i don't know about... no, i'll leave it at that. i just don't know. anything. at all. period.
stole from reno
(001) Your gender: not male
(002) Straight/gay/bi? straight
(003) Single?: yes
(004) Want to be? sometimes
(005) Your birthday: tax day!
(006) Age you wish you were: something pre-college. maybe 13 or 14, cuz that's also pre-crappy jobs
(007) Hair color? dull brown. it needs dyed again, cuz i haven't dyed it since allie and linda did it a few days before school last semester
(008) Long, short, or medium length? medium and getting longer! woohoo!
(009) The color of your eyes: brown, something akin to the color of poop
(010) Piercings? my eyebrow
(011) Want more? possibly my ears someday, since i sort of skipped that part
(012) Tattoos: none
(013) Smoke: no
(014) Do drugs: no
(015) Read the newspaper: no
(016) Drink: no, but my parents and i are going out [well and tim, but he's only 17] on my 21, since it's over easter break! haha i'm excited
(017) Talk to strangers: depends on where i am
(018) Take walks in the rain: i used to at camp luz
(019) Drive: yes
(020) Like to drive fast?: sometimes
(021) Hurt yourself: not on purpose mostly i don't think
(022) Been out of the country: just canada
(023) Been in love: i honestly don't know
(024) Kissed on the first date: no
(025) Gone skinny dipping: this one time at camp in 5th grade.... haha
(026) Had a surgery: no
(027) Ran away from home: nope, i don't think i ever even tried
(028) Played strip poker: i don't even know how to play poker
(029) Gotten beaten up: no
(030) Beat someone up: nope [my brothers and i didn't really fight physically much]
(031) Been on stage: yup
(032) Slept outdoors: umm i've been a camp counselor for 2 different summer camps? so yes
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: i used to in high school during the 30 hour famine
(036) Talked on the phone all night: nope, my momma had rules against things like that
(038) Slept all day: never past noon in my whole life
(039) Killed someone: if looks could kill
(040) Made-out w/a stranger: no
(041) Had sex with a stranger: nooooooo
(042) Kissed the same sex: no
(043) Done anything sexual w/the same sex: nooo
(044) Been betrayed: yeah, not so pleasant to remember
(045) Broken the law: i speed sometimes
(046) Met a famous person: does dave count? [adrienne's boyfriend, won espn dream job and then was on espn]
(047) Been on radio/tv: yes/no
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: yes
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: virgin!
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: no
(052) Was it a good dream:
(053) Skipped school: never in high school, i wasn't allowed. not even on senior skip day.
(054) Wear hats: i wear a visor at work when i'm making food, but other than that no
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: probly
(056) Judge by their piercings: considering i have a facial piercing?
(057) Favorite place to shop: VDO and old navy. what a combo... ha
(058) Favorite article of clothing: my mississippi shorts! [if you KNOW me, you know what shorts i'm talking about, haha]
(059) Are you trendy: probably not at all
(060) Believe in life on other planets: no
(061) Miracles: yes
(062) Astrology: no, but it's fun to read
(064) God: yes
(066) Santa: the polar express said that he was real!
(067) Ghosts: as reno said, ghosts=demons [and then i break out into song... "don't want no monsters in my house tonight..." oh carman...]
(068) Birth: what kind of question is that? no, i don't believe in birth. ???
(069) Love at first sight: no
(070) Yin and Yang: i don't even know what that means
(071) Witches: satan exists, so yeah
(072) Easter bunny: i used to love easter egg hunts! but why does a bunny lay eggs? that's so weird
(073) Birth control: i didn't go to that WVF last night
(074) Sex before marriage: nope
(075) Sex without love: that's not something that you can really believe or not believe in, is it?
(076) The pull of the full moon: ??
(077) Do you remember your first love: to an extent
(078) Still love him/her: no
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: i don't agree with what reno said, i'll leave it at that
(080) What do you find romantic:
(081) Turn offs:
(082) Turn Ons: i like to leave these kinds of questions blanks. that is all.
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: not alone, no
(084) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? i don't think it's such a big deal
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? no, cuz i don't think that Jesus will have it work out that way
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: pretty much no not at all
(087) Do you think the opposite sex finds you charming: i have no idea?
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: money from my grandma
(089) Do you like someone at this moment?
(090) That you laughed at: sarah as she was trying to go to bed but kept talking
(091) That laughed at you:
(092) That turned you on: that's kinda gross, since i hate boys a lot
(093) You went shopping with: ummmmmm..... i think brit when we went to walmart on our way back here from home
(094) To disappoint you: yeah.. not gonna put that on here
(096) To make you cry: not putting that on here either
(097) To brighten up your day: sarah gave me playdo yesterday!
(099) You saw a movie with: last time i went out to the movies was w/brit and jenny to see just friends
(101) You talked to through IM: currently talking to dan, reno, and herculiz
(104) Had sex: never ever
(105) Laughed at someone: a couple hours ago
(106) Cried: today actually, haha
(107) Bought something: sheetz food last week
(108) Danced: last week when sarah and i were blasting 'i believe in a thing called love', although that
(109) Were sarcastic: probably today, i tend to do that a lot
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: kissed was way over a year ago yay! and i hugged my family when they left on saturday
(112) Watched your fave movie: well lately i've decided that while princess bride is my favorite movie, little women is my favorite movie of all-time forever and ever, because i have loved the book since i was like 8 and the movie since i was like 11. and i watched part of it last week
(113) Talked on the phone: earlier tonight i called my mom
(114) Listened to the radio: not this morning, because i forgot to turn on my alarm last night . so yesterday morning when my alarm went off was the last time
(115) Watched TV: i watched step-by-step while i was blowdrying my hair earlier today
(117) Helped someone: i hope so
(118) Felt betrayed by someone close: yes
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
(120) Regret time spent with an ex: yessss [i mean come on, who wouldn't hate reno? haha jk]