miss being able to hang out with those girls. my schedule is so much different from theirs, and then add in work, and i never get to see them!! i miss eating meals with my girls. :( i miss woolman 1 north... haha. ok i'm done. for now.... :)
i hung out in cassie's room for a bit earlier. she made a comment that i thought was awesome. she said "i almost wish that i had gone to leetonia schools, cuz i think you would have been one of my best friends." we're a lot alike. it seems like everything that i say about janson, or about dating in general, she either feels that way or has felt that way before. she always understands what i'm saying completely. i'm going back down there after work, cuz we didn't even finish talking. i love cassie. i really miss being able to hang out with those girls. my schedule is so much different from theirs, and then add in work, and i never get to see them!! i miss eating meals with my girls. :( i miss woolman 1 north... haha. ok i'm done. for now.... :)
relientkbandgeek: but i am going to west liberty in 8 days
relientkbandgeek: if that counts too
relientkbandgeek: :-D
monogram1: lol
monogram1: so 8 days from now something else cool has to happen.
relientkbandgeek: i think WL is cool :-D
monogram1: yeah!
relientkbandgeek: i can't wait l;askdjf;lkasnf;lwaekjr!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: :-D
monogram1: ;oidufkaijdoi1
monogram1: DAVID!
relientkbandgeek: ah!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: DAVID!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: WLWLWLWL!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: now i'm so freaking excited
relientkbandgeek: i need to go dance around the room
happiness!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait i can't wait i'm going to west liberty for the whooooooole weekend! well except for a few hours spent in columbus with the family on the 31st.. but still. :) AHHHHHHHHHH LIZDAVIDLIZDAVIDLACEYANDLOTSOFOTHERPEOPLETHATLIVEDOWNTHERE!!! :) woooooooooooooooooo
relientkbandgeek: if that counts too
relientkbandgeek: :-D
monogram1: lol
monogram1: so 8 days from now something else cool has to happen.
relientkbandgeek: i think WL is cool :-D
monogram1: yeah!
relientkbandgeek: i can't wait l;askdjf;lkasnf;lwaekjr!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: :-D
monogram1: ;oidufkaijdoi1
monogram1: DAVID!
relientkbandgeek: ah!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: DAVID!!!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: WLWLWLWL!!!!!!!
relientkbandgeek: now i'm so freaking excited
relientkbandgeek: i need to go dance around the room
happiness!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait i can't wait i'm going to west liberty for the whooooooole weekend! well except for a few hours spent in columbus with the family on the 31st.. but still. :) AHHHHHHHHHH LIZDAVIDLIZDAVIDLACEYANDLOTSOFOTHERPEOPLETHATLIVEDOWNTHERE!!! :) woooooooooooooooooo
!!!!!!!!!! :):):)
so yeah. things are great. wow. last night i wanted to die or something. but then things got better. and then today, things just continued uphill.. :)
so i skipped my personal finance class to study, but didn't end up studying much. lol. right now i'm skipping chapel, but i'm glad that i did. leah IMed me a bit ago to ask about something, and we ended up talking, and apologizing and forgiving, and wow. i'm excited!! i've really missed her a lot. i mean we've been friends all along, but it just hasn't been the same. i miss the way things were from like 3rd grade until our fight (after freshman or sophomore year?). i mean i know we can't just jump right back into that, but its gonna be awesome to talk to her again. janson thought i acted weird around ali?? haha just you wait hun. you haven't seen me with leah yet... :)
so yeah. things are great. wow. last night i wanted to die or something. but then things got better. and then today, things just continued uphill.. :)
so i skipped my personal finance class to study, but didn't end up studying much. lol. right now i'm skipping chapel, but i'm glad that i did. leah IMed me a bit ago to ask about something, and we ended up talking, and apologizing and forgiving, and wow. i'm excited!! i've really missed her a lot. i mean we've been friends all along, but it just hasn't been the same. i miss the way things were from like 3rd grade until our fight (after freshman or sophomore year?). i mean i know we can't just jump right back into that, but its gonna be awesome to talk to her again. janson thought i acted weird around ali?? haha just you wait hun. you haven't seen me with leah yet... :)
i had a nervous breakdown last night. i don't know exactly what happened. but i was all hand shaky, heart pounding, wanting to scream and bawl... it really freaked me out. i couldn't figure out why it was happening, or what i needed to do to make it stop. i could barely even type on IM. it was scary. so janson ended up coming to get me, cuz he's awesome. :) i don't know what i woulda done without him. i just sat in his car and flipped out, and he was awesome about it. i didn't even know what to do, but he calmed me down, and everything's ok now.
ok i need to get dressed and get to class now. unless i decide not to go, which i'm considering...
ok i need to get dressed and get to class now. unless i decide not to go, which i'm considering...
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
ok so random post....
its amazing to me how everything can be seeming to go completely wrong, and that i'm never going to be happy, and then all of a sudden all this [good] stuff happens.
i just got an email, and wow... i feel so much better about stuff. to know that i wasn't the only one that was hurting because we weren't talking. and some of the stuff that was said in the email... wow. as i said in a previous email, this isn't a friendship that i'm willing to give up on. we've been through too much stuff together, and we know too much about each other. this past weekend was awesome, getting to hang out again. hopefully, thats the start of our friendship (the re-start, rather).
and then of course, there are other happy things in my life. a certain reason that i haven't stopped grinning like an idiot all day long. its insane to me. it all happened so fast, but at the same time, it didn't. i feel like i've known janson forever. he knows so much more about me in the little over a week that we've been talking than most people find out about me in a lifetime. there's just something about him, the way he talks to me and the way he treats me, that makes me blindly trust him. no one has ever treated me the way he does. i feel like i actually matter when i'm with him. like all he wants is for me to be happy. i've never had that before. i don't know what to do with it. but i don't want it to go away. i hope this is the beginning of a long long long relationship.
its amazing to me how everything can be seeming to go completely wrong, and that i'm never going to be happy, and then all of a sudden all this [good] stuff happens.
i just got an email, and wow... i feel so much better about stuff. to know that i wasn't the only one that was hurting because we weren't talking. and some of the stuff that was said in the email... wow. as i said in a previous email, this isn't a friendship that i'm willing to give up on. we've been through too much stuff together, and we know too much about each other. this past weekend was awesome, getting to hang out again. hopefully, thats the start of our friendship (the re-start, rather).
and then of course, there are other happy things in my life. a certain reason that i haven't stopped grinning like an idiot all day long. its insane to me. it all happened so fast, but at the same time, it didn't. i feel like i've known janson forever. he knows so much more about me in the little over a week that we've been talking than most people find out about me in a lifetime. there's just something about him, the way he talks to me and the way he treats me, that makes me blindly trust him. no one has ever treated me the way he does. i feel like i actually matter when i'm with him. like all he wants is for me to be happy. i've never had that before. i don't know what to do with it. but i don't want it to go away. i hope this is the beginning of a long long long relationship.
i think i've done this one before. all well. its fun. :)

hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i think i'm getting sick. or i am sick. i'm not feeling that great....
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i think i'm getting sick. or i am sick. i'm not feeling that great....
[my name is]: tracey
[in the morning i am]: crabby and tired and just in general not awake for like 2 hours. lol
[love is]: a many splendored thing. haha too much moulin rouge for tracey :)
[i dream about]: lots of stuff
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: probly hair or eyes or shoes (haha i know thats weird, but i do look)
[last person u slow danced with]: jeremiah at prom methinks
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: janson
[easiest to talk to]: alialiali, janson, my heidi, kelli my kelli, sarah eades my homeschooler, delight
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: nope. i fell for my prom date once... haha
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: ummmmm.... ali when she called yesterday morning to tell me that she was running late
[hugged]: janson
[you instant messaged]: janson
[you laughed with]: my roomie
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]:no
[what's your favorite food?]: chex mix :)
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: peaches
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: not normally
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: in what way?
[of hearts i have broken?] : hopefully none, but i don't know
[of boys i have kissed?] : haha a big 0 on that one. i'm still nome's beyond a virgin friend. :)
[of girls i have kissed?] : none
[of drugs taken illegally?] : none
[of tight friends?] : 3 or 4
[of cd's that i own?] : too many, thats all i know
[of scars on my body?] : i'm not sure. they're almost all from getting burnt at work, tho. stupid mcdonalds...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : a lot
[i know]: that its cold in this computer lab
[i want]: it to be this friday so i can see skillet. and then i want it to be next friday cuz THAT'S THE DAY THAT I LEAVE FOR WEST LIBERTY!!!!! :) :) :) i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait!! i miss elizabeth a lot. maybe the drive will only take the required 3 hours or so this time. i'm not gonna get lost again. haha.
[i have]: a quiz in an hour that i haven't studied for yet
[i wish]: that i was still in bed
[i hate]: myself most of the time
[i miss]: heidi. i started typing out a bunch of people, but then i got tired of doing it. so i miss a lot of people, but i miss my heidi the most
[i fear]: scary movies. i get nightmares like a little kid. haha. but yet, i still watch them...
[i hear]: the printer and scott bell swearing at it. lol
[i search]: every time i need to find something in my room. haha
[i love]: my friends
[i ache]: in my stomach right now. i have a stomach ache.
[i care]: too much sometimes i think.
[i always]: think i'm annoying people
[i dance]: umm never. haha
[i cry]: at sad movies. and semi sad movies. and things that are so happy in movies that people cry. yeah i cry at those too. with everything else, i try not to cry in front of people. but it doesn't always work.
[i do not always]: get stuff done when i should. i procrastinate like heck
[i write]: on here, and in my journal, and letters
[i confuse]: myself. and other people probly. lol
[i can usually be found]: in my dorm, on my computer :)
[i need]: some more sleep. this 4 hours isn't really cutting it for me. all well. it was worth it. i could have gone to bed an hour earlier if i hadn't been retarded and thought that i had english today.
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: no
[if so, when and with who]: um no
[favorite place to be kissed?]: i don't know
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: no
[wuss]: yes i am
[druggie]: no
[gang member]: no
[daydreamer]: yes. i sit in class thinking, and then all of a sudden realize that everyone around me is writing something and i don't know what cuz i was zoned out.
[alcoholic]: no
[freak]: probly
[brat]: i try not to be
[sarcastic]: very
[goody-goody]: yeah i guess
[angel]: no
[devil]: no
[friend]: i try to be. i'm not good with words at all, but i can listen
[shy]: at times. it depends. not when i'm around ali. lol
[talkative]: at times. i am at night. when i'm tired, i talk so much... lol
[adventurous]: sometimes
[intelligent]: not really
[impacted you the most spiritually]: david lantz
[wish you saw more often]: friends from HS (lynne, casey, christy, tkach, clarinet girls), heidi, liz, sarah b, craig, uncle jared
[wish you could meet]: jon!!!! i've been talking to him online for so long! someday, we're gonna get together. you really should get rich and come to the skillet concert on friday. that would be awesome!!!
[most sarcastic]: heather
[wish you knew better]: leah
[knows you best]: heidi and ali
[best outlook on life]: i don't know. i don't feel like thinking
[most paranoid]: janson :)
[sweetest]: janson
[your best feature (personality)]: i can listen
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: i get mad easily, but i never say anything, i just stay mad and hold it in
[most annoying thing you do]: see above
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: a lot of things
[describe your personality in one word]: i dunno, i think it changes every day lol
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: when i actually wear it down, my hair. everyone gets so shocked that i'm wearing it down that i hear about it all day long...
[person you regret sleeping with]: never have
[height]: 5'7 i think
[a smell that makes you smile]: boys clothes (aka cologne)
[a city you'd like to visit]: i would LOVE to go back to NYC
[a drink you order most often]: water, pepsi if they have it, coke if not
[a delicious dessert]: 7 layer bars
[a book you highly recommend]: hmm... i used to read a lot. 'through gates of splendour' really blew me away. its a true story about these missionaries that get killed by the tribe that they're ministering to
[the music you prefer while alone]: dashboard or other random emo
[your favorite band]: relient k
[a film you could watch over and over]: princess bride, moulin rouge, beautiful mind, alaska (but only with my little brother haha)
[a TV show you watch regularly]: gilmore girls
[you live in a(n)]: dorm room with the best roomie ever :)
[your transportation]: my 13-year-old cavalier. i love my car.
[your cologne or perfume]: i like the one that kelli gave me for christmas. it smells good. :)
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: caryns stuff is under the bed. i wouldn't advise opening my closet door. there's a loooot of clothes stuffed in the bottom of it
[something important on your night table]: i don't have a night table here. but at home, its probly my clock or lamp. lol
well that was fun. now i really need to stop procrastinating and start studying for my new testament quiz....
[in the morning i am]: crabby and tired and just in general not awake for like 2 hours. lol
[love is]: a many splendored thing. haha too much moulin rouge for tracey :)
[i dream about]: lots of stuff
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: probly hair or eyes or shoes (haha i know thats weird, but i do look)
[last person u slow danced with]: jeremiah at prom methinks
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: janson
[easiest to talk to]: alialiali, janson, my heidi, kelli my kelli, sarah eades my homeschooler, delight
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: nope. i fell for my prom date once... haha
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: ummmmm.... ali when she called yesterday morning to tell me that she was running late
[hugged]: janson
[you instant messaged]: janson
[you laughed with]: my roomie
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]:no
[what's your favorite food?]: chex mix :)
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: peaches
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: not normally
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: in what way?
[of hearts i have broken?] : hopefully none, but i don't know
[of boys i have kissed?] : haha a big 0 on that one. i'm still nome's beyond a virgin friend. :)
[of girls i have kissed?] : none
[of drugs taken illegally?] : none
[of tight friends?] : 3 or 4
[of cd's that i own?] : too many, thats all i know
[of scars on my body?] : i'm not sure. they're almost all from getting burnt at work, tho. stupid mcdonalds...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : a lot
[i know]: that its cold in this computer lab
[i want]: it to be this friday so i can see skillet. and then i want it to be next friday cuz THAT'S THE DAY THAT I LEAVE FOR WEST LIBERTY!!!!! :) :) :) i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait!! i miss elizabeth a lot. maybe the drive will only take the required 3 hours or so this time. i'm not gonna get lost again. haha.
[i have]: a quiz in an hour that i haven't studied for yet
[i wish]: that i was still in bed
[i hate]: myself most of the time
[i miss]: heidi. i started typing out a bunch of people, but then i got tired of doing it. so i miss a lot of people, but i miss my heidi the most
[i fear]: scary movies. i get nightmares like a little kid. haha. but yet, i still watch them...
[i hear]: the printer and scott bell swearing at it. lol
[i search]: every time i need to find something in my room. haha
[i love]: my friends
[i ache]: in my stomach right now. i have a stomach ache.
[i care]: too much sometimes i think.
[i always]: think i'm annoying people
[i dance]: umm never. haha
[i cry]: at sad movies. and semi sad movies. and things that are so happy in movies that people cry. yeah i cry at those too. with everything else, i try not to cry in front of people. but it doesn't always work.
[i do not always]: get stuff done when i should. i procrastinate like heck
[i write]: on here, and in my journal, and letters
[i confuse]: myself. and other people probly. lol
[i can usually be found]: in my dorm, on my computer :)
[i need]: some more sleep. this 4 hours isn't really cutting it for me. all well. it was worth it. i could have gone to bed an hour earlier if i hadn't been retarded and thought that i had english today.
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: no
[if so, when and with who]: um no
[favorite place to be kissed?]: i don't know
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: no
[wuss]: yes i am
[druggie]: no
[gang member]: no
[daydreamer]: yes. i sit in class thinking, and then all of a sudden realize that everyone around me is writing something and i don't know what cuz i was zoned out.
[alcoholic]: no
[freak]: probly
[brat]: i try not to be
[sarcastic]: very
[goody-goody]: yeah i guess
[angel]: no
[devil]: no
[friend]: i try to be. i'm not good with words at all, but i can listen
[shy]: at times. it depends. not when i'm around ali. lol
[talkative]: at times. i am at night. when i'm tired, i talk so much... lol
[adventurous]: sometimes
[intelligent]: not really
[impacted you the most spiritually]: david lantz
[wish you saw more often]: friends from HS (lynne, casey, christy, tkach, clarinet girls), heidi, liz, sarah b, craig, uncle jared
[wish you could meet]: jon!!!! i've been talking to him online for so long! someday, we're gonna get together. you really should get rich and come to the skillet concert on friday. that would be awesome!!!
[most sarcastic]: heather
[wish you knew better]: leah
[knows you best]: heidi and ali
[best outlook on life]: i don't know. i don't feel like thinking
[most paranoid]: janson :)
[sweetest]: janson
[your best feature (personality)]: i can listen
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: i get mad easily, but i never say anything, i just stay mad and hold it in
[most annoying thing you do]: see above
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: a lot of things
[describe your personality in one word]: i dunno, i think it changes every day lol
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: when i actually wear it down, my hair. everyone gets so shocked that i'm wearing it down that i hear about it all day long...
[person you regret sleeping with]: never have
[height]: 5'7 i think
[a smell that makes you smile]: boys clothes (aka cologne)
[a city you'd like to visit]: i would LOVE to go back to NYC
[a drink you order most often]: water, pepsi if they have it, coke if not
[a delicious dessert]: 7 layer bars
[a book you highly recommend]: hmm... i used to read a lot. 'through gates of splendour' really blew me away. its a true story about these missionaries that get killed by the tribe that they're ministering to
[the music you prefer while alone]: dashboard or other random emo
[your favorite band]: relient k
[a film you could watch over and over]: princess bride, moulin rouge, beautiful mind, alaska (but only with my little brother haha)
[a TV show you watch regularly]: gilmore girls
[you live in a(n)]: dorm room with the best roomie ever :)
[your transportation]: my 13-year-old cavalier. i love my car.
[your cologne or perfume]: i like the one that kelli gave me for christmas. it smells good. :)
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: caryns stuff is under the bed. i wouldn't advise opening my closet door. there's a loooot of clothes stuffed in the bottom of it
[something important on your night table]: i don't have a night table here. but at home, its probly my clock or lamp. lol
well that was fun. now i really need to stop procrastinating and start studying for my new testament quiz....
wow. so just 8 days ago, caryn was like "come to steak n shake with me and janson". and i was like "hmmm i don't know him very well. i don't know..." but i went anyway. and now, just 8 days later... wow. the thing is, i don't feel like we're rushing. i feel like i can tell him anything, and i pretty much have. i've been so freaking honest with him. its crazy. but i like him a lot. and i trust him. usually after i watch a freaky movie, i get all weirded out and look over my shoulder like a little kid. but not this time. :) and we talked for awhile. it was awesome. wow. i really like him. :)
ok so caryn just woke up and told me to go to bed, and i was like "i'm writing my english paper." and then she reminded me that english is on MWF... ohmygoodness i'm such a retard. i could have been in bed like an hour ago. well at least my paper is done.. haha.
ok so caryn just woke up and told me to go to bed, and i was like "i'm writing my english paper." and then she reminded me that english is on MWF... ohmygoodness i'm such a retard. i could have been in bed like an hour ago. well at least my paper is done.. haha.
Monday, January 19, 2004
i'm up in delight's room, with her and ali. i love these girls. :) we played nerts (nertz? haha i can't spell) for like an hour. i won the first few rounds... but then ali kicked my butt. she ended up winning, of course. they attempted to teach me egyptian ratscrew, but it just doesn't click in my little brain, haha. i think i understand it, i just can't pay attention enough to win. lol. so thats why i'm on delight's computer while her and ali play more egyptian ratscrew. i don't hang out with delight enough. her dorm is like 2 minutes away from mine, and i just never come up here. delight has a lot of scarves. lets count. i see two on the chair, and 7 more hanging over there. so thats 9 scarves. it makes me want to make myself more scarves. lol. tim's blanket first!! that reminds me, i'm gonna go work on it while i laugh at my girls that i love so much cuz they crack me up!! :)
Sunday, January 18, 2004
ok no one flip out. i'm not talking about love, necessarily. this is just kinda what i'm feeling right now. i dunno. i love this song. and this musical.
Someone Like You from Jekyll and Hyde
I peer through windows,
Watch life go by,
Dream of tomorrow,
And wonder "why"?
The past is holding me,
Keeping life at bay,
I wander lost in yesterday,
Wanting to fly -
But scared to try.
But if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive -
If someone like you
Found me!
So many secrets
I've longed to share!
All I have needed
Is someone there,
To help me see a world
I've never seen before -
A love to open every door,
To set me free,
So I can soar!
If someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
There'd be a new way to live,
A new life to love,
If someone like you
Found me!
Oh, if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive -
If someone like you
Loved me...
Loved me...
Loved me!...
Someone Like You from Jekyll and Hyde
I peer through windows,
Watch life go by,
Dream of tomorrow,
And wonder "why"?
The past is holding me,
Keeping life at bay,
I wander lost in yesterday,
Wanting to fly -
But scared to try.
But if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive -
If someone like you
Found me!
So many secrets
I've longed to share!
All I have needed
Is someone there,
To help me see a world
I've never seen before -
A love to open every door,
To set me free,
So I can soar!
If someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
There'd be a new way to live,
A new life to love,
If someone like you
Found me!
Oh, if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive -
If someone like you
Loved me...
Loved me...
Loved me!...
talk about ridiculous.. this boy is ridiculous. but he makes me laugh a lot. and he's making time pass faster while i sit in this lab and freeze cuz its so cold!!!
cowexnihilo: it works
t boredatwork y: a'l;kwjdfl;kjvnowejroiuwr
cowexnihilo: what does that mean?
t boredatwork y: that means 'no talking for david ever again'
t boredatwork y: loosely translated
cowexnihilo: why?
t boredatwork y: because i said so
cowexnihilo: that works
t boredatwork y: you're talking!
t boredatwork y: stop that!
cowexnihilo: no, I'm typing
t boredatwork y: hmmm.... i guess thats true
t boredatwork y: so apparently they've never heard of a nice thing called heat in this computer lab
cowexnihilo: sounds funnest
t boredatwork y: in an hour, i'm free and can go back to my waaaarm dorm room
cowexnihilo: I'm a little too warm right now personally...
t boredatwork y: send some heat my way!!!
t boredatwork y: lol
cowexnihilo: ok
cowexnihilo: ready go
t boredatwork y: i don't think its working
cowexnihilo: yes it is, I can tell
cowexnihilo: you said work...
t boredatwork y: thats different!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: no it's not
t boredatwork y: i didn't use it in the context that it can't be used in!!
cowexnihilo: what context is that?
t boredatwork y: you can't trick me like that
cowexnihilo: I just don't understand what context is acceptable and what isn't?
t boredatwork y: the way that you use it is not acceptable
t boredatwork y: you can't say it and that at the same time
cowexnihilo: how do I use it? I think I do it lots of ways, and I don't think all of them are unacceptable...
cowexnihilo: what?
t boredatwork y: you can't say the aforementioned 'w' word and that at the same time
t boredatwork y: and don't act confused
t boredatwork y: cuz you know what i'm talking about
cowexnihilo: I need an example...
t boredatwork y: and you're sitting at your screen right now laughing at me
t boredatwork y: no
cowexnihilo: what are you talking about?
t boredatwork y: no don't act confused
t boredatwork y: cuz you're not
cowexnihilo: you're a rediculous person...
t boredatwork y: you're worse!!!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: how so?
t boredatwork y: because i know you're sitting there laughing at me right now
t boredatwork y: and if i could, i would come beat you up
cowexnihilo: I don't believe you
t boredatwork y: 2 weeks from friday (like the friday that was 2 days ago)
t boredatwork y: i'm going to beat you up
cowexnihilo: that works
cowexnihilo: oh, so you're saying you won't beat me up?
t boredatwork y: no i'm not saying that
t boredatwork y: but that up there
t boredatwork y: is an example of how NOT to say it
cowexnihilo: so you're saying you can't beat me up?
cowexnihilo: say what?
t boredatwork y: i can too!!
t boredatwork y: you're so skinny
cowexnihilo: you can what?
t boredatwork y: i could like chop you in half
t boredatwork y: or something like that
cowexnihilo: um, I don't think so...
cowexnihilo: have you been lifting?
just a little excerpt from a conversation with the most ridiculous boy to ever walk this planet. haha. but now he's offline and i'm all alone again, freezing....
cowexnihilo: it works
t boredatwork y: a'l;kwjdfl;kjvnowejroiuwr
cowexnihilo: what does that mean?
t boredatwork y: that means 'no talking for david ever again'
t boredatwork y: loosely translated
cowexnihilo: why?
t boredatwork y: because i said so
cowexnihilo: that works
t boredatwork y: you're talking!
t boredatwork y: stop that!
cowexnihilo: no, I'm typing
t boredatwork y: hmmm.... i guess thats true
t boredatwork y: so apparently they've never heard of a nice thing called heat in this computer lab
cowexnihilo: sounds funnest
t boredatwork y: in an hour, i'm free and can go back to my waaaarm dorm room
cowexnihilo: I'm a little too warm right now personally...
t boredatwork y: send some heat my way!!!
t boredatwork y: lol
cowexnihilo: ok
cowexnihilo: ready go
t boredatwork y: i don't think its working
cowexnihilo: yes it is, I can tell
cowexnihilo: you said work...
t boredatwork y: thats different!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: no it's not
t boredatwork y: i didn't use it in the context that it can't be used in!!
cowexnihilo: what context is that?
t boredatwork y: you can't trick me like that
cowexnihilo: I just don't understand what context is acceptable and what isn't?
t boredatwork y: the way that you use it is not acceptable
t boredatwork y: you can't say it and that at the same time
cowexnihilo: how do I use it? I think I do it lots of ways, and I don't think all of them are unacceptable...
cowexnihilo: what?
t boredatwork y: you can't say the aforementioned 'w' word and that at the same time
t boredatwork y: and don't act confused
t boredatwork y: cuz you know what i'm talking about
cowexnihilo: I need an example...
t boredatwork y: and you're sitting at your screen right now laughing at me
t boredatwork y: no
cowexnihilo: what are you talking about?
t boredatwork y: no don't act confused
t boredatwork y: cuz you're not
cowexnihilo: you're a rediculous person...
t boredatwork y: you're worse!!!!!!!!
cowexnihilo: how so?
t boredatwork y: because i know you're sitting there laughing at me right now
t boredatwork y: and if i could, i would come beat you up
cowexnihilo: I don't believe you
t boredatwork y: 2 weeks from friday (like the friday that was 2 days ago)
t boredatwork y: i'm going to beat you up
cowexnihilo: that works
cowexnihilo: oh, so you're saying you won't beat me up?
t boredatwork y: no i'm not saying that
t boredatwork y: but that up there
t boredatwork y: is an example of how NOT to say it
cowexnihilo: so you're saying you can't beat me up?
cowexnihilo: say what?
t boredatwork y: i can too!!
t boredatwork y: you're so skinny
cowexnihilo: you can what?
t boredatwork y: i could like chop you in half
t boredatwork y: or something like that
cowexnihilo: um, I don't think so...
cowexnihilo: have you been lifting?
just a little excerpt from a conversation with the most ridiculous boy to ever walk this planet. haha. but now he's offline and i'm all alone again, freezing....
keep in mind that as i type this, i'm reeeeeeally tired and sleep deprived. and i have a feeling that its going to show in my typing....
i left malone kinda late, cuz i waited till the last minute to pack, and cuz i talked to janson online for too long. haha. i went to ali's, picked her up, and we headed to taco bell. she likes the food there (ick!!) and i wanted a choco taco (the only food that i'll eat from taco bell, lol). so we talked... i really expected her to be the one to talk me out of this. to be the one that was like "TRACEY!! YOU HATE BOYS! HELLO!!!" cuz she's my 'boy guru', and i tell her pretty much everything. so she knows everything about past relationships, and impending future relationships. but the more i talked and the more i told her, she was like "ahhh!!! keeper! he sounds like a keeper!" and it was strange to hear that coming from MY alialiali for some reason... but all well. so we ate and talkytalkytalkytalkyed a lot. and then i got gas. and we went back to ali's. and talkyed some more on the way. then i left to go to camp. i got there, moved in (to the wrong room, haha. i put all my crap in brian's room. and then i had to move it later. but anyway). then i went to the kitchen, put on an apron (one of the fun plaid ones of course!!) and a cloth hair net (the ducky one!! what else??? haha) and worked. rochelle and brian crack me up, ohmygoodness. it was so much fun. we worked on various things (like dishes, snack, getting breakfast ready for the next morning), and then went beeedddddy. rochelle and i talked for awhile, then slept. and thats all for now, cuz my attention span is really short. but i have 3 more hours to finish this later. and then i'm going to friendly's to visit ali. who wants to cooooome? cuz i don't know how to get there!!! haha
i left malone kinda late, cuz i waited till the last minute to pack, and cuz i talked to janson online for too long. haha. i went to ali's, picked her up, and we headed to taco bell. she likes the food there (ick!!) and i wanted a choco taco (the only food that i'll eat from taco bell, lol). so we talked... i really expected her to be the one to talk me out of this. to be the one that was like "TRACEY!! YOU HATE BOYS! HELLO!!!" cuz she's my 'boy guru', and i tell her pretty much everything. so she knows everything about past relationships, and impending future relationships. but the more i talked and the more i told her, she was like "ahhh!!! keeper! he sounds like a keeper!" and it was strange to hear that coming from MY alialiali for some reason... but all well. so we ate and talkytalkytalkytalkyed a lot. and then i got gas. and we went back to ali's. and talkyed some more on the way. then i left to go to camp. i got there, moved in (to the wrong room, haha. i put all my crap in brian's room. and then i had to move it later. but anyway). then i went to the kitchen, put on an apron (one of the fun plaid ones of course!!) and a cloth hair net (the ducky one!! what else??? haha) and worked. rochelle and brian crack me up, ohmygoodness. it was so much fun. we worked on various things (like dishes, snack, getting breakfast ready for the next morning), and then went beeedddddy. rochelle and i talked for awhile, then slept. and thats all for now, cuz my attention span is really short. but i have 3 more hours to finish this later. and then i'm going to friendly's to visit ali. who wants to cooooome? cuz i don't know how to get there!!! haha
wowowow. i really needed this weekend. i am on such a high right now, and i didn't have any caffiene today!! :)
lets start out with some of the quotes i compiled over the weekend, haha. :) i know there are some that i forgot, i think i lost a napkin somewhere along the line (i couldn't find any paper in the kitchen so all my quotes are written on napkins)
"women get the last word in any argument... anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument."
"they say i have ADD, but they just don't understand. oh look! a chicken!"
-those two were t-shirts that amused me a lot in a catalogue that we looked thru all weekend
"tracey rhymes with pansy! oh wait, no it doesn't..."
"rochelle rotisserie!"
-rochelle, as she's spinning slowly around in between the open over doors
"its warm and it smells good."
-rochelle, talking about the oven
"who needs men?"
"hey! i'm better than an oven!!"
"so if we were to guard the cheese sauce, how long would we put it in the microwave?"
-brian, steve, and joe
"rochelle these are awesome, i'm gonna go buy some of your drugs!"
-me talking about rochelle's mucinex, NOT REAL DRUGS! haha
"tracey, rochelle, do you think that orlando bloom is hot?"
"who's that?"
"not really. i mean, he's nothing compared to you, brian."
"you just made my day. my month. my life!!"
"am i hotter than johnny depp?"
"not when he's wearing eyeliner. without eyeliner, he's ugly. but with it, mmmmmm"
"but if i was wearing eyeliner?"
"then you'd be hotter than johnny depp steve."
"when john's away, the peanut butter comes out to play!"
"my watch is better than your pancreas anyday!"
-rochelle to brian
"we love you tracey."
"no you don't!"
"yes we do, thats why we pick on you!"
ok now i'm going to post this, and then write about the whole weekend, cuz i have 3 and a half hours to kill with nothing to do..
lets start out with some of the quotes i compiled over the weekend, haha. :) i know there are some that i forgot, i think i lost a napkin somewhere along the line (i couldn't find any paper in the kitchen so all my quotes are written on napkins)
"women get the last word in any argument... anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument."
"they say i have ADD, but they just don't understand. oh look! a chicken!"
-those two were t-shirts that amused me a lot in a catalogue that we looked thru all weekend
"tracey rhymes with pansy! oh wait, no it doesn't..."
"rochelle rotisserie!"
-rochelle, as she's spinning slowly around in between the open over doors
"its warm and it smells good."
-rochelle, talking about the oven
"who needs men?"
"hey! i'm better than an oven!!"
"so if we were to guard the cheese sauce, how long would we put it in the microwave?"
-brian, steve, and joe
"rochelle these are awesome, i'm gonna go buy some of your drugs!"
-me talking about rochelle's mucinex, NOT REAL DRUGS! haha
"tracey, rochelle, do you think that orlando bloom is hot?"
"who's that?"
"not really. i mean, he's nothing compared to you, brian."
"you just made my day. my month. my life!!"
"am i hotter than johnny depp?"
"not when he's wearing eyeliner. without eyeliner, he's ugly. but with it, mmmmmm"
"but if i was wearing eyeliner?"
"then you'd be hotter than johnny depp steve."
"when john's away, the peanut butter comes out to play!"
"my watch is better than your pancreas anyday!"
-rochelle to brian
"we love you tracey."
"no you don't!"
"yes we do, thats why we pick on you!"
ok now i'm going to post this, and then write about the whole weekend, cuz i have 3 and a half hours to kill with nothing to do..
Friday, January 16, 2004
Thursday, January 15, 2004
i love travis. :) he's a great friend.
t boredatwork y: travis tell me that i'm not allowed to like boys. yell at me.
t boredatwork y: sorry for my outburst
t boredatwork y: lol
t boredatwork y: i'm done now i proimse
t boredatwork y: *promise
Tmanlivin4God: umm
Tmanlivin4God: your not allowed to like boys tracey
t boredatwork y: haha thanks
Tmanlivin4God: your not allowed at all, otherwise i will be really upset
t boredatwork y: ok
t boredatwork y: no boys
t boredatwork y: no boys
t boredatwork y: i don't like any boys
Tmanlivin4God: good good
Tmanlivin4God: u cant
t boredatwork y: boys are friends. some boys, anyway. but i can't date boys
Tmanlivin4God: i know you can't
Tmanlivin4God: darn it i forbid you tracey
t boredatwork y: good. i think thats what i need
t boredatwork y: lol
Tmanlivin4God: it is :-)
Tmanlivin4God: till you get married
Tmanlivin4God: i have to lift the curse then
t boredatwork y: traves you crack me up
Tmanlivin4God: trays
Tmanlivin4God: you do too
t boredatwork y: travis tell me that i'm not allowed to like boys. yell at me.
t boredatwork y: sorry for my outburst
t boredatwork y: lol
t boredatwork y: i'm done now i proimse
t boredatwork y: *promise
Tmanlivin4God: umm
Tmanlivin4God: your not allowed to like boys tracey
t boredatwork y: haha thanks
Tmanlivin4God: your not allowed at all, otherwise i will be really upset
t boredatwork y: ok
t boredatwork y: no boys
t boredatwork y: no boys
t boredatwork y: i don't like any boys
Tmanlivin4God: good good
Tmanlivin4God: u cant
t boredatwork y: boys are friends. some boys, anyway. but i can't date boys
Tmanlivin4God: i know you can't
Tmanlivin4God: darn it i forbid you tracey
t boredatwork y: good. i think thats what i need
t boredatwork y: lol
Tmanlivin4God: it is :-)
Tmanlivin4God: till you get married
Tmanlivin4God: i have to lift the curse then
t boredatwork y: traves you crack me up
Tmanlivin4God: trays
Tmanlivin4God: you do too
exploring the worlds of art and music is a killer. caryn and i just kinda zone out the whole class... lol.
so at 11:23 today, i get a phone call. i was getting ready to get to my new testament class, but i answered the phone anyway. and this is the conversation.
person-hi, is this tracey's roommate?
me-no, this is tracey.
person-tracey, this is anya.
(side note here. anya is my cousin. she lives in california. she's in ohio visiting, and her, my grandma, and my great aunt were supposed to be here at 1 to meet my mom, dad, and little brother.)
me-its not 1 yet...
anya-yeah, grandma thought it was a longer drive than it really was.
me-i have class in five minutes...
anya-where is your dorm? we'll just wait in there
conversation continues, and ends up with me going outside with my room phone (without a coat), walking around till anya says 'i see you!' then i run to their car, try to explain to them where my dorm is, then go back to my dorm and grab my coat and books. anya, grandma, and aunt mart were in myers looking confused, so i pointed them towards my dorm and pretty much ran to mitchell (don't try to think about me running. its probly not a pretty sight. haha). i was only a few minutes late to class, which is good. and i think i'm gonna like that class. :)
so after class, i moved grandma's car cuz it was in a faculty parking spot. lol. and her gas pedal is the total opposite of mine. i pretty much drove with my foot at a right angle so the car wouldn't go speedy fast.
we ended up, after much typical family arguing and discussion, eating at bob evan's. anya is awesome. first of all, she's been in college for about 10 years now. she has a degree in anthropology, psychology, and now she's going for her masters in psych. but she's just so fun! i don't see her much since she lives in CA, but yeah. i kinda wish that rusty coulda been there. the 3 of us used to be good buddies. :) but tim was there, and that was awesome cuz my little brother is the most awesome kid in the world. even tho he's gonna be 15 in like two weeks. he's still a kid in my book. :)
so other than the random printings appearing out of nowhere on my printer, lol, good day. i'm almost done with this part of my work shift. then i work again from 8-9. then i'm going to celebration when i get off work. :) i think friends are coming. i called ox earlier this week and left a message on his cell. i dunno about kelli or sara. i know ali's working tonight. but all well. it'll be good stuff, no matter who goes. after celebration, i'm meeting up with roger to go to late night. we've barely been able to talk since being back this semester, so we're gonna tonight. even though he has perspectives staying in his room, lol. he's ditching them to come hang out with me for a bit. :)
i should be writing my english paper right now. but i'm not. all well. i'll work on it when i get back to my dorm and then again when i work from 8-9. i'm done posting for now.
so at 11:23 today, i get a phone call. i was getting ready to get to my new testament class, but i answered the phone anyway. and this is the conversation.
person-hi, is this tracey's roommate?
me-no, this is tracey.
person-tracey, this is anya.
(side note here. anya is my cousin. she lives in california. she's in ohio visiting, and her, my grandma, and my great aunt were supposed to be here at 1 to meet my mom, dad, and little brother.)
me-its not 1 yet...
anya-yeah, grandma thought it was a longer drive than it really was.
me-i have class in five minutes...
anya-where is your dorm? we'll just wait in there
conversation continues, and ends up with me going outside with my room phone (without a coat), walking around till anya says 'i see you!' then i run to their car, try to explain to them where my dorm is, then go back to my dorm and grab my coat and books. anya, grandma, and aunt mart were in myers looking confused, so i pointed them towards my dorm and pretty much ran to mitchell (don't try to think about me running. its probly not a pretty sight. haha). i was only a few minutes late to class, which is good. and i think i'm gonna like that class. :)
so after class, i moved grandma's car cuz it was in a faculty parking spot. lol. and her gas pedal is the total opposite of mine. i pretty much drove with my foot at a right angle so the car wouldn't go speedy fast.
we ended up, after much typical family arguing and discussion, eating at bob evan's. anya is awesome. first of all, she's been in college for about 10 years now. she has a degree in anthropology, psychology, and now she's going for her masters in psych. but she's just so fun! i don't see her much since she lives in CA, but yeah. i kinda wish that rusty coulda been there. the 3 of us used to be good buddies. :) but tim was there, and that was awesome cuz my little brother is the most awesome kid in the world. even tho he's gonna be 15 in like two weeks. he's still a kid in my book. :)
so other than the random printings appearing out of nowhere on my printer, lol, good day. i'm almost done with this part of my work shift. then i work again from 8-9. then i'm going to celebration when i get off work. :) i think friends are coming. i called ox earlier this week and left a message on his cell. i dunno about kelli or sara. i know ali's working tonight. but all well. it'll be good stuff, no matter who goes. after celebration, i'm meeting up with roger to go to late night. we've barely been able to talk since being back this semester, so we're gonna tonight. even though he has perspectives staying in his room, lol. he's ditching them to come hang out with me for a bit. :)
i should be writing my english paper right now. but i'm not. all well. i'll work on it when i get back to my dorm and then again when i work from 8-9. i'm done posting for now.
i love how i hate boys, well i'm afraid of boys, maybe thats a better term. anyway. and yet, my favorite song right now is the elephant love medley from moulin rouge (download it or IM me and i'll send it to you its amazing!!), and its all about ewan mcgregor's character, christian, trying to convince nicole kidman's character, satine, to love him. love scares me. but i love this song!! here are the lyrics. and here's where i downloaded it from. right click on it and click 'save target as' and then LISTEN TO IT!! :)
Elephant Love Medley
Ewan Mcgregor And Nicole Kidman
(Moulin Rouge Soundtrack)
Love is a many splendored thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love
Please don't start that again
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
All you need is love
She'll end up on the street
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
The only way of loving me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Give me just one night
There's no way
Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive without your sweet love
Oh baby don't leave me this way
You think that people would have enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs
Well what's wrong with that
I like to know
Cause here I go again
Love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away
For one happy day
We can be heroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
No I won't
And I, I'll drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
No nothing would keep us together
We could steal time
Ewan & Nicole:
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Just because I, and I will always love you
I only can't help
Ewan & Nicole:
Loving You
How wonderful life is now
Ewan and Nicole:
You're in the world
did you know that www.boyssuck.com is a real website? :) :) well it is
Elephant Love Medley
Ewan Mcgregor And Nicole Kidman
(Moulin Rouge Soundtrack)
Love is a many splendored thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love
Please don't start that again
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
All you need is love
She'll end up on the street
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
The only way of loving me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Give me just one night
There's no way
Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive without your sweet love
Oh baby don't leave me this way
You think that people would have enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs
Well what's wrong with that
I like to know
Cause here I go again
Love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away
For one happy day
We can be heroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
No I won't
And I, I'll drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
No nothing would keep us together
We could steal time
Ewan & Nicole:
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Just because I, and I will always love you
I only can't help
Ewan & Nicole:
Loving You
How wonderful life is now
Ewan and Nicole:
You're in the world
did you know that www.boyssuck.com is a real website? :) :) well it is
today i was tiiiiiiiired all day. silly body. it thinks because it slept like 10 hours a night over break that it gets to sleep that much now. noooo!!! i only sleep like 6 hours a night when i'm at school!
tonight was fun. janson came on campus to eat dinner with people from his humanities class. he hung out in here with me and caryn for awhile. i think i only talked to him a few times last semester, but i'm glad that i'm getting to know him now. i was a little 'iffy' about going to steak n shake with him and caryn on sunday night cuz i didn't really know him that well, but i'm glad i went. it was a good time. :)
working the 'late shift' SUUUUUCKS!!!!!!! first of all, i'm down there in that lab with like no one around. what if someone came and like killed me or something???? lol. there was only like 3 people using computers the whole night. i shut down one of the labs early cuz no one was using it. but all well. its over now. i don't have to work that late again till next week. now i'm going to bed, cuz i have that lovely class at 8 tomorrow.... BLECH!!
tonight was fun. janson came on campus to eat dinner with people from his humanities class. he hung out in here with me and caryn for awhile. i think i only talked to him a few times last semester, but i'm glad that i'm getting to know him now. i was a little 'iffy' about going to steak n shake with him and caryn on sunday night cuz i didn't really know him that well, but i'm glad i went. it was a good time. :)
working the 'late shift' SUUUUUCKS!!!!!!! first of all, i'm down there in that lab with like no one around. what if someone came and like killed me or something???? lol. there was only like 3 people using computers the whole night. i shut down one of the labs early cuz no one was using it. but all well. its over now. i don't have to work that late again till next week. now i'm going to bed, cuz i have that lovely class at 8 tomorrow.... BLECH!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
sometimes, not often, but sometimes i like talking to my mom on IM :)
traceylikesRK: oh! brittany spaulding got the care bear comforter for christmas, cuz she saw mine and she liked it :-)
bandgeekmom: I think these things are designed for 6 year olds ;-)
traceylikesRK: and college girls. :-)
traceylikesRK: i've had a lot of girls come in here and tell me how much they liked it!!!
bandgeekmom: only because there moms wouldn't let them get toddler bedspreads
traceylikesRK: see, my mom is just that much cooler than their moms!
bandgeekmom: you better say that
traceylikesRK: i was just typing the word 'goals' for my personal finance class, and i typed 'goaulds' instead. don't know how i managed that one, but it was funny
bandgeekmom: man, I wouldn't even know how to spell it!
bandgeekmom: maybe you've been taken over!
bandgeekmom: look for a big X on your tummy
traceylikesRK: its cuz i watched it with closed captioning. its actually spelled goa'uld
traceylikesRK: :-)
she makes me laugh. (and to clear up any confusion, no thats not a new screen name. i use that one just to talk to my mom and no one else.)
traceylikesRK: oh! brittany spaulding got the care bear comforter for christmas, cuz she saw mine and she liked it :-)
bandgeekmom: I think these things are designed for 6 year olds ;-)
traceylikesRK: and college girls. :-)
traceylikesRK: i've had a lot of girls come in here and tell me how much they liked it!!!
bandgeekmom: only because there moms wouldn't let them get toddler bedspreads
traceylikesRK: see, my mom is just that much cooler than their moms!
bandgeekmom: you better say that
traceylikesRK: i was just typing the word 'goals' for my personal finance class, and i typed 'goaulds' instead. don't know how i managed that one, but it was funny
bandgeekmom: man, I wouldn't even know how to spell it!
bandgeekmom: maybe you've been taken over!
bandgeekmom: look for a big X on your tummy
traceylikesRK: its cuz i watched it with closed captioning. its actually spelled goa'uld
traceylikesRK: :-)
she makes me laugh. (and to clear up any confusion, no thats not a new screen name. i use that one just to talk to my mom and no one else.)
i think this semester isn't gonna be all that great. so far, it seems like i have classes when all my friends eat, and vice versa. like tonight, i went to dinner at like 4:45 with RA and jessie, cuz RA has a class at 5:30 and i started work at 5:30. so i'm coming out of the cafeteria to get my coat, and lyle was on his way in. first of all, i looked straight at him and it didn't even register in my brain that i was looking at lyle nussbaum, haha. then i talked to him for a bit, and he asked if i'd eaten yet. i was like "aoipauwelknvowehr!!!!!" well not really. but thats what i would have said if i could have. haha. i mean i know we've only been here like 3 days, but i feel like i haven't got to spend any time with my friends at all. blech on school. i even work during the first half hour of mike and aaron's radio show tonight, which really sucks. i always listen to the first hour of their show. now i only get to listen to half an hour of it, if i'm lucky. blah blah blah. this semester doesn't seem to be starting out well...
i just read in sara's xanga that brett is doing a 2 year missions thingy on a ship. thats awesome. i only met him a few times, but he seemed like a really awesome guy. i mean, 5 minutes after i met the guy back in october or so, he's kissing my cheek for sara's camera. i'll have to scan that picture and put it on here. its hilarious. :)
ok i really need to do school work now. i have crap to read and stuff. girl's night tonight in woolman 101! gilmore girls at 8, and then one tree hill at 9! :) good stuff
i just read in sara's xanga that brett is doing a 2 year missions thingy on a ship. thats awesome. i only met him a few times, but he seemed like a really awesome guy. i mean, 5 minutes after i met the guy back in october or so, he's kissing my cheek for sara's camera. i'll have to scan that picture and put it on here. its hilarious. :)
ok i really need to do school work now. i have crap to read and stuff. girl's night tonight in woolman 101! gilmore girls at 8, and then one tree hill at 9! :) good stuff

According to your hygiene, which Hogwarts old person are you?
this quiz by aoudakav
thats gross. i promise that i shower more than voldemort does!!!
My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, A More Meaningful Harry Potter House Sorter, is Hufflepuff: You are the pillars supporting the wizarding world. You are the builders and workers keeping society running smoothly. You take great pride in your accomplishments. You do not like getting involved in anything risky, worried about losing all that you have worked hard for, but you still manage to be generous to those who need help. You enjoy good company and are fiercely loyal to friends who have proven themselves to you. You work hard to be an upstanding citizen, and think of others as the same, unless they give you good reason not to. You are both practical and efficient. You aren't afraid of work, knowing that it will pay off in the long run. Many Hufflepuffs eventually acquire positions of great wealth and respect. You aren't likely to whine or complain, knowing that for the most part, things usually work out for the best.
According to your hygiene, which Hogwarts old person are you?
this quiz by aoudakav
thats gross. i promise that i shower more than voldemort does!!!
oooooooooook quick recap....
friday lynne and i closed at work for the last time. yay!!! then we went to pizza hut to meet up with christy and jessie smith. and i didn't ever have a chance to get the moulin rouge cds from christy, and now she's in costa rica. maybe when she gets back....
saturday i packed a bit, went to lunch at rockne's with my family, bought moulin rouge (the 1-disc version cuz i thought most the stuff on the 2-disc version was boring anyway), then mom and i went to jc penney. we watched moulin rouge when we got home, cuz mom hadn't seen it yet. she said the same thing i did: its not what she expected. she thought it was just going to be this trashy movie, and its totally not. she liked it too. then i went over to leah falzetta's for our clarinet sleepover. i love those girls. :) we had lots of fun.
sunday i ate pancakes that leah's dad made, then i came home, changed, and went to church. blah blah blah. i hate LMC. i just went cuz i wanted to see the people that go there. basically, what i got out of the sermon was that i'm an adulterer cuz of josh groban. haha. i really don't like that pastor at all. after church i came home and packed, then we packed up the van. tim and i rode in my car, so that was fun. he's a funny kid. my stuff isn't completely unpacked yet in the dorm, but all well... haha
yesterday i had 3 classes. then i went to dinner at kelli's, bible study, and starbucks. and i love kelli a lot. we had a monday car talk in between tim's house and starbucks, and it was good for me to just talk and get crap outta my system that i'd held in forever.
so we're at starbucks chillin, ordering our stuff, and in walks brian pittman. i was like "mmmmmm!" :) i didn't talk to him, but looking was enough for me.
tessa's ringdown was last night. :) it was fun stuff. she read the wonderful poem that nate wrote her. awww!!!
today has just been loooong so far. i had a class at 8, one at 9:30, then i work till 11:30, and i have a class from 11:30-12:45. then i get to eat lunch. by myself, most likely, cuz i'm sure no one waited for me. haha. oh well, i'm a big girl now... lol. i'm tired. but i have nothing to do in between lunch and when i work again at 5:30, so maybe i'll take a nap...
ohohoh!! grandma, grandpa, and anya are coming on thursday. i gotta get everything put away by then. i haven't seen anya for a few years, so thats exciting. now i just have to find a good restaraunt in canton for vegetarians.... haha.
ok i'm done for now. its almost time for new testament with brittany. :)
friday lynne and i closed at work for the last time. yay!!! then we went to pizza hut to meet up with christy and jessie smith. and i didn't ever have a chance to get the moulin rouge cds from christy, and now she's in costa rica. maybe when she gets back....
saturday i packed a bit, went to lunch at rockne's with my family, bought moulin rouge (the 1-disc version cuz i thought most the stuff on the 2-disc version was boring anyway), then mom and i went to jc penney. we watched moulin rouge when we got home, cuz mom hadn't seen it yet. she said the same thing i did: its not what she expected. she thought it was just going to be this trashy movie, and its totally not. she liked it too. then i went over to leah falzetta's for our clarinet sleepover. i love those girls. :) we had lots of fun.
sunday i ate pancakes that leah's dad made, then i came home, changed, and went to church. blah blah blah. i hate LMC. i just went cuz i wanted to see the people that go there. basically, what i got out of the sermon was that i'm an adulterer cuz of josh groban. haha. i really don't like that pastor at all. after church i came home and packed, then we packed up the van. tim and i rode in my car, so that was fun. he's a funny kid. my stuff isn't completely unpacked yet in the dorm, but all well... haha
yesterday i had 3 classes. then i went to dinner at kelli's, bible study, and starbucks. and i love kelli a lot. we had a monday car talk in between tim's house and starbucks, and it was good for me to just talk and get crap outta my system that i'd held in forever.
so we're at starbucks chillin, ordering our stuff, and in walks brian pittman. i was like "mmmmmm!" :) i didn't talk to him, but looking was enough for me.
tessa's ringdown was last night. :) it was fun stuff. she read the wonderful poem that nate wrote her. awww!!!
today has just been loooong so far. i had a class at 8, one at 9:30, then i work till 11:30, and i have a class from 11:30-12:45. then i get to eat lunch. by myself, most likely, cuz i'm sure no one waited for me. haha. oh well, i'm a big girl now... lol. i'm tired. but i have nothing to do in between lunch and when i work again at 5:30, so maybe i'll take a nap...
ohohoh!! grandma, grandpa, and anya are coming on thursday. i gotta get everything put away by then. i haven't seen anya for a few years, so thats exciting. now i just have to find a good restaraunt in canton for vegetarians.... haha.
ok i'm done for now. its almost time for new testament with brittany. :)
Monday, January 12, 2004
Friday, January 09, 2004
the first season of stargate... woo buddy. its good. :) now i need to suddenly get rich so i can buy my mom the second season. and then the third. and then the fourth. then the fifth. anyone want to give me money?? haha.
i have to work tonight. blech. but its my last time for awhile, and its with lynne, so thats cool.
i think i did this or something like it not too long ago. but who cares. i'm bored.
10. Bands/Artists You've Been Listening to Lately]
- thousand foot krutch
- bleach
- tait
- dashboard confessional
- audio adrenaline
- josh groban
- barry manilow
- neil diamond
- clay aiken
- skillet
[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]
- not having to work at mcd's for awhile after tonight
- taking a shower after work
- the skillet concert in a few weeks, if i can find people to go with me
- going to west liberty soon!!!!!
- going back to school and getting out of leetonia
- camp this summer
- being reunited with my roomie, of course! :)
- being able to go to b/s on mondays
- being half an hour away from kidron once again :)
[08 Things You Wear Daily]
- pants
- underwear
- pajamas
- shirt
- hoodies
- glasses
- hair tyes
- shoes of some sort, unless its summer time
[07 Things That Annoy You]
- when people make assumptions about me that aren't true
- being judged
- when i judge
- mcdonald's
- people smoking around me without asking first
- people who are ignorant of christians
- people in general. lol
[06 Things You Touch Every Day
- a computer of some sort
- clothes
- the blanket i'm crocheting
- the steering wheel in my car (almost every day)
- my eyebrow cuz i play with it
- i play with the rings on my fingers too
[05 Things You Do Every Day]
- sleep
- be online for long periods of time
- talk
- listen to music
- go to the bathroom
[04 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]
- princess bride
- extreme days
- a beautiful mind
- my mr. bean episodes on dvd :)
[03 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With]
- elizabeth, cuz i hardly ever get to see her and i miss her a LOT!!
- (this is multi-people, but who cares. its my journal i can do what i want) ali kelli ox and sara cuz i miss them lots!!!!!!!!!
- i can't think of a third one. but the last one has lots of people in it, so i'll count that as two
[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]
- never let go by josh groban
- last words by thousand foot krutch
[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]
- haha you tell me. i doubt there is such a person.
i have to work tonight. blech. but its my last time for awhile, and its with lynne, so thats cool.
i think i did this or something like it not too long ago. but who cares. i'm bored.
10. Bands/Artists You've Been Listening to Lately]
- thousand foot krutch
- bleach
- tait
- dashboard confessional
- audio adrenaline
- josh groban
- barry manilow
- neil diamond
- clay aiken
- skillet
[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]
- not having to work at mcd's for awhile after tonight
- taking a shower after work
- the skillet concert in a few weeks, if i can find people to go with me
- going to west liberty soon!!!!!
- going back to school and getting out of leetonia
- camp this summer
- being reunited with my roomie, of course! :)
- being able to go to b/s on mondays
- being half an hour away from kidron once again :)
[08 Things You Wear Daily]
- pants
- underwear
- pajamas
- shirt
- hoodies
- glasses
- hair tyes
- shoes of some sort, unless its summer time
[07 Things That Annoy You]
- when people make assumptions about me that aren't true
- being judged
- when i judge
- mcdonald's
- people smoking around me without asking first
- people who are ignorant of christians
- people in general. lol
[06 Things You Touch Every Day
- a computer of some sort
- clothes
- the blanket i'm crocheting
- the steering wheel in my car (almost every day)
- my eyebrow cuz i play with it
- i play with the rings on my fingers too
[05 Things You Do Every Day]
- sleep
- be online for long periods of time
- talk
- listen to music
- go to the bathroom
[04 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]
- princess bride
- extreme days
- a beautiful mind
- my mr. bean episodes on dvd :)
[03 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With]
- elizabeth, cuz i hardly ever get to see her and i miss her a LOT!!
- (this is multi-people, but who cares. its my journal i can do what i want) ali kelli ox and sara cuz i miss them lots!!!!!!!!!
- i can't think of a third one. but the last one has lots of people in it, so i'll count that as two
[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]
- never let go by josh groban
- last words by thousand foot krutch
[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]
- haha you tell me. i doubt there is such a person.
and now its time for futures with mike tkach! here's my future in a nutshell, according to mike...
MichaelT85: i see you changing colleges
MichaelT85: obsessing about one boy in particular that never really amounts to much
relientkbandgeek: can't i have a good boy that becomes like rich or something? why one that amounts to nothing?
relientkbandgeek: lol
MichaelT85: but then actually meeting someone that builds up somewhat and you get your kiss
relientkbandgeek: oh ok
relientkbandgeek: thats ok then
relientkbandgeek: haha
MichaelT85: you stay in college alittle longer than you wanted but it was expected
MichaelT85: you still did well
MichaelT85: you become a teacher or work with younger kids, basically something that makes you feel important and like you are helping
MichaelT85: and you continue listening to christain music with an occassional swearing CD here and there
MichaelT85: lol
relientkbandgeek: this is an ok future. i could live with this
MichaelT85: and thats ur life in a nutshell
hah. that kid makes me laugh.
MichaelT85: i see you changing colleges
MichaelT85: obsessing about one boy in particular that never really amounts to much
relientkbandgeek: can't i have a good boy that becomes like rich or something? why one that amounts to nothing?
relientkbandgeek: lol
MichaelT85: but then actually meeting someone that builds up somewhat and you get your kiss
relientkbandgeek: oh ok
relientkbandgeek: thats ok then
relientkbandgeek: haha
MichaelT85: you stay in college alittle longer than you wanted but it was expected
MichaelT85: you still did well
MichaelT85: you become a teacher or work with younger kids, basically something that makes you feel important and like you are helping
MichaelT85: and you continue listening to christain music with an occassional swearing CD here and there
MichaelT85: lol
relientkbandgeek: this is an ok future. i could live with this
MichaelT85: and thats ur life in a nutshell
hah. that kid makes me laugh.
uncle jared... funny boy...
RODGORT13 (12:00:44 AM): hahahaha
RODGORT13 (12:00:50 AM): the reindeer were nice
RODGORT13 (12:00:54 AM): they reminded me of reindeer
relientkbandgeek (12:01:02 AM): i was excited when i found that video
relientkbandgeek (12:01:07 AM): lol
RODGORT13 (12:01:38 AM): it
RODGORT13 (12:01:39 AM): was
RODGORT13 (12:01:40 AM): super
RODGORT13 (12:02:36 AM): welllllllllpppppp ima go
RODGORT13 (12:02:41 AM): and watch a movie
RODGORT13 (12:02:45 AM): and eat things
relientkbandgeek (12:02:49 AM): things?
RODGORT13 (12:02:49 AM): because i dont have school for another week
RODGORT13 (12:02:50 AM): muahahha
RODGORT13 (12:03:00 AM): chips ice cream cows
RODGORT13 (12:03:00 AM): etc
relientkbandgeek (12:03:07 AM): mmmm
relientkbandgeek (12:03:07 AM): cows
relientkbandgeek (12:03:08 AM): lol
RODGORT13 (12:03:22 AM): tata
relientkbandgeek (12:03:25 AM): bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:28 AM): i get the last bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:31 AM): cuz i want it this time
relientkbandgeek (12:03:35 AM): so i'm gonna keep typing
RODGORT13 (12:03:37 AM): ok
RODGORT13 (12:03:38 AM): hah
relientkbandgeek (12:03:39 AM): till you get off
relientkbandgeek (12:03:41 AM): no
relientkbandgeek (12:03:42 AM): its mine
RODGORT13 (12:03:45 AM): bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:45 AM): bye
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:03:45 AM.
Previous message was not received by RODGORT13 because of error (12:03:46 AM): User RODGORT13 is not available.
RODGORT13 signed on at 12:04:00 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:02 AM): bye
RODGORT13 (12:04:02 AM): victory
relientkbandgeek (12:04:04 AM): no
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:04:04 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:05 AM): loser
Previous message was not received by RODGORT13 because of error (12:04:05 AM): User RODGORT13 is not available.
RODGORT13 signed on at 12:04:12 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:14 AM): srop!
relientkbandgeek (12:04:15 AM): stop
relientkbandgeek (12:04:22 AM): bye
relientkbandgeek (12:04:24 AM): block
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:04:26 AM.
RODGORT13 signed on at 12:04:51 AM.
RODGORT13 (12:04:51 AM): i am the victor
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:04:53 AM.
RODGORT13 (12:00:44 AM): hahahaha
RODGORT13 (12:00:50 AM): the reindeer were nice
RODGORT13 (12:00:54 AM): they reminded me of reindeer
relientkbandgeek (12:01:02 AM): i was excited when i found that video
relientkbandgeek (12:01:07 AM): lol
RODGORT13 (12:01:38 AM): it
RODGORT13 (12:01:39 AM): was
RODGORT13 (12:01:40 AM): super
RODGORT13 (12:02:36 AM): welllllllllpppppp ima go
RODGORT13 (12:02:41 AM): and watch a movie
RODGORT13 (12:02:45 AM): and eat things
relientkbandgeek (12:02:49 AM): things?
RODGORT13 (12:02:49 AM): because i dont have school for another week
RODGORT13 (12:02:50 AM): muahahha
RODGORT13 (12:03:00 AM): chips ice cream cows
RODGORT13 (12:03:00 AM): etc
relientkbandgeek (12:03:07 AM): mmmm
relientkbandgeek (12:03:07 AM): cows
relientkbandgeek (12:03:08 AM): lol
RODGORT13 (12:03:22 AM): tata
relientkbandgeek (12:03:25 AM): bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:28 AM): i get the last bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:31 AM): cuz i want it this time
relientkbandgeek (12:03:35 AM): so i'm gonna keep typing
RODGORT13 (12:03:37 AM): ok
RODGORT13 (12:03:38 AM): hah
relientkbandgeek (12:03:39 AM): till you get off
relientkbandgeek (12:03:41 AM): no
relientkbandgeek (12:03:42 AM): its mine
RODGORT13 (12:03:45 AM): bye
relientkbandgeek (12:03:45 AM): bye
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:03:45 AM.
Previous message was not received by RODGORT13 because of error (12:03:46 AM): User RODGORT13 is not available.
RODGORT13 signed on at 12:04:00 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:02 AM): bye
RODGORT13 (12:04:02 AM): victory
relientkbandgeek (12:04:04 AM): no
RODGORT13 signed off at 12:04:04 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:05 AM): loser
Previous message was not received by RODGORT13 because of error (12:04:05 AM): User RODGORT13 is not available.
RODGORT13 signed on at 12:04:12 AM.
relientkbandgeek (12:04:14 AM): srop!
relientkbandgeek (12:04:15 AM): stop
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RODGORT13 (12:04:51 AM): i am the victor
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Thursday, January 08, 2004
i got up around 11 this morning. well i rolled outta bed and got on the computer at 11. haha. talked to lynne and mike, and we made our plans. around 12, lynne picked me up and then we picked up mike. we went to best buy, cd warehouse, the thrift store, sheetz, and then the mall. we ran into keir at the mall and that was cool, cuz i'm not gonna see him till whenever i end up coming back to work, and that might be awhile, depending on what i do over spring break. i spent too much money today... i bought a dashboard cd at cd warehouse, a hoodie at the thrift store, and had lunch at asian chao in the mall. eep on spending too much money!!! i worked 5-9:40ish tonight. i was by myself most of the time, so that was kinda nice. i could just do my own thing and make food, call for help if i needed it, stuff like that.
i love it when people have site meters on their online journals, and i like forget that i'm on their webpage, so it looks like i've been there for like an hour when really i looked at it for like 2 seconds. haha. its great.
so i'm glad that i've kept busy this break. i had a bit of sitting around, but i worked and hung out with people a lot.
anyway. enough random tangents. i'm done with this for now.
i love it when people have site meters on their online journals, and i like forget that i'm on their webpage, so it looks like i've been there for like an hour when really i looked at it for like 2 seconds. haha. its great.
so i'm glad that i've kept busy this break. i had a bit of sitting around, but i worked and hung out with people a lot.
anyway. enough random tangents. i'm done with this for now.
today seemed long. i don't know why. i got up around 10 to shower and get ready for lorraine's funeral. it was sad. this is the last paragraph of her obituary...
"For Mom, the work was never done. There was always another card to send, a letter to write, bills to pay, a phone call to make, house to clean, or another life to touch, always something. Even in her last days, when breathing became too difficult in a sitting position she would stand at the kitchen counter to write letters and sign and adress cards into the wee hours of the night or until her legs couldn't take it anymore and she was tired enough to sleep a little while. And then on her deathbed the evening before her Home Going, she apologized for not being able to help any longer and her strong desire to not be a burden to us. We assured her, she was not a burden and she had done enough and that her work was done, she should rest now. Hallelujah, she took our advice. She's resting now... or maybe she's not! Who knows? Maybe she's dancing... with Dad... in praise to God... without all those physical difficulties and breathing machines. Who knows? And then in her Bible we found a 3x5 card with a poem scotch taped to it and addressed"To my children" and signed "Mom, Lorraine." Obviously placed there for us to find.
If I should die and leave you here awhile,
Be not like other, sore, undone, who keep
Long vigil by the silent dust and weep
For my sake turn again to life and smile,
Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do
That which will comfort other souls than mine;
Complete these dear unfinished tasks of mine,
And I, perchance, may therein comfort you.
i've gotten so many of those cards and letters from her over the years. for birthdays, christmas, achievements, just to let me know that she was praying for me, or (since i've been at school) just to say hi and let me know she's thinking of me. i really took those for granted. i never thanked her. and now i'm not going to get them anymore.... i really looked up to lorraine like a grandmother. i loved going to visit her, even tho i hate nursing homes. i even dragged jeremiah there when we were all dressed up for prom. :) i'm gonna miss her a lot, but she's in a much better place, reunited with her husband.
Lorraine M. Rice- April 17, 1930-January 3, 2004
there was a meal after the funeral (its a mennonite thing i think), and then mom and i went and picked up my car. jeff ended up giving me an oil change, too, cuz i needed. altogether, i only paid about $100 to get my car fixed. which is nice. he oiled my door, too. haha. he made fun of me for how bad it was getting. oh and he showed me how to check my oil, since it was reeeeally low.
i called leah falzetta when we got home. clarinet sleepover at leah's on saturday night! woohoo!!! its gonna be awesome, i'm excited. you should come. but only if you play(ed) clarinet and your name is leah, casey, kim, sara, or tiff. :) good times ahead! i love my girls!
after that mom and i went to salem to go to lion and lamb cuz we both had cds we wanted to buy. she got the new city on a hill cd, and i bought the new TFK cd (for 7 bucks!!!!!!!), the new benjamin gate cd (well i guess its not really new anymore, but its new to me. and i got it for $10!), and i bought the new tait cd cuz i wanted it. then we went to fashion bug and made fun of the hideous clothes that they had on sale.... haha.
i chilled at home for awhile. watched a stargate episode (a really sad one!! with happy ending tho). i have to finish watching those before i leave on sunday, and i still have a dvd and a half to go. i played some zoo tycoon for awhile too. that game is so incredibly addicting. i think its worse than the sims. i think its a good thing that its moms game and i have to leave it here, cuz i would never get anything done if i took it with me.
i worked 7-close tonight. it wasn't bad. the time went fast. i closed with lynne, jason, and kelly. jason and i had a blast being dumb. oh and i have a nice bruise from a friend of lynne's. we were having nugget wars in mcdonalds (like all-out running all over the store hiding in booths--we were so dead, no customers were there when we were doing it, haha--and taylor hid behind me, sean chucked a nugget at us, and man! it hid hard! lol. but yeah.
the drive home was hilarious. lynne was driving on my butt and flashing her lights, so i slowed down to 10 mph under the speed limit. she went to pass me, and then just drove next to me for a bit. then she got in front of me and went 10 under, but i couldn't pass her cuz of a double yellow line. we basically screwed around like that the whole way home. maybe not totally safe, but it was hilarious. then she stopped her car right in front of my driveway. i love that girl, she makes me laugh!
now i'm home. i should go to bed. i'm hanging out with lynne, keith, and maybe mike tomorrow. good stuff! but i'm gonna go do other random stuff online, and maybe go down to my computer and play zoo tycoon for a bit.
this is a really long post... lol
"For Mom, the work was never done. There was always another card to send, a letter to write, bills to pay, a phone call to make, house to clean, or another life to touch, always something. Even in her last days, when breathing became too difficult in a sitting position she would stand at the kitchen counter to write letters and sign and adress cards into the wee hours of the night or until her legs couldn't take it anymore and she was tired enough to sleep a little while. And then on her deathbed the evening before her Home Going, she apologized for not being able to help any longer and her strong desire to not be a burden to us. We assured her, she was not a burden and she had done enough and that her work was done, she should rest now. Hallelujah, she took our advice. She's resting now... or maybe she's not! Who knows? Maybe she's dancing... with Dad... in praise to God... without all those physical difficulties and breathing machines. Who knows? And then in her Bible we found a 3x5 card with a poem scotch taped to it and addressed"To my children" and signed "Mom, Lorraine." Obviously placed there for us to find.
If I should die and leave you here awhile,
Be not like other, sore, undone, who keep
Long vigil by the silent dust and weep
For my sake turn again to life and smile,
Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do
That which will comfort other souls than mine;
Complete these dear unfinished tasks of mine,
And I, perchance, may therein comfort you.
i've gotten so many of those cards and letters from her over the years. for birthdays, christmas, achievements, just to let me know that she was praying for me, or (since i've been at school) just to say hi and let me know she's thinking of me. i really took those for granted. i never thanked her. and now i'm not going to get them anymore.... i really looked up to lorraine like a grandmother. i loved going to visit her, even tho i hate nursing homes. i even dragged jeremiah there when we were all dressed up for prom. :) i'm gonna miss her a lot, but she's in a much better place, reunited with her husband.
Lorraine M. Rice- April 17, 1930-January 3, 2004
there was a meal after the funeral (its a mennonite thing i think), and then mom and i went and picked up my car. jeff ended up giving me an oil change, too, cuz i needed. altogether, i only paid about $100 to get my car fixed. which is nice. he oiled my door, too. haha. he made fun of me for how bad it was getting. oh and he showed me how to check my oil, since it was reeeeally low.
i called leah falzetta when we got home. clarinet sleepover at leah's on saturday night! woohoo!!! its gonna be awesome, i'm excited. you should come. but only if you play(ed) clarinet and your name is leah, casey, kim, sara, or tiff. :) good times ahead! i love my girls!
after that mom and i went to salem to go to lion and lamb cuz we both had cds we wanted to buy. she got the new city on a hill cd, and i bought the new TFK cd (for 7 bucks!!!!!!!), the new benjamin gate cd (well i guess its not really new anymore, but its new to me. and i got it for $10!), and i bought the new tait cd cuz i wanted it. then we went to fashion bug and made fun of the hideous clothes that they had on sale.... haha.
i chilled at home for awhile. watched a stargate episode (a really sad one!! with happy ending tho). i have to finish watching those before i leave on sunday, and i still have a dvd and a half to go. i played some zoo tycoon for awhile too. that game is so incredibly addicting. i think its worse than the sims. i think its a good thing that its moms game and i have to leave it here, cuz i would never get anything done if i took it with me.
i worked 7-close tonight. it wasn't bad. the time went fast. i closed with lynne, jason, and kelly. jason and i had a blast being dumb. oh and i have a nice bruise from a friend of lynne's. we were having nugget wars in mcdonalds (like all-out running all over the store hiding in booths--we were so dead, no customers were there when we were doing it, haha--and taylor hid behind me, sean chucked a nugget at us, and man! it hid hard! lol. but yeah.
the drive home was hilarious. lynne was driving on my butt and flashing her lights, so i slowed down to 10 mph under the speed limit. she went to pass me, and then just drove next to me for a bit. then she got in front of me and went 10 under, but i couldn't pass her cuz of a double yellow line. we basically screwed around like that the whole way home. maybe not totally safe, but it was hilarious. then she stopped her car right in front of my driveway. i love that girl, she makes me laugh!
now i'm home. i should go to bed. i'm hanging out with lynne, keith, and maybe mike tomorrow. good stuff! but i'm gonna go do other random stuff online, and maybe go down to my computer and play zoo tycoon for a bit.
this is a really long post... lol