Friday, May 28, 2004

no stargate watching for me, nope. the ants took too long to get rid of. oh my goodness, they just kept coming and coming and coming, it was so gross!! i was about to go over to max and marion's to borrow raid cuz i couldn't find any, then mom got home and found our raid on the back porch (the back porch? wtf???) anyway. so i spent like 15 minutes fighting with them, and then there was no way that i was gonna have time to watch stargate. so i didn't.
i worked 4-close tonight. corey called off, AGAIN. piece of crap... all well. joe stayed, again. and we still got out of there by like 11:35 or so.
but while we were there... there was a water main break in columbiana, and we didn't have water for an hour or two. (we had to go over to the grocery store and buy 25 two liters of coke, and 15 two liters of diet coke... lol). kelli was on the phone with julie, cindy, and steve trying to get them to let us close, but they wouldn't, so we stayed open, with no water. nome and i were melting ice and making water from that to drink, but man was that stale and gross!! lol so after we got water back, we were on a boil order, so we still couldn't serve anything that involved water, like pop, coffee, or grilled chicken. it was just funny.
and nome was hilarious tonight. i love nome (the REAL nome.. lol). he was making up songs about me and stuff, and it was a good time. he was also making me be a good mennonite, lol. he was making me 'practice' for camp. it was hilarious.
ok i'm going to go now. janson wants me to call him. :) i like talking to janson. it makes me happy. :)

OHMYGOSH CAMP IS SO SOON!!!!!! i canNOT wait till this wedding its gonna be FUN!!!! and a weekend with janson!!!!!!!! and then west liberty to see my elizabeth!!! and then CAMP!!!!!!!!!

ok disconnect tracey, disconnect...

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