Monday, May 31, 2004

i am a slacker. yes.

got up at 8 (after going to bed around 3:30ish, haha), finished getting ready, tim helped me carry all my crap downstairs and into my car, then i waited around till 9 cuz i wanted to go to the bank before i left. so i went down to the bank, mom helped me fill out my health form for camp, lol, then i came back home cuz i forgot something, then i left. i got gas and was in canton by like 10:15 (only half an hour after i said i would be... lol). you know what? i don't really feel like posting. i changed my mind. short version.

wedding=really good
hanging out with friends at/after wedding=really good
i love michelle a lot
janson is a good boyfriend
jansons church still scares me
hanging out with jen is fun
i like milk and honey
i don't hate taco bell anymore
i took forever to fall asleep last night
we watched lots of movies this weekend

and thats my weekend, in a nutshell. lol. in an hour and a half or so, i'm gonna head down to west liberty for elizabeth's graduation party, that should be a good time. i love her. :) i hate the long drive, but at the same time its not too bad. i'll probly hang out with david for a bit tonight, and then sometime tomorrow i'll head to camp, cuz staff training starts today and i'm not getting there till tomorrow. but its ok, ali's saving me my bunk. ;)

ok i'm off to eat my RAY-MIN noodles now. and hang out with my boy. yes. thats good. and i have to pee. so maybe i'll do that...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

short post due to much to do...

today was...
getting up at noon (yay!)
doing laundry till about 2
mom coming home on her lunch break, so i hung out with her until like 2:30ish, and then i was like "wow i'm going to work in an hour and 15 minutes, i need to pack", so i said bye to her (i won't see her for like 2 weeks or something) and then went upstairs and packed. i THINK i have everything that i need.... i THINK...
worked 4-close. brian and ray called off cuz corey's in the hospital. :( DON'T DO DRUGS!!! THEY'RE BAD FOR YOU!!!! stupid corey. i hope he's ok. so joe came in and worked. joe has come in the last 3 nights now, and covered shifts for people who have called off. we've gotten 'close' lol. we have a very easy friendship now. something about working with someone that much creates a great friendship! lol
i basically spent the night yelling at bob, cuz i didn't want to be at mcdonalds for the rest of my life, so we were done by like 11:45 or so, which is early for bob.
now i'm going to go up and shower, then come down here and blow dry my hair, then go upstairs and finish packing. it should be a good time. i hope i get at least a little sleep tonight... lol. but thats not looking very likely right now...

but...tomorrow i'm going to JANSON'S and then to the WEDDING (YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!) and then back to JANSON'S and will hang out with FRIENDS tomorrow night. i love friends, especially ones that i don't see often! yay michelle and david, i love them!!

ok so much for the short post.. lol. i really need to go now, or i'm never gonna get any sleep...

Friday, May 28, 2004

no stargate watching for me, nope. the ants took too long to get rid of. oh my goodness, they just kept coming and coming and coming, it was so gross!! i was about to go over to max and marion's to borrow raid cuz i couldn't find any, then mom got home and found our raid on the back porch (the back porch? wtf???) anyway. so i spent like 15 minutes fighting with them, and then there was no way that i was gonna have time to watch stargate. so i didn't.
i worked 4-close tonight. corey called off, AGAIN. piece of crap... all well. joe stayed, again. and we still got out of there by like 11:35 or so.
but while we were there... there was a water main break in columbiana, and we didn't have water for an hour or two. (we had to go over to the grocery store and buy 25 two liters of coke, and 15 two liters of diet coke... lol). kelli was on the phone with julie, cindy, and steve trying to get them to let us close, but they wouldn't, so we stayed open, with no water. nome and i were melting ice and making water from that to drink, but man was that stale and gross!! lol so after we got water back, we were on a boil order, so we still couldn't serve anything that involved water, like pop, coffee, or grilled chicken. it was just funny.
and nome was hilarious tonight. i love nome (the REAL nome.. lol). he was making up songs about me and stuff, and it was a good time. he was also making me be a good mennonite, lol. he was making me 'practice' for camp. it was hilarious.
ok i'm going to go now. janson wants me to call him. :) i like talking to janson. it makes me happy. :)

OHMYGOSH CAMP IS SO SOON!!!!!! i canNOT wait till this wedding its gonna be FUN!!!! and a weekend with janson!!!!!!!! and then west liberty to see my elizabeth!!! and then CAMP!!!!!!!!!

ok disconnect tracey, disconnect...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

survey (that, of course, ali had to help me fill out cuz i can't ever do these things on my own!! lol)

seven things that scare you:

1. scary movies
2. the dark, especially after i watch a scary movie
3. being alone
4. driving in a lot of traffic
5. big dogs
6. mice, apparently lol
7. annoying people or being in the way

seven things you love:

1. God
2. Janson
3. my friends
4. my family
5. camp luz
6. music
7. josh groban (yes, joshy gets his own seperate number. of course!)

seven things you hate:

1. mcdonalds
2. mcdonalds
3. mcdonalds
4. mcdonalds
5. mcdonalds
6. mcdonalds
7. mcdonalds

seven things in your room:

1. my bed
2. my computer
3. my desk
4. my dresser
5. my closet
6. my random stuffed animals, lol
7. LOTS of random stuff...junk...who KNOWS what... lol

seven random facts about you:

1. i cut 7 and a half inches off of my hair a couple weeks ago. i was gonna hold out for locks of love, but i couldn't stand my hair anymore.
2. i hate working at mcdonalds (but i think maybe i mentioned that already... lol)
3. i own a lot of hoodies. like 7 or 8 probly.
4. i love my car, even when it tries to die.
5. i don't think i've ever liked my hair, ever.
6. i pretty much hate getting dressed up.
7. i can't wait till saturday :)

seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. travel overseas
2. get married
3. have kids
4. stay [happily] married to one man for my entire life
5. ride on a motorcyle
6. see my joshy in concert
7. quit mcdonalds

seven things you can do:

1. color inside the lines
2. drive inside the lines
3. walk and talk at the same time
4. rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time
5. talk in gr, especially with gronna (aka donna for the unschooled) ;)
6. make a cheeseburger in like 15 seconds
7. read really super fast

seven things you can't do:

1. draw
2. sing
3. anything right, in my moms eyes
4. walk on my hands
5. be skinny
6. roll my tongue
7. remember to pray every night

seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1. Christian
2. hair
3. eyes
4. shoes
5. musical ability [its ok janson i forgive you for this one ;)]
6. hoodies
7. sense of humor

seven favorite bands:

1. relient k
2. five iron frenzy
3. dashboard confessional
4. yellowcard
5. josh groban. he counts. cuz me and ali say he does.
6. benjamin gate
7. i'm rather into mark schultz at the moment

seven favorite movies:

1. the princess bride
2. a beautiful mind
3. robin hood prince of thieves
4. forces of nature
5. fried green tomatoes
6. stargate (the movie)
7. the new peter pan :)

seven favorite books:

1. little women by louisa may alcott
2. maniac magee by... crap who wrote maniac magee? hmm...
3. christy miller series by robin jones gunn
4. diary of a teenage girl series by... hmmm another i-forget-the-author
5. the client by john grisham
6. lotr trilogy by tolkien
7. this present darkness/piercing the darkness by frank peretti

ok. so in the middle of that, ali my ali called, and i disconnected and talked to her for awhile. i am so freaking excited for camp!! its so soon!! and david and michelle are coming on saturday to the wedding!!!! yay!!!! and, i haven't talked to janson yet, lol, but we might all hang out saturday night. that would be a good time. :)

janson--i hope your class was ok today. i'll be praying for you while i'm at work, i hope everything goes ok with your dad. i love you with all my heart hun, i'll be online after work.

ok now more laundry doing, a gazillion ants to sweep up due to the bratwurst grease covered papertowel that i left on the mantle, and probly an episode of stargate to watch! :) then i work 4-close. :( with charity as manager. :( :(
and you thought i was done? nope. i still have to cover yesterday and today! HA! lol

got up around 10:30 or so.
i don't remember much... i think i just lazed around and watched stargate, cuz we still didn't have a phone.
oh i do remember this tho... around like 11:30 or noon, my mom and i are sitting there eating lunch, and a car pulls into the driveway. she's like "oh maybe its the phone company!" so she goes to the back door, and she goes "its tim, in the back of a yellow pickup, and who's dog is that with him??" it was kinda funny. apparently caesar (our dog) got out of the fence, for some reason/somehow went to the school, and like 15 kids and 3 teachers were like "hey tim, your dog's outside" "hey tim did anyone tell you that your dog it outside?" so he went outside and got caesar, brought him INTO the school, found the principal who wouldn't let another student bring him home, and then mrs. duko (she teaches jr high) was like "well i was gonna go to such-and-such anyway, so i'll just take him". so thats the story of how tim and caesar had an adventure. don't we all love leetonia schools?
i worked 4-close. it was ok. i closed with brian. ooooo!!!! i'm making $15 for doing nothing!!! he was like "if you burn me all 3 linkin park cds i'll give you $15 on friday." so i get $15!!!! woohoo i'm rich!!! lol.
when i got home from work i showered, and then watched more stargate and did my puzzle. i've watched the first 10 episodes in season 2 now.

i wasn't sure what time leah was coming over, so i got up around 10:30 to be safe. i got up, got dressed, came down here, sat on the couch to read, and promptly fell back asleep, lol. i woke up around 11:15 when my mom came home for an early lunch break, and i was like "wow. i fell asleep!"
leah came over around noon. we just hung out here, talking. i love my leah. :) after that we headed to bob evans to get some lunch, and then to wal-mart cuz we both needed to get random stuff. shopping with leah is so much fun. we laughed so much while we were out!!! then we came back here, dropped off my stuff, and took both her car and my car to her house. we called jenny, but no one was home. then she let me use her phone to call janson, since i'd only got to talk to him for like 4 minutes at a time, 3 different times or something like that. so we talked for about 20 minutes or so, and it was great. i love my boy so much. :) then leah and i headed off to the thrift store. we noticed on our way past jenny's house that her car was there, so we stopped there to see if she was home, and she was! so we picked her up and she came with us. we were at the thrift store for a couple hours, just screwing around, finding hilarious clothes and stuff. i just bought 2 pairs of scrubs (yeah scrubs!) and 2 tank tops. i really love hanging out with those two. we've been friends for so long, and its just so comfortable! we hung out at jenny's house for a bit afterwards, and then i had to get to work, so jenny took leah home and i headed to work.
work was ok. corey called off, but we made it work. the biggest thing that happened at work was.. well there were 2 things, i guess. lol. doug votaw came in, lol. and the other was... i found a mouse!! oh it was so gross!! ewwww!!!! anyway. lol. we got outta there around 11:30, i came home, took a shower, talked to caryn for a bit, and now, i'm talking to my boy. that makes me very happy. i love my boy. :)
haha ok so are you ready for this? i'm not sure you are.... but here goes...

a lot has happened in the last few days… but there’s no phone line at my house right now!! as i write this, its 1:15 in the morning on saturday night (or rather, sunday morning) and i’m on my computer in my room. but anyway. let me back up…

thursday night (or friday morning, however you look at it)
it stormed. a lot. around 4 in the morning or so. i’d only been asleep for about 2 hours when it started storming, so needless to say i wasn’t a happy camper. i was awake for about half an hour or 45 minutes. every time i dozed off, there would be lots of thunder and i’d wake up. i finally fell asleep around 4:30 or 4:45, i’m not sure. but at 5:05, i was woken by this horrible, loud, high pitched noise. it was an even worse way to wake up than the storm, let me tell you. i went into the hallway, and was very soon joined by my mom and little brother, and my dad came up from downstairs (why he was up and dressed at 5 in the morning, we have no idea…). we determined the noise was coming from my dad’s room, and that it was the smoke alarm. that was its way of informing us that the battery was going bad. isn’t that nice? wow. it was horrible. so tim took it down and took the battery out of it and threw it on dad’s bed, and we all went back to bed.

my alarm went off at 8:30, and i hit the snooze button until 8:42, definitely NOT wanting to get out of bed. but seeing how i was supposed to leave at 9, i forced myself to get out of bed and get ready to go. i left at 9, had an uneventful drive (except for a george sighting, those are always exciting!!!) (well i guess he’s always outside… but still… i still get excited every time!! lol) and got to jansons pretty much right at 10. he went to go pick up jake from school around 10:45, and i stayed there and slept. lol. i do that a lot, i’m a slacker. i don’t remember what all we did yesterday… lol. i know that we went to marc’s to get bacon and brown sugar. lol. oh there was a nice random tornado siren going off at one point, but we turned on the weather channel and there was no tornado, so we didn’t do anything about it. but man was it raining!! the ring was gonna be on HBO at 6. i wanted to watch it, and josh hadn’t seen it before, so we watched that. janson and jake went to pick up pizza for dinner around like 6:45, and while they were gone josh figured out almost the whole movie. the only part he didn’t figure out before it was explained in the movie was how to beat the tape, how not to die after watching it. i was like “what the crap??” lol. its not as scary the second time you watch it, but its still scary enough… lol. janson and i played the sims for awhile after that. i like playing the sims. lol. i’m a dork, yes i know it. then we watched love stinks. it was funny. i couldn’t stand the girl in it, but i think that was the point of the movie, lol. then we watched dogma, cuz i’ve wanted to see it for awhile, and just never have gotten around to it. it was pretty funny too. the only thing that i knew about it beforehand was that alanis morisette was God in it. but it was funny. then i was tired. but it was storming and i was creeped out from watching the ring, so i made janson stay in his room for a bit cuz i’m a nerd and i was scared to be in there by myself. lol. around 3:45 or so, janson went out to the couch and i fell asleep pretty much right away, thankfully, cuz i am such a nerd… lol.

got up around 11:30 or so. janson’s bed makes my back hurt. lol. his mattress is too hard. i love my foam mattress. :) we basically did nothing all day long. it was nice. i like doing nothing. we were gonna go to wal-mart so i could buy some blank cds, but then i balanced my checkbook and found out that i have about $50 in my account, so i decided to stop spending money for awhile… lol. janson worked on getting the water out of his basement while i talked to travis, and then janson and i just hung out. i was supposed to work at 4, but i decided that i didn’t feel like it. so i stayed in canton longer with my boy. :)i know, i know, not the smartest idea… but whoever said i was smart? so i left there around 5:30. there was a lot of water. i noticed it on the side of the road in some places and stuff, but didn’t pay too much attention to it. i was proud of myself, cuz i was making really good time. i decided to take butcher road home instead of rt 14 in salem, since it’s a fun back road to speed on. oh man, i was driving on it, and my windows were down, and suddenly, i just smelled summer. i don’t know why. i just did. i was like “wow. i smell camp.” so i turned off my cd player. i don’t really know why i did, i just did. then i just started talking to God. about this summer, about the girls that i’m gonna be counseling, praying for them, about me being unsure about this summer, praying for help in answering questions and having patience with campers and fellow staff, i prayed for this summer’s staff, for myself and the way that i sometimes act around people when i’m at camp… at this point in my conversation with God, i noticed a nice road block in front of me… the one lane bridge on butcher road was definitely under a LOT of water. wow. i mean a LOT of water. so i turned around. i was no longer making good time, cuz that added like 15 minutes onto my drive, having to turn around, go back to egypt road, and then taking rt 14 home after all. normally i would have been distracted and turned my cd player back on. but i didn’t. i just kept talking. i prayed about some other stuff that’s on my mind right now, cuz there’s some stuff that i really just need God to take care of, cuz there is no way that i can do it myself. i’ve tried and failed so many times lately, and i just can’t do it anymore. i can’t do it on my own. so i ended up just talking to God for like 20 or 25 minutes on my way home from canton today. it was really awesome. and i’m so much more excited for camp now…. oh my goodness!!! :) :) :)
so i get home and find out that we have no phone line, hadn’t for almost 24 hours at that point, and most of downtown had been flooded this morning. wow. so i ate some dinner, changed, and headed to work. i got there at 7 only to find out that julie (the MANAGER julie, mind you) hadn’t done anything when i told her on TUESDAY that i was probly gonna be late today. and since we don’t have a phone line at my house, everyone was frantic cuz they thought i wasn’t coming in, and they couldn’t get ahold of me. julie told me when i asked her about it that she wasn’t sure if it would be ok or not, but she’d check today’s schedule for me and let me know. which she didn’t know. melissa had no idea that i was gonna come in, she thought i just wasn’t showing up. so it was a great night, really. they were behind (if i had known that they were already short people, i would have been home in time to work at 4), and yeah… we didn’t get done until 12:15, and hour and 15 minutes after the store closed. to add to that, the drain in the floor in the back of the grill is horribly backed up, and yeah… its not a pretty sight. we cleaned it up as much as we could, but water just kept coming out, and we got tired of mopping it up. brittany adair let me use her cell phone, and i took a quick on the clock break while i was doing dishes to call janson to tell him that i don’t have a phone. i really wanted to talk to him, since i might not get to for a few days, but i had to get back to work. stupid work… lol. so anyway. i might get written up for being late today. oh well. i don’t care. melissa’s not mad, she knows that its julie’s fault. julie’ll be mad, cuz melissa left a kinda snotty note about it in the managers book (saying something like ‘i want to give a warm thank you to whoever tracey told that she would be late today’ or something… i don’t know. AKA tracey will be yelled at muchly by julie…) but i don’t really care. they’re not gonna fire me, so it doesn’t matter. i got home around 12:30 and took a shower. now i’m here at my computer… its almost 2 am now. i think i should probly get to bed, cuz i’m freaking tired from not getting enough sleep/doing so much stuff at work tonight. so i’m off to bed… i really hope we have a phone tomorrow, although we probly won’t till monday…

sunday at 3 pm
just got home from lunch at east of chicago pizza with pastor jan, shelly, duran, and pastor morgan and kay. that was fun. there wasn’t enough room for all of us at one table, so tim, duran, and i sat in a booth by ourselves and were the kids table. :) while the adults discussed serious adult things, the three of us talked about comics, monty python, and tim and i talked about camp. lol. i have about an hour and 45 minutes till i have to leave for work. i don’t want to go to work, i’m probly gonna get yelled at cuz of the note that melissa left. oh well. its only a 5-10 shift, so it shouldn’t be that bad… i really wish we had a phone. i miss the internet… lol. at least we have electricity, i would be a very unhappy camper without electricity! ok i’m gonna change outta my skirt and find something fun to do until work…

2 am
joyce horst came over and dropped off the third and fourth books in the redemption series soon after i went downstairs, so i read before work. work was ok. mcdonalds solution to the flooding, however, is to line the floor with cardboard boxes. at 10 o clock this morning that might have been a good idea, sure. but at 6 pm when they’ve been walked on all day and are completely soaked and disgusting, and my manager kelli and i are the ones cleaning it up cuz the guys complained too much, its not such a good idea… corey and i had fun tonight… haha. he was hawkering in the trash can while i was doing dishes cuz i hate that, so i sprayed him with water. and then he sprayed me with cooking oil. and so on and so forth. lol. i really get along with these guys (brian, corey, ray). i admit that i was prejudice and when i heard they were hired there, i was like “oh this is gonna suck, they’re all potheads and drunks” which is true, basically. but anyway. lol. they’re fun guys. i got home at like 10:15. showered. finished off the third book a bit ago (so basically, i read a 350 page book in about, oh… 4 hours or so… lol). now i’m going to bed, cuz i have to be up and dressed tomorrow. i’m picking up mom from work and we’re going to russ sinsley’s funeral. oh and we haven’t had a phone line for over 48 hours now. good thing that we haven’t needed an ambulance or anything… lol.

monday at 11:40 pm
today i got up at 10:15, got dressed, and was at the bank by 10:55 to pick up mom for the funeral. it was a nice funeral, but it really surprised me how few people were there. it also made me think… the older generation from that church is all passing away, and it makes me sad. i don’t go there anymore, but i did from second grade until spring of my senior year. and it wasn’t the church family that drove me away from that church, it was the pastor and a few other people. it really makes me sad. russ’s funeral wasn’t as hard as lorraine’s, because i hadn’t even seen russ for a year or so. but it was still sad. the saddest part to me, i think, was watching tess. she seemed so calm about the whole thing, i’m not even sure she knew exactly what was going on. i don’t ever want to get like that. alzheimer’s has to be about the worst thing ever. something that struck me, though, was the fact that they’d been married since 1938. wow. that’s 64 years. wow. to me, that’s incredible. i can only pray that if/when i get married, that’ll happen… leah was at the service helping lead the music, so we talked for a few minutes afterwards and made plans to hang out this week. she has wednesday and thursday off from work, so we’re gonna hang out during the day both of those days (meaning that i have tomorrow and friday to get laundry done, packed, get whatever i need bought, and generally get ready for this summer… should be a good time, lol). joyce told me that jenny is in lancaster until sometime wednesday, so just leah and i are gonna hang on that day, and then on thursday we’re gonna do something with jenny. i love those two. i love that no matter how much time passes, we can still hang out and do stuff and just pick up wherever we left off. jenny and i did a horrible job of keeping in touch this last semester (we emailed each other once and talked online once, and that was it), but i still consider her one of the closest friends that i have and ever will have. leah and i started talking a lot this last semester, and it was great. she was the first real best friend i ever had, and nothing will ever change that. anyway, that was a random tangent. lol. after the funeral, i read. for hours and hours and hours. i have about 45 or 50 pages left in the 4th book in the redemption series. yes i am a loser, i know. but they’re really good, and i have nothing else to do with my time! i watched 2 more stargate episodes while i finished my puzzle (i’d like to finish the whole 2nd season before i leave, but i don’t know how realistic that is). dad came home from work soon after 5, called the phone company again on his cell phone, and HOPEFULLY they’ll get it all fixed tomorrow. hopefully… he told me i could use his phone to call janson, but i told him i’d rather wait till i got home from work since long distance is free after 9 and such. he told me that was ok, so i called janson to tell him that. we talked for a few minutes, and i told him i’d call him after work. then i made dinner (yes… i cooked… shocker know… but it was just some pasta, nothing big lol). then dad came in and told me i wasn’t allowed to use his phone after work after all, since it’s a company phone. whatever. its free, its not like i’d be hurting anything. but whatever. i didn’t feel like arguing with him, there was no point. mom came home from work just as i was finishing dinner, so i talked to her for a bit. then i got ready for and left for work. i stopped and got gas, since i had like none in my car. i think i drove to columbiana on fumes, praying that my car would make it… lol. it did. i worked 7-close. it was an ok time. nothing great, but is mcdonalds ever great? we were relatively slow all night. shannon and julie (NOT the manager julie, the julie who loves yellowcard) were working up front, and corey and i were in the back, so it was a fun crew. shannon let me use her cell phone to call janson and tell him that my dad is stupid. it was kinda funny, i wasn’t on break or anything. actually i was the only person working in the grill cuz corey was taking a smoke break. so i made one order while i was on the phone, lol. but mandy walked past me like 3 times while i was talking and didn’t say anything, so i’m good to go.. lol. we only talked for like 5 or 6 minutes, cuz then a bigger order came that i needed to use both hands for. but it was really good to talk to him. i really can’t wait till this phone thing is sorted out… so now its 10 till 12, and i need a shower cuz work makes me stinky. one more random tangent, and then i’ll go take one… these past few days have helped me realize something. while its been crummy to not be able to talk to janson at all, and i hate it, at the same time, it hasn’t been completely unbearable. i think its God’s way of helping me know that this summer is gonna be ok. i mean yeah, its gonna suck to not talk to janson for a week at a time, but i’m gonna live. ok God, i learned the lesson. now can i have a phone line so i can talk to my boy? ;)

1:40 am
finished the fourth book, watched and episode and a half of stargate, started another puzzle while doing so, and now i’m going to bed. i’m tired. and i’m bored, i want the internet!!! i REALLY hope the phone line gets fixed tomorrow! its been 3 days!!!

tuesday at 3:40 pm
and day number 4 without a phone… can i just say how ridiculous this is getting? cuz it really is. ok now i have to get dressed for and get to work. i hate working 4-close, it drags on forever….

Friday, May 21, 2004

so i went to the school, it was ok. i just went in the very front, and was only there for like 5 minutes. i picked up the market day, took it all down to the bank, then came back here. i basically sat on the computer from then until it was time for me to go to work. i'm such a dork.
work was ok. i worked counter for a bit cuz charity was busy. that was fun, i haven't been up front for a long time. lynne and julian came in, which was cool. i like visitors! :) steve and jeremiah came in, and that was cool too. i hadn't seen either of them since christmas break. i closed with brian and ashley, and they've quickly become over the last few weeks my favorite people to close with. usually we get outta there really fast. tonight we didn't, but we pretty much still have fun while we're closing.

i need a shower. i'm still sitting here in my work clothes, so i smell like grease and cigarettes, cuz brian smoked on the way home (he asked first, he didn't just randomly light up in my car... lol). so shower time for tracey! i'm getting up in 8 hours. in about 8 and a half hours, i'm leaving for canton.... :)

Thursday, May 20, 2004

i think i figured out why i haven't got my grades yet. i got a statement from malone today, informing me that i owe them $361. well isn't that just great. cuz i don't already owe my mom enough money!! hmmm good day just went BAD.
got up at 11:30 (i like it when my mom works!! i get to sleep in!) but i went to bed at like 3:45 cuz i was reading. got online. got offline. played zeus. got online. talked to janson. made my first bad purchase on ebay (way to go me!! lol). my mom came home on her lunch break. now i'm sitting here talking to chrissy, who is currently in POLAND. wow. i'm jealous!

oh horror of horrors--i have to go to the HIGH SCHOOL today!!! BLECH!! lol. i have to pick up my mom's, caroline's, and wanda's (ladies at the bank) market day orders. i even have to take a cooler to keep the cold food cold. yup. should be a good time, considering i haven't been in that place since my little brother's christmas concert... i'm not even going to the spring concert next week cuz i have to work, and tim said he didn't care if i wasn't there.

mcdonalds gives me pimples. i don't like it. they're gross!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

i watched when harry met sally and white oleander (both were ok, neither was spectacular. white oleander was pretty good though). worked 7-close. it was ok. i actually LIKE some of the people that i work with these days... its crazy!! lol. i gave brian a ride home, just like every night that we close together. came back here. took a shower. finished the book i borrowed from joyce. played zeus. went to bed around 2:45.

got up around 11:30, mom came home on her lunch break, she left, i talked to janson on the phone for a couple hours, played zeus, watched lost in translation, worked on my puzzle, watched a little stargate with mom and tim, took a little nap, played the sims, worked on my puzzle more, and now here i am!!

--i'm praying for you. maybe not right now when you have so much going on and things are hard and i'm getting ready to leave, but i really want to get our friendship back to the way that it was. even if it doesn't happen till this fall when we're back at school. just know that i'm praying, and i'm sorry for everything thats happened!
approximate hours left of mcdonalds: 45ish

that would be....

Thursday- either 11-7 (please no i hate daytime) or 4-close
Saturday- 4-close
Sunday- 5-10
Monday- 4-close
Tuesday- 7-close
Wednesday- 7-close
Thursday- 7-close
Friday- 4-close

and then i'll be done. until august.

and thats all i have for tonight.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

so i've decided to stop being the only person in the world who hasn't seen when harry met sally. i just got that and 2 other movies (lost in translation and white oleander) out of the library, because i am insanely bored, no one is online or they're all away, and i don't have anything to do until i work at 7. so i'll get back on here after i watch when harry met sally and give my thoughts. since the entire world (according to my mother) has seen it except for me... lol.

hi i'm tracey and i'm an idiot and i post stupid things when i'm tired and should be in bed.
i'm tired, so this is gonna be short. but it was requested...
[see below...]
Then Janson said: you know what you could do?
relientkbandgeek: what?
Then Janson said: you could...
Then Janson said: write a nice post that would make a certain boy smile when he gets up
Then Janson said: :-D
[such a strange boy that i have... ;)]

he is a nice strange boy, however. he's a lot stronger than he thinks that he is. and i love him a lot. so do other people. things suck right now, but i'm gonna be here through all of it, i'm not going anywhere.
"i'd give you my hand if you'd reach out and grab it
lets walk away from this hell"

and i'm too tired to write anything else right now. so i'll just say that much.
i love you.
today i just screwed around. mom's stargate dvds (season 2! yay!) finally came in the mail, but still no grades from malone... i read basically all day long. i drove tim to canfield. he heard amish paradise for the first time and he laughed as much as i did the first time i heard it. i came home through columbiana to get gas, cuz i was almost out. then i came home for about 10 minutes, changed my clothes, and went back to columbiana to work 7-close. it was actually ok. starr was there till 8, and we had fun talking about lehman's hardware and shishler's cheese (its so weird that she's been there! lol). i closed with corey and ashley, and we had fun. ashley made me a burrito with chicken and stuff. it was good. although i'm still hungry, cuz thats all i've had today except for a sandwich at like 11. maybe i'll eat... ashley and i had a big ice/pickle/fry/anything else we could find fight. it was a good time. mandy (our manager) just sat there and watched us, which i found kinda funny. corey is just funny. he likes to say things just to watch me flip out. like telling me that i was cutting grill tonight.. lol. we got done around 11:30, which is really nice. then i took a shower. well first i drove home... haha. now i'm talking to my boy. :) and i might get something to eat, cuz i'm hungry... who knows.

Monday, May 17, 2004

the person that i love most in this world's life is falling apart, and all i can do is sit and watch. actually i can't even do that, cuz i'm too far away.
(continuing with the weekend...)
woke up at 8:30, my mom came in and told me to sleep for another half hour since it was raining so much. so i did. i got up at 9, janson was already up. he didn't sleep well. slacker shoulda woke me up!!! anyway. lol. we left here around 10 or 10:30 or something. it was rainy allllllll day. janson and i went on batman, then dad wanted to go on it, so we went on it again right away with him, then we went on x-flight with tim. tim had never been on a steel rollercoaster before, and janson and i found it kinda amusing that he picked x-flight for his first rollercoaster ride, lol, but he liked it a lot. then i got sick. because i'm a crummy person and a crummy girlfriend, and i think i pretty much ruined the rest of the day. i always get sick when i ride rollercoasters, but i used to be able to ride a lot more than 3. i suck. so we just walked around and did random stuff until the concert at 5. oh and we saw jessica. wow i don't even know her last name, but i'm thinking wheeler? she lived on woolman 2. that was cool. anyway, the concert. some guy named trevor morgan played, he was alright. mom and janson liked him a lot, i thought he was ok. jars of clay was really good. of course. i mean it wasn't as good as it would have been if it had been a real concert and if we hadn't all been FREEZING, but yeah... it was good. we came home after that, cuz we were all too cold to do anythying else. well i wouldn't have minded staying and riding rides cuz i wasn't sick anymore, lol, but everyone else was cold. so we left. everyone pretty much went to bed when we got back here except me and janson. oh yeah!! there were 2 messages on the machine for me when we got back. one from my homeschooler and roomie (heathro) telling me that the chorale was singing at a church in poland the next morning and that i should come, and one from maryea. i need to call her back!! so anyway... janson and i watched back to the future 2. well, he watched back to the future 2. i think i slept through most of it... so we went to bed since i couldn't stay awake anyway... lol

i woke up at 9:20 cuz i had to pee, and my alarm wasn't going to go off until 9:45. but i was up in rusty's room, and i knew that if i got out of his bed, walked down the stairs, went to the bathroom, went back up the stairs (his room is in the attic for those that don't know lol) and then climbed back up into the bed, i'd be awake. so this was my alternative: i took my blanket and alarm clock with me, set them on tim's bed, and then slept for another 20 minutes on tim's bed. lol. i'm so lazy. anyway. janson and i were lazy until almost 10:30, which was bad, considering the church was in poland, half an hour away, and i wasn't for sure where it was... haha. but we made it. it was so much fun to see friends!!! i saw homeschooler, heathro, my favorite non best friend (brit), hawks, nikki, and kristen. and sarah giambroni and annie neville were there too, to see nikki. so it was a mini woolman reunion!! we even took pictures, haha. it was great. i love those girls!! :) janson and i stopped at starbucks on the way home (mmmm i love starbucks). we hung out at my house for a few hours. then he came to columbiana with me to get gas, then he went home when i went to work. :( i worked 5-10, and it was ok. it seemed to go by pretty fast. the guys that i was working with were ok. tonight's gonna suck, but thats another story... anyway. i got home from work, showered, talked to my mom, and got online and talked to my boy for a bit, then went upstairs and read for a long time. that was my night.

i had to get up early cuz my mom didn't work today, so i got like 4 hours of sleep last night... haha good job me. i got up and started a puzzle while i watched the last 40 minutes or so of daredevil, ate lunch, answered the phone after ignoring joyce's calls like 3 times, lol, and now i'm talking to my boy again. :) tonight i work 7-close. what i REALLY want to do is call off work and go to columbiana's band concert, but i doubt that i'll actually do that...
got up around 10:45 or so, washed my work clothes, played computer games, basically waited for janson. he got here around 1:30, and i was excited. :) my mom came home on her lunch break soon after, and was here until 3. then janson and i went to columbiana so i could get my paycheck, and we went to dollar general to buy some vitamin thingies for my mom. and then to taco bell, cuz i missed taco bell. mmmmmm. :) then janson, tim, and i all went down to the bank to see mom, and i gave her the little amount of money from my paycheck (like 40 bucks... so i still owe her $400...). then we went to salem. i forget why... let me think... lol. oh yeah we went to wal-mart and somewhere else... hmmm... i bought windshield wipers and cat food at wal-mart. oh and then we picked up the pizza for dinner at papa john's, thats right. yeah. lol. we came back here, at pizza, and i headed off to work 7-close. that was so horrible (working while my boy was here at my house), i hated it. i don't EVER want to close with robert EVER again. he's horrible. we didn't get out of there until about 10 after 12. i'm used to getting out of there around 11:30 or 11:45. it sucked. blech. i came back here and showered, and then janson and i looked at photo albums for awhile. haha. that was funny. ok i'll post about the rest of the weekend later, i think i'm gonna go read for awhile or something. up in my comfy bed that is mine again. ;)
quick thought to ponder as i type up what will probly be a really long post about my weekend:

i was thinking tonight at work. i was listening to brian tell corey what he did the night before, cuz corey couldn't remember anything. i don't want that. they've pretty much convinced me not to drink or anything. ever. lol. i don't ever want to not be able to remember things that happened to me...

Thursday, May 13, 2004


got up at 10:45
did nothing all day, basically
hung out with lynne and mike--mike and i walked down to lynne's, hung out with her on her porch, then came back up here to get mike's car. we tried to go to this bar in salem, lol. it was ladies night, and it was 18 and up for ladies, but 21 and up for guys. kinda strange... lol. so we left. we went and i got some chinese at main moon (it was basically no good). we sat around and talked about what we were gonna do. mike wanted a chocolate shake. he ended up getting wendy's. then lynne and i both headed home cuz we had stuff to do. i walked lynne home, and then she walked me home (but we took the loooong way) it was like when we used to do that back in like jr high. it was fun. :)
now i'm just sitting here talking to janson... that chinese is NOT sitting well in my stomach. stupid gross food...
sometimes i wonder who reads this. if anyone reads this. for the sake of my curiousity, leave a quick comment. everyone. just be like "hi. i read this. bye."
so i haven't asked to find out of the rumors are true, but seriously... if you take away the bingo, whats left????

i had a weird dream last night. tim, rusty and i were in NYC staying in the hotel that marlene and i stayed at. and it had these weird floors, like "sex ed floor" and "alcohol awareness floor". but the weirdest thing was rusty, tim, and i all on vacation together. in
ali made me do this

1. studded belt - 2 points: 0
2. dyed black hair/short - 2 points: 0
3. thick rimed glasses - 2 points: 2
4. tight shirts/pants/track jackets - 2 points each: 0
5. gaudy belt buckle - 2 points each: 0
6. clothing bought from a thrift store - 2 points each: a lot. lets just say 10. that sounds good. its an understatement, but all well.
7. having hair with bangs longer than the rest - 2 points: 0
8. trucker hats - 2 points: 0
9. messenger bag - 3 points: 0
10. livejournal/myspace/friendster account - 2 points each: 2
11. saucony/new balance/ converse shoes - 2 points per pair: 4
12. mountian climbing key thingy - 2 points each: 4
13. X'd up mosh gloves - 10 points: 0
14. scarf - 2 points each: 8
15. refering to bands as acronym - 2 points: ??? wtf? 0 i guess
16. vegan diet - 5 points: 0
17. vegitarian diet - 4 points: 0
18. food not bombs participation - 5 points: 0
19. straight edge - 5 points: i don't drink and such, but i don't call myself a straightedge either. 0.
20. aspiring photographer - 3 points: 0
21. using adjectives from the late 80's/early 90's (i.e. rad, gnarly, rockin', etc.) 1 point for each word in vernacular: 0
22. pins/buttons 1/2 point each: 0
23. plugs/body piercings - 2 points each: 2
24. vinyl collection - 10 points: 10
25. moldy peaches fan - 10 points: fan? 0
26. liking metal seriously - deduct 5 points: 0
27. liking metalcore - 5 points: 0
28. reading books over 300 pages long - 3 points: 3
29. riding a bike - 5 points: 0
30. participating in "the mosh" - 5 points: 0
31. tea aficianado - 5 points: 0
32. writing poetry - 5 points: 0
33. attended 20 shows or more in a year - 10 points: 0
34. attending hell fest - 5 points: 0
35. being in a band - 5 points: 0
36. working at an indy record store/health food store - 5 points: 0
37. clapping during midpaced part of a song - 5 points: 0

total: 45
0-24 - poser! get out or be forced out.
25-44 - beginner. attend more shows, buy more records, you'll be fine.
45-74 - scenester. you've been around awhile and you know what's up, good job.
75 - or more - GOSH! i bow to thee with your knowledge of everything hardcore.
after my last post i....
picked up my little brother from track practice
talked to janson for a bit more online
worked on my room/finally finished all of the appendices for two towers (go me!!!)
dropped tim off for the parade for the firemen's festival (aka street fair)
got gas
worked 7-close
--work was ok. i closed with brian skaggs. it was definitely interesting. we had lots of randomness... things like... brian telling me i was stuck-up in high school, letting me believe that he really thought that for like 2 hours, then telling me he was just joking. me burning his cds, and then forgetting them here at home. me having to hear him and ray talk about their sex lives. me and him eating our new creation-strawberry mcflurries. him making me deck mop cuz he didn't feel like it. it definitely took me like 40 minutes... haha. him making fun of me in general. me going out to my car to get my cds, getting locked out cuz we'd closed lobby already, and being really scared of the dirty guys in the dirty pickup that were just sitting there, in their pickup, right next to me, making comments and whistling... yeah i was scared. i went to the window and shanny came and let me in. i did dishes/mopped after kelli swept. then i gave brian a ride home again, since its like 3 minutes out of my way to do so. oh yeah that reminds me... corey told some girl he's seeing (one of the many lol) that i'm this hot chick that brian dated for awhile, etc etc, so when i dropped him off on monday, she flipped out on him when he got in the house. i thought that was kinda funny.
took a shower
talked to kelli my kelli about getting high on water and peeing a lot
started looking at sara's prom pictures
thats about it. i have no life. i'm tired, but i don't feel like going to bed. my mom works tomorrow, so that means i don't have to get up till like 11:30 or so... that'll be nice. :) i'm gonna go do...something. lol.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

today: got up at 9:30, mom and i took my car down to jeff's (well jeff wasn't there today. so we took my car to jesse. but thats beside the point... lol). then mom and i cleaned. a lot. then i went up to my room and tackled all that, cuz i still had random boxes, laundry baskets, and suitcases all over the hallway upstairs/my room. so i watched some chappelle's show on my computer while i did that, but i was too afraid that my mom would walk in the room for some reason, so i stopped... lol. so i the crow for the first time. it was good. it was on the messed up side, lol, but it was good. then i went downstairs cuz i was hot and hungry (nope, no AC in this house!), and jesse called saying my car was done. so mom and i went and got it. $122. not too bad. and my brakes don't need fixed yet, so thats good too. now i'm talking to my boy... :) (i think thats how i end like every other post... lol)
today=good day. :)

i got up around 9:45 cuz i had to pee real bad (stupid new drug that i have to drink lots of water with... i think i'm gonna start taking it earlier in the evening so i don't get up 2 or 3 times a night/morning to pee). anyway. i came downstairs, and no one was here. so i watched like 15 minutes more of the extra two towers stuff (one of these days... i WILL be done... i think i have probly an hour left). then mom came home, she'd been down talking to a guy who she'd told that i wanted his car, when i really didn't. i never told her that. so it was her problem to go tell him that i didn't want it. then i curled my hair. then mom called jeff for me, and i'm taking my car down there tomorrow at 10. then i took christy her ticket down at the DQ, since she never showed at work last night SLACKER. then i left for alliance. so much freaking traffic... and i don't really like my mom's minivan. but i made it just about right at noon. it was good to see my boy. :) we hung out alllllllllll day. i love him. and i love when i see a VW bug before him.... and when we go under a yellow light and i hit him first... lol. but it was a good day. :) then we went to wal-mart in alliance. and hung out there for like an hour. and now i'm home. i've been home for like an hour. and i'm talking to janson. and ali. and kelli is hyper.. read....

kelishine: ali and i tink your new sn should be
kelishine: because it would be really funny

kelishine: thats the way uhhuh uhhuh i like it uhhuh uhhuh

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

ok so scratch all that... dad said no. i think its kinda ironic that he takes no notice in my life, until now, and he's like "no. no $6000 car loan." all well. i'm just gonna get the $45 dollar thingy and new front brakes in my car, and keep it. i love my car, so its ok with me. it still only has 89,000 miles on it. so its all good.

work was ok tonight. it was long, but we made it fun. i worked in the back with shaun, doug, and brian. i ended up giving brian a ride home, it was like the never-ending party at mcdonalds... lol. but yeah, it was an ok night. we cracked ourselves up a lot. i think i like these guys better than my old mcdonalds guys... lol

ok i'm done posting for now.

tomorrow is a good day... i'm gonna see my boy!!! :)

Monday, May 10, 2004

2000 cavalier
70,000 miles
$5995 (probly $100/mo in payments)

yup. its not for sure, but momma and i are gonna go look at it/figure it out tomorrow morning, and then dad'll have to cosign for the loan and such... and then i'll have a new car!!!
i was gonna try to sell mine, cuz mom called jeff, and the thing thats wrong with it (transmission switch) is only gonna cost $90 to fix. and i was very sad about selling my car. i love my car. it was my first car. i paid for it completely by myself. but then mom got a good idea--tim's gonna be 15 and a half in july. so tim's gonna buy my car for like $600! yay!
so by the end of this week, i should have my new car. the only bad thing is it doesn't havge a cd player, but i'll either just get a new one, or take the cd player out of my old one and make tim get a new one. i'm so excited!!

i just had a little lunch down at the DQ. i went down to give christy her ticket for saturday, but i completely forgot to bring the ticket... so i just talked to her for awhile.

now i'm gonna sit here and talk to janson until i have to work at 4. 4-close is gonna suck a lot.... BLECH
weather for tomorrow in alliance: isolated thunderstorms
weather for saturday in aurora (aka geauga lake, where i'll be seeing jars of clay with my family, my boy, and christy): scattered thunderstorms

lol. figures...

i have no life these days. all i do is sit around by myself, cuz tim's at school and mom and dad are at work. i sleep in till like 11, then just do nothing. i've read 150 pages of the street lawyer by john grisham in the last 24 hours. my goal is to have all 450 pages finished by the time i see janson tomorrow, so that i can give it to him to give back to his mom... i really have no life. lol.

my mom should be home soon on her lunch break. HUMAN INTERACTION!!! WOOHOO!!!! lol

(there's a really bad thunderstorm right now. i about peed my pants a second ago... i'm so pathetic. but i hate thunderstorms!!!)
tonights conversation with janson = 2 hours and 10 minutes.... :) i'm gonna run out of phone cards soon... lol

got up, went to church with mom and tim, went to sunday school (and i love my sunday school class a lot!!), ate chicken for lunch, had my mom cut seven and a half inches off of my hair, played SNES because i am a loser, talked to janson online, went to work, it sucked, brian skaggs, among others, works there now--we were talking about back in the day (like baaaaaack back in the day) when he used to come over here with jimmy and daela and we'd all hang out, it was funny, came home, showered, talked to janson online, got offline, called janson. now i'm posting, talking to janson, and then getting to bed. i'm really tired.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Songs that I enjoy that are on this list of the worst songs. (stolen from mr. reno)

1. We Built This City ... Starship
2. Achy Breaky Heart ... Billy Ray Cyrus
3. Everybody Have Fun Tonight ... Wang Chung

4. Rollin' ... Limp Bizkit
5. Ice Ice Baby ... Vanilla Ice
6. The Heart of Rock & Roll ... Huey Lewis and the News
7. Don't Worry, Be Happy ... Bobby McFerrin

8. Party All the Time ... Eddie Murphy
9. American Life ... Madonna
10. Ebony and Ivory ... Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
11. Invisible ... Clay Aiken
12. Kokomo ... The Beach Boys

13. Illegal Alien ... Genesis
14. From a Distance ... Bette Midler
15. I'll Be There for You ... The Rembrandts
16. What's Going On? ... 4 Non Blondes
17. Pumps and a Bump ... Hammer
18. You're the Inspiration ... Chicago
19. Broken Wings ... Mr. Mister
20. Dancing on the Ceiling ... Lionel Richie
21. Two Princes ... Spin Doctors
22. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) ... Toby Keith
23. Sunglasses at Night ... Corey Hart
24. Superman ... Five for Fighting
25. I'll Be Missing You ... Puff Daddy featuring Faith Evans and 112
26. The End ... The Doors
27. The Final Countdown ... Europe
28. Your Body Is a Wonderland ... John Mayer
29. Breakfast at Tiffany's ... Deep Blue Something

30. Greatest Love of All ... Whitney Houston
31. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm ... Crash Test Dummies
32. Will 2K ... Will Smith
33. Barbie Girl ... Aqua
34. Longer ... Dan Fogelberg
35. Shiny Happy People ... R.E.M.
36. Make Em Say Uhh! ... Master P featuring Silkk, Fiend, Mia-X and Mystikal
37. Rico Suave ... Gerardo
38. Cotton Eyed Joe ... Rednex
39. She Bangs ... Ricky Martin
40. I Wanna Sex You Up ... Color Me Badd
41. We Didn't Start the Fire ... Billy Joel
42. The Sounds of Silence ... Simon & Garfunkel
43. Follow Me ... Uncle Kracker
44. I'll Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) ... Meat Loaf
45. Mesmerize ... Ja Rule featuring Ashanti
46. Hangin' Tough ... New Kids on the Block
47. The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You ... Bryan Adams
48. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da ... The Beatles
49. I'm Too Sexy ... Right Said Fred
50. My Heart Will Go On ... Celine Dion

yay for kelli having this in her xanga! i haven't posted a survey for awhile! :)

First job: probly baby-sitting
First screen name: chzoop
First funeral: i don't even remember
First pet: ummm.... my moms dogs that she had when i was born. i don't know their names.... lol
First piercing/tattoo: eyebrow
First Kiss: janson
First one that mattered: janson
First true love: janson
First enemy: ashlea norman
First big trip: either south carolina or canada. i don't know
First concert: point of grace and wayne watson's christmas concert back in like 6th grade with jenny horst... haha
First musician you remember hearing: petra

Last car ride: home from work an hour ago
Last kiss: thursday
Last make-out: thursday
Last library book checked out: ummmmm.... i think it was the never-ending story over christmas break
Last movie watched: ummm... i don't know. i watched like half an hour more of the extended stuff on two towers the other day
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: chicken for lunch
Last phone call: last phone call made was last night to janson. last phone call received was yesterday morning from jenny
Last time showered: about half an hour ago
Last CD played: linkin park meteora in my car on my way home from work
Last annoyance: my headache and mcdonalds
Last soda drank: hmmm.... i can't remember. i've been drinking water and milk lately
Last ice cream eaten: cookie dough from milk and honey on thursday before i left canton
Last time scolded: i don't know... when am i not being scolded by my mom? lol
Last shirt worn: currently wearing a gray Jake t-shirt
Last website visited:
i just talked to my boy on the phone for like an hour and 10 minutes. thanks for the phone card jen! :) it was so good to talk to him... i can't wait till tuesday!! i love you hun!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

JustNSnow: im out later T
JustNSnow: the machinery
(justin makes me laugh)

i fixed this. yup. go me. well janson gave me the website to host my pictures... but anyway.

work sucks. i really hate mcdonalds. a lot. i only worked 4 hours tonight, so thats good. i only work 4 hours tomorrow. but then monday, oh dreaded monday, i work 4-close... but then tuesday.... tuesday will be a good day, cuz i'll see my boy that day... :)
i just realized that i know two jenny smiths. one is sarah eades' roommate, and the other is from janson's church. the one that i was talking to online this morning was the one from janson's church... lol

now i'm gonna try to fix this blog so its not messed up... but its gonna be not fun to do, cuz the pictures that i need are on my computer up in my room... oh wait!! duh! thats what floppy disks were created for... lol... sometimes i am a moron...
yes i am a post whore... but there is nothing else to do.

this is my friend stephen's... (hmmm i don't know his last name. stephen from my humanities class) profile, and it made me laugh a lot.

Are you a high school girl trying to have a trendy profile? well look no further, here is the template!

*insert slightly out of date, but hideously overplayed rock/hip hop song*

random story like "OMG THAT TRIP WAS SO MUCH FUN LOL!! (important to type as many lol's as possible, because how else are people gonna know what the funny parts are?) REMEBER THE THING! AT THAT PLACE! LMAO I LOVE YOU (insert any amount of names you feel are neccesary depending on how crazy your story wuz!)!"

some atypical quotes should do...
xXxUnoriginalGirlxXx: then we danced on the table!
^^ craziest girl EVA
S2UncreativeGirlS2: its not easy being a princess O:-)
^^ lol dont we know it!

some obligitory quote to prove your complex life: my heart is torn in this game called love.

yeah.... that is hilarious. it makes me laugh a lot. maybe i should talk to stephen. i haven't really since our friday lunches last semester, with heat[h]er, fish, and hot sauce....
lunch with jenny was good. :) we both got these really good greek chicken salads. mmmmm. :) it was awesome to talk with her again, cuz i really didn't keep in touch with her very well this past semester.

on my way home, i saw my little brother riding his bike. i asked if he wanted a ride, and he did. so i pulled into the dairy queen parking lot, and we fit his bike into my little cavalier... haha. we had to take off the front wheel and the seat, and tim had to sit with his knees in the dashboard, and he could have been halfway home in the time that it took to get it in the car, lol, but we did it!!

now i'm doing more laundry. oh joy... i have to work 6-10 tonight. shouldn't be too bad, its only a 4-hour shift. i'm gonna go watch a movie or play a game or something....
jenny called me this morning, we're going to the lazy bean for lunch at noon. yay!! :)

i'm talking to jenny smith online. i miss her. i've only been gone for like 2 days... can i go back yet?? lol

i should probly go get ready to meet jenny (horst that is)... lol. i've been listening to hoobastank a lot lately.... it reminds me of that boy of mine in canton ;)
i went to PH with lynne, christy, jessi smith, and tkach. it was a good time. we laughed a lot, as usual.

then i came back here and got on the computer for about 5 minutes. then went up to my room and played the sims. now i'm back down here, but i think i'm gonna just go to bed, cuz there's nothing else to do.

Friday, May 07, 2004

my throat hurts. and there's a lump in it. thats always good....

my stuff is mostly out of the living room. but that means that its all in piles in my room. my room isn't that big normally.... there are like paths for me to walk through... lol

i went to mcdonalds and checked my schedule:
Tomorrow 6-10
Sunday 6-10
Monday 4-close
Tuesday off (hmmm... canton??)
Wednesday 7-close
Thursday off
Friday 7-close
Saturday off (six flags with family and janson to see jars of clay!! yay!!)
Sunday 5-10

as much as i hate mcdonalds (and thats like with every ounce of my being, lol), they're good about giving me hours when i need hours.

i'm going to pizza hut tonight, lynne called earlier. her and christy are going for sure (yay!!! lynne and christy!!!), and she didn't know if anyone else was. i'm excited. i haven't been to PH on a friday night since like october when i was home for the leetonia-columbiana game.

i just did the dishes. that was fun. i had a lot from my dorm. i listened to all american rejects. my mom thought they were alright. i thought that was funny... :) i'm gonna go downstairs now. i want to play SNES.... haha. i'm a loser, i know. i should go unpack more, but i really want to play yoshi's island...

so far, i've found $19.48 in change, between the stuff that i've unpacked, the bottom of my purse, the piggy bank in my car, my bowling pin bank, and my change purse. i'm feelin kinda rich.... lol. and after i start back at mcdonalds, i'll be super rich! (just a hint of sarcasm there...)
(my blog is messed up and i don't feel like working on with this dial-up modem that i'm currently using cuz i'm at home...)

oh and about my car?? my mom says if i need a new transmission, which is possible, that we won't get one. there's no point in putting a transmission in a car thats as old as mine. if thats what happens, i'm gonna have to sell my car. this is where it gets difficult... my mom knows someone who's selling at '99 cavalier for $4200. if i could get $1000 for my car, that would be good. and i think mom and i are gonna work something out for the rest of the car. i don't know. but i might be getting a new car.... in theory, thats nice. but at the same time, no its not. cuz that means i have to make money. lots of money. and i'll most likely have to have an off campus job at malone in the fall... which sucks big time. :( ok i'm done now.
ok i'm behind here....

the rest of tuesday
so we were on our way back to malone from applebee's, and ended up at a gas station cuz joe found a large hole. somewhere. i don't know anything about cars. so he called a tow truck and home for someone to come get us. he forgot to tell his family that janson and i were there too, they thought it was just him and heat[h]er. so his mom and brother show up in an omni. a car made for 4 people. haha. it was hilarious, heat[h]er sat in the front with joe's mom and brother, and janson, joe, and i sat in the back. we were a clown car. they dropped janson and i off at malone (i'm going to miss heat[h]er....), janson and i took my car to his house, then got his car, and went to jen's. we hung out there for awhile, her basement started flooding from the drain being backed up (janson and i were bad luck that night... lol), she called her uncle, he was cool, then we went to taco bell, hung out for awhile, jen had to be up early and i was about to fall asleep, so we left and went back to janson's.

i don't remember what time i woke up. it probly wasn't until after jake got home from school. but jake and janson were both sleeping around noon and i was bored, so i went to malone to start packing up my stuff. i was there until 5:30 or so, when janson came over. i didn't pack much after that, we just hung out. we went to steak-n-shake for dinner (i keep forgetting that i don't really like their food... only their shakes. i need to remember that and not go there cuz its too expensive for the food quality... lol) we went to malone so i could get my car, then went to janson's. i think we played the sims for awhile that night. i like the sims. its a fun game. :) i went to bed around 1:30 or so, since i had to be up by 6:30 for my neurologist appt.

got up, went to the neurologist (i have tension headaches, i'm not allowed to take pain medicine but i have a prescription that i have to take every day), went back to janson's, around noon i went and got gas and took dvds back to giant eagle, then went to malone. janson and i packed up some more stuff, and waited for my mom and brother. they got there around 1:45, and tim and janson basically packed up everything into the van. then i signed out with RA (that was a sad time. i love my RA!), went down and said bye to molly, and went to milk and honey with mom, tim, and janson. then mom and tim left, and janson took me to malone to get my car. that was sad. i didn't want to leave. i mean yeah, we'll see each other over the summer. but i was very sad and tearful.... i already talked about my trip home a couple of posts ago....
mom and tim got home soon after i posted that, we cleared the junk out of the van (it's in a pile in the living room... thats todays job... woohoo.... lol). i cleared out the box that was in my room from the last time mom visited, set up my computer on my desk in my room, and that was all the unpacking i decided to do last night. mike tkach showed up, and i talked to him for awhile. that was cool. i'm glad that i'm gonna be around at home for a couple weeks before camp, there are people that i want to hang out with. i'm probly gonna hang out with tkach tonight. anyway. doug votaw came over too, to see if tim wanted to go running. those two.... lol. i ended up going to bed really freaking early (9:45!!!) cuz i was about to fall over.

i woke up at 4:15 in the morning and i was sweating and my head hurt really bad. so i opened the other window in my room, turned on the fan, and broke the rules and took some ibuprofen. i got up around 9:20 or so, cuz it was/is storming outside and the thunder/lightning woke me up. i went around and closed all the windows. now i'm sitting here in front of the computer, with a billion boxes behind me, waiting to be unpacked. but janson is on... so it'll just have to wait :)

Thursday, May 06, 2004

i wonder if i can get my mom to let me hook up my computer to the internet.... rusty's obviously not using his room at the moment, and he used to have the internet up there. so if i put my computer up there... we'll see....
i know i'm in the middle of a story, lol, i'll finish it tonight i promise.

i'm home. yup. home as in leetonia. i'll talk about the rest of the day later. i want to talk about my lovely drive right now... (janson an old ugly green colored VW bug just drove past my house. hit yourself twice for me) i had a "fun" drive home... i decided not to get on rt 30 and take a way that i was pretty sure would take me to where i wanted to be (i took 43 to 153 to some street that i don't know the name of to 172). that worked out ok. then i ran into construction in east canton. and there were definitely NO detour signs anywhere. so that was fun. my car stalled at a 4-way stop (hence my reasoning for taking back roads the whole way home), i ran the next stop sign so it wouldn't stall, it stalled again in salem, i ran another stop sign in salem so it wouldn't stall again, and it stalled in down town leetonia (shut up janson. i can hear you from here, making fun of me saying 'downtown' about leetonia...) that was a fun time. luckily a train decided to make its way through at that time, so my car could have a little rest break so it would work again. so then i get here, and there's no one here. i left like 15 minutes after mom and tim. they must have gone shoe shopping on the way home.... lol. ok so i'm gonna get off here. no one's on to talk to. i'll get back on tonight and finish talking about tuesday, yesterday, and the rest of today. bye all....

[i miss my boy....]

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

ok... so i quit earlier...

we got joe's cell phone number, called it, left a message, and heat[h]er called back. they met us at malone, and we had a long debate on what we were going to do, and where we were going to do it. we decided we were hungry, so we headed to get some food. on the way, heat[h]er saw her parents getting off 77 onto cleveland avenue, so we turned around and went back to malone. we helped her move out a bit, then joe, janson, and i sat in joe's car for a reeeeally long time waiting for heat[h]er to come down. then we went to applebee's. heat[h]er and i played on this fun touch screen thingy... but maybe i think its fun because i'm so easily amused... haha. but we played 'chug 21' and got smashed, and we played photo snap or something like that. it was a good time. and i'm going to once again interrupt this post and finish it later... lol
was up waaay too late studying monday night. got up at 7ish for my 7:30 art and music final. took the final. it was a LOT easier than i thought it would be. i'm hoping for a high B or low A. basically sat around and did nothing for a bit after that. said bye to my roomie (i'm gonna miss her). went over to janson's around 10. he went to go pick up jake from school, and i stayed at his house and slept. and i kept sleeping, even after they got back. i got up around 12 i think. i was just really tired from sleeping like 3 hours the night before... so i watched the incredible hulk with them, then we went outside. it was nice out. :) we went to DQ cuz i wanted ice cream, and then we went to a park that was behind the DQ. that was fun. it was so nice out, and hanging out with janson and jake was fun. there was this really cute little girl and her parents were trying to get her to go down the slide... it was so cute. you know i'm not much for disney, but she reminded me of the little girl in monster's inc. after that i just laid on the trampoline for awhile. until i made janson play the sims with me for an hour or two on his playstation... haha. then we came back here to malone so i could say bye to some people. :( we also went over with heathro, jessie, heathro's mom, and jessie's dad to look at our room in college hill next year. yeah its exciting... well except for the toilet part... haha. so i said bye to and got pictures with lots of people, then janson and i went up to find heat[h]er and joe. but they weren't there.

and i'll finish this later, cuz i need a shower, and then i gotta get back to packing... :(

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

i'm tiiiiiiiiired of arts and music. really tired of it. i hate it. i'm to the point where i just don't care and am tempted to just flunk it.

i'm having another 'i need you but can't tell that i need you' moment.
so i studied with ermine, and then took my final
i got my grade--i got an 89.5% on the exam (he couldn't have rounded that up so i could have had an A??) and an 81% in the class. so i got a B- in it, which is good enough for me!
then i started studying for arts and music
then janson came and we picked up the pictures at marcs, went to milk and honey for dinner, and hung out in myers
since then, i've basically been studying for art and music. i was down in jenny and my homeschooler's room most of the night studying with jenny. i'm so tired of it, but i still don't feel comfortable with the stuff at all.... blech! so i'm probly gonna be up for awhile.....

Monday, May 03, 2004

tell me that you live for love
that forever is never enough
that you've waited all your life to see
that you want so badly to believe
tell me that its not just me
--rascal flatts
(i been listened to rascal flatts all morning... haha)

got up around 10:45 or so
studied for a bit
went to the bookstore with jenny
came back here
been studying since then
in half an hour, i'm going up to study with ermine for an hour before the final
then at 3:30 i'm taking my world civ 2 final....
hi i'm tracey. and i'm really tired of world civ 2!!!!!
ok. so i'm still up... so much for going to bed early. but my medicine kicked in finally and i feel a lot better.

i got up, got dressed, janson picked me up, we went to church, heat[h]er and joe make me laugh, and so does jen, we met jesus (aka a guy that goes to college in california and looks like kurt cobain), janson made me stay for lunch at church, so heat[h[er and joe stayed too, heat[h]er and i had a hard time not laughing at jesus for his high-pitched voice, janson and i went to iggle video and got 2 movies (down with love and johnny english), down with love was ok--strange but ok, johnny english was just plain stupid, we didn't even finish it, i worked on my world civ 2 study guide while watching, then we went to giant eagle to shop for his mom and i wanted chips, then he brought me back to malone cuz i had my floor pizza party at 7 (random tangent... RA told us while we were eating that no matter what anyone says, there never was and never will be a floor with the experience that ours had. we bonded and got along, did stuff together, and its just been a freaking awesome year. i love my flat deck girls!!), then i went up to the barn with emily for our world civ 2 study group, left after about an hour and 10 minutes cuz i felt sick, was a jerk to the world for awhile while i was sick and hurting, then i got better, talked to christmas for awhile, got on my computer, talked to shanny, then est IMed me and asked me to come down and help her with some computer stuff (like i know anything about computers? lol). i basically just hung out with her, sara v, lindsay, and sarah L, and sarah E too. now i'm back in my room. i'm sitting here typing, and i look over and caryn's curled up on the floor. i'm like "caryn, why are you on the floor? caryn are you awake? why are you on the floor?" so she woke up and got back in bed... lol. she didn't fall out of bed or anything, she just moved to the floor in her sleep... lol. my roomie cracks me up!!!

now i might go to bed, or i might stay up for awhile. i'm feeling rather energized!!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

i'll write an actual post later....

just fyi. for those of you (and that should be a lot.... pleeeeeease) who want to keep in touch with me over the summer....
here's my address. from may 31 until august 6. you know you want to write poor little me and fill my mailbox with mail!!

Tracey Yoder
c/o Camp Luz
152 Kidron Rd.
Orrville, OH 44667

thats all for now. i'm feeling rather dizzy. and puky. and i have a headache. and i don't like it at all.
went to the kegger, studied in RA's room for awhile so i wouldn't get distracted by stuff in my room, caryn and i got freaking hyper and were up till about 2:30... haha

took my personal finance final at 7:30 (i think i did alright... i hope), went to janson's to find that the door was still locked and he was still in bed, came back here, sold back most of my books, got breakfast with jenny, watched tv, went over to jansons when he woke up, hung out, took stuff to his dad, went to the mall to eat and i needed some eyebrow rings, saw heat[h]er and joe, saw kelli, went back to jansons till the malone bash of the century, had a good time going to, being at, and coming back from that, went back to jansons, talked to jon on the phone for awhile, i don't remember if i did anything else

got up around 10, was lazy, worked on my world civ study guide, went to mcdonalds cuz i wanted a milkshake, watched office space, went to marc's and giant eagle, watched orange county, played scrabble, came back here to malone, took a shower, and now i'm gonna head to bed so i can get up for church in the morning