Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the new brave saint saturn cd? absolutely AMAZING!!! the 5 year wait was well worth it (although I would have welcomed it much sooner, haha). it's such a good end to the story. I love it. allllso, I got my cd a week late, and I wasn't mad or anything, but some people were causing a stink about it, so Reese Roper wrote notes on the invoice. I about fell over when I opened my package and there was a hand-written note from Reese Roper!!

allllso also, I finally got to watch the season premiere of Heroes today. HOLY CRAP! I love that show a whole whole lot. I don't have anyone to discuss it with, though! so much happened in that episode, especially at the very end. I almost fell out of my chair, I was so shocked!

and finally, I saw the movie 'Lars and the Real Girl' today. it was fantastic! I had no idea that was such a good movie! it was touching, and just a real darn good movie.

that's all for now, I need to shower and get to beddd!

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