Thursday, December 04, 2003

boss mom (deb horst) is an amazing woman, and i love her a lot. she emailed this to everyone. it made me smile a lot. and i spent lots of time in prayer, cuz i had a lot of campers!!!

I remember with great fondness (gee- that sounds like a Hallmark card) this past summer. I am still amazed at the beautiful unity of the summer staff - you are all very important and special to me. As I clicked each of your names in my address book, I pictured your smiling faces and offered a prayer for you.
-Remember the rain and how God washed the camp clean so He could do His re-creating work in each life?
-Remember the singing and worshiping, both in the chapel and around campfires? Singing those songs in church just isn't the same.
-Remember the pastor's messages and how God used them to call His children to Him?
-Remember the purity of the littlest camper's worship?
-Remember the love we had for each other - our Sunday night worship times together - Pizza Hut - praying together - laughing, laughing, laughing?
-Remember Craig singing, "You are my cheeseburger" to the campers at Popcorn Circle?
-Remember, "If that's true, than I'm the muffin man!"
-Remember that mud-hike back from God's Hollow?
-Remember every one of your campers and pray for them right now.
-Remember that God makes no mistakes and He put you at camp for a reason! Remember today the lessons you learned about yourself, about others and about God.
-Remember who you are (a child of God).
-Remember that I love each of you and pray for you often.

and then heather king sent these to deb, and deb passed them on

-Remember the boys camp rafts and (by an act of God) how they actually floated
-Remember the dining hall flood and trying to sweep water out the door with the broom
-Remember the We're From Nairobi song that Thirstborne taught us at youth camp
-Remember putting the dining hall back together during staff training
-Remember trying to do string art with nail-gun nails
-Remember the tornado at Jr. High camp and the tree that caught on fire 50 feet from the chapel
-Remember how short-staffed we were during Preteen Camp, and how relieved we were when Kirk and Tamara got back from convention to help us
-Remember the zip line and the fire hose
-Remember when Tamara fell off the back of the pug while it was moving
-Remember how funny it was watching Kim and Tamara learn how to drive the pug
-Remember how excited Kirk was when we played Cat and Mouse at mini camp this is my personal favorite. you definitely have to know kirk to get it. oh my goodness i don't think i've ever seen anything funnier in my life!!! it made me laugh so much!
-Remember how Phoebe blessed us, and the "birthday party" we had at mini camp
-Remember Brian putting the Pizza Hut flowers in his hair
-Remember how all of boys camp prayed for Travis when he was going to meet Mark for the first time
-Remember liquid Jesus, and how excited Cara got before she preached ("When I was in Africa")
-Remember cleaning the chapel at midnight every Friday night
-Remember trying to paint Lacey's lifeguard chair in 90 degree weather

now a few of mine..
-i remember the day that i was ready to quit camp forever and not look back
-i also remember craig calming me down and helping me out a ton
-i remember the first camper mail that i got
-i remember the feeling of having my heart break for campers that were pouring their hearts out to me while sobbing hysterically
-i remember being able to almost physically feel the thickness of God in the cabins at times
-i remember laying out on the rec field on a weekend and just talking with sarah
-i remember not being able to find craig's house for VB on a weekend with sarah and matt
-i remember staying up till 2 or 3 with matt, just cracking up at everything (was it the IRA??? haha!)
-i remember the day i ripped the hem out of my pants so i wouldn't have to look david lantz in the eye
-i remember being on support staff during preteen camp 2002 when we all slept in the ravine lodge and just stayed up talking all night
-i remember that same week when me, tiff, liz, and donna made up that dance to the veggie tales song, and roped scott nussbaum into doing it with us. no one else would be in it, then after we did it everyone wanted to be in it

i could go on and on and on.... but i'll end with this and get back to my homework
-i remember, and always will, the friendships that i've formed because of camp. not just as a counselor, but also as a camper. i would honestly not be who i am today if it weren't for camp luz. i might not even be a christian...

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