Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i think today is going to be a blue day.
i woke up kinda bummed for some reason.
and i just had a conversation that is weighing very heavily on my heart. i don't know what to do about it. i guess i haven't really thought much about how much my actions can affect others, and now i'm understanding a little how they have. and i just don't know...
i love how i only post here when i'm not happy. i'm a loser yay!
i woke up kinda bummed for some reason.
and i just had a conversation that is weighing very heavily on my heart. i don't know what to do about it. i guess i haven't really thought much about how much my actions can affect others, and now i'm understanding a little how they have. and i just don't know...
i love how i only post here when i'm not happy. i'm a loser yay!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
right now i am glad that no one reads this, because now i can go off.
i am not happy right now. a lot of things are happening at once, and that pretty much inevitably leads to me being not happy. a lot of it is dumb stuff, for example, the extra tickets that i paid for for the european disco tonight, that i don't even know why we needed. all we needed was 3, why did we buy 6? and now i can't even go, so not only do i have my extra ticket, i have 2 others, and i was the one that paid for them. that pisses me off.
room draw is not fun, figuring things out is just too much stress. we can't live here because of this or there because of that, etc, and now we can't even do the college hill room draw tonight because a room deposit hasn't been paid.
this policy paper ticks me off, because it takes up so much time, and yet is worth basically no points. i guess she told our class today that she's going to have them graded/handed back to us by tuesday. we're turning them in on thursday. how the heck is an adjunct who teaches just that class b/c she has a real job outside of this going to grade 12 or 13 20-30 page papers in 4 days? that means she's not going to read them very carefully, which REALLY ticks me off, because i've been working on this paper since the beginning of the semester.
i'm tired of people complaining about money and such. get a freaking job. i have one, i may not like working, especially in fast food, but i am working. and have been since i was a junior in high school. i have pretty much never in my life just worked one job at a time, i've almost always had at least 2, especially in the summer.
i pretty much wish i hadn't stayed at malone. i'm not happy here anymore. i'm worried about my future/my loans, and the fact that social workers make diddly squat. but my mom has worked so hard for me to be able to stay here, and i've paid a good bit of money myself. and i think i would probly feel the same way at a different school anyway.
i get brushed aside a lot. i know that i've said it before, but i'm so sick of people telling me how many friends i have. it's not true at all. i'm not even gonna get into that.
and now it's time to get back to what my life has consisted of lately, writing papers.
i am not happy right now. a lot of things are happening at once, and that pretty much inevitably leads to me being not happy. a lot of it is dumb stuff, for example, the extra tickets that i paid for for the european disco tonight, that i don't even know why we needed. all we needed was 3, why did we buy 6? and now i can't even go, so not only do i have my extra ticket, i have 2 others, and i was the one that paid for them. that pisses me off.
room draw is not fun, figuring things out is just too much stress. we can't live here because of this or there because of that, etc, and now we can't even do the college hill room draw tonight because a room deposit hasn't been paid.
this policy paper ticks me off, because it takes up so much time, and yet is worth basically no points. i guess she told our class today that she's going to have them graded/handed back to us by tuesday. we're turning them in on thursday. how the heck is an adjunct who teaches just that class b/c she has a real job outside of this going to grade 12 or 13 20-30 page papers in 4 days? that means she's not going to read them very carefully, which REALLY ticks me off, because i've been working on this paper since the beginning of the semester.
i'm tired of people complaining about money and such. get a freaking job. i have one, i may not like working, especially in fast food, but i am working. and have been since i was a junior in high school. i have pretty much never in my life just worked one job at a time, i've almost always had at least 2, especially in the summer.
i pretty much wish i hadn't stayed at malone. i'm not happy here anymore. i'm worried about my future/my loans, and the fact that social workers make diddly squat. but my mom has worked so hard for me to be able to stay here, and i've paid a good bit of money myself. and i think i would probly feel the same way at a different school anyway.
i get brushed aside a lot. i know that i've said it before, but i'm so sick of people telling me how many friends i have. it's not true at all. i'm not even gonna get into that.
and now it's time to get back to what my life has consisted of lately, writing papers.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
i can't believe that 'someone you know' was my own freaking little brother, and i had no idea.
i'm clueless! haha. i should have figured it out just from the comment about the "evil lunch-stealing monkeys"
come visit me and bring cats and dogs and warriors of virtue! moo!
i just listened to the Godspell soundtrack for the first time in a really long time. maybe the first time ever all the way through. i like it. i like broadway.
this weekend was amazing.

and cold [for kentucky]

and...cuddly? haha

those are just 3 out of about 120 pictures... haha
come see me to see more. or, i put some on facebook and some on webshots
i need to get dressed now, i have class in 20 minutes. i only got half of a page written on my paper, and i've been up for over 2 hours... i'm such a slacker!
i'm clueless! haha. i should have figured it out just from the comment about the "evil lunch-stealing monkeys"
come visit me and bring cats and dogs and warriors of virtue! moo!
i just listened to the Godspell soundtrack for the first time in a really long time. maybe the first time ever all the way through. i like it. i like broadway.
this weekend was amazing.

and cold [for kentucky]

and...cuddly? haha

those are just 3 out of about 120 pictures... haha
come see me to see more. or, i put some on facebook and some on webshots
i need to get dressed now, i have class in 20 minutes. i only got half of a page written on my paper, and i've been up for over 2 hours... i'm such a slacker!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
stole from reno
(001) Your gender: not male
(002) Straight/gay/bi? straight
(003) Single?: yes
(004) Want to be? sometimes
(005) Your birthday: tax day!
(006) Age you wish you were: something pre-college. maybe 13 or 14, cuz that's also pre-crappy jobs
(007) Hair color? dull brown. it needs dyed again, cuz i haven't dyed it since allie and linda did it a few days before school last semester
(008) Long, short, or medium length? medium and getting longer! woohoo!
(009) The color of your eyes: brown, something akin to the color of poop
(010) Piercings? my eyebrow
(011) Want more? possibly my ears someday, since i sort of skipped that part
(012) Tattoos: none
(013) Smoke: no
(014) Do drugs: no
(015) Read the newspaper: no
(016) Drink: no, but my parents and i are going out [well and tim, but he's only 17] on my 21, since it's over easter break! haha i'm excited
(017) Talk to strangers: depends on where i am
(018) Take walks in the rain: i used to at camp luz
(019) Drive: yes
(020) Like to drive fast?: sometimes
(021) Hurt yourself: not on purpose mostly i don't think
(022) Been out of the country: just canada
(023) Been in love: i honestly don't know
(024) Kissed on the first date: no
(025) Gone skinny dipping: this one time at camp in 5th grade.... haha
(026) Had a surgery: no
(027) Ran away from home: nope, i don't think i ever even tried
(028) Played strip poker: i don't even know how to play poker
(029) Gotten beaten up: no
(030) Beat someone up: nope [my brothers and i didn't really fight physically much]
(031) Been on stage: yup
(032) Slept outdoors: umm i've been a camp counselor for 2 different summer camps? so yes
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: i used to in high school during the 30 hour famine
(036) Talked on the phone all night: nope, my momma had rules against things like that
(038) Slept all day: never past noon in my whole life
(039) Killed someone: if looks could kill
(040) Made-out w/a stranger: no
(041) Had sex with a stranger: nooooooo
(042) Kissed the same sex: no
(043) Done anything sexual w/the same sex: nooo
(044) Been betrayed: yeah, not so pleasant to remember
(045) Broken the law: i speed sometimes
(046) Met a famous person: does dave count? [adrienne's boyfriend, won espn dream job and then was on espn]
(047) Been on radio/tv: yes/no
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: yes
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: virgin!
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: no
(052) Was it a good dream:
(053) Skipped school: never in high school, i wasn't allowed. not even on senior skip day.
(054) Wear hats: i wear a visor at work when i'm making food, but other than that no
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: probly
(056) Judge by their piercings: considering i have a facial piercing?
(057) Favorite place to shop: VDO and old navy. what a combo... ha
(058) Favorite article of clothing: my mississippi shorts! [if you KNOW me, you know what shorts i'm talking about, haha]
(059) Are you trendy: probably not at all
(060) Believe in life on other planets: no
(061) Miracles: yes
(062) Astrology: no, but it's fun to read
(064) God: yes
(066) Santa: the polar express said that he was real!
(067) Ghosts: as reno said, ghosts=demons [and then i break out into song... "don't want no monsters in my house tonight..." oh carman...]
(068) Birth: what kind of question is that? no, i don't believe in birth. ???
(069) Love at first sight: no
(070) Yin and Yang: i don't even know what that means
(071) Witches: satan exists, so yeah
(072) Easter bunny: i used to love easter egg hunts! but why does a bunny lay eggs? that's so weird
(073) Birth control: i didn't go to that WVF last night
(074) Sex before marriage: nope
(075) Sex without love: that's not something that you can really believe or not believe in, is it?
(076) The pull of the full moon: ??
(077) Do you remember your first love: to an extent
(078) Still love him/her: no
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: i don't agree with what reno said, i'll leave it at that
(080) What do you find romantic:
(081) Turn offs:
(082) Turn Ons: i like to leave these kinds of questions blanks. that is all.
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: not alone, no
(084) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? i don't think it's such a big deal
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? no, cuz i don't think that Jesus will have it work out that way
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: pretty much no not at all
(087) Do you think the opposite sex finds you charming: i have no idea?
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: money from my grandma
(089) Do you like someone at this moment?
(090) That you laughed at: sarah as she was trying to go to bed but kept talking
(091) That laughed at you:
(092) That turned you on: that's kinda gross, since i hate boys a lot
(093) You went shopping with: ummmmmm..... i think brit when we went to walmart on our way back here from home
(094) To disappoint you: yeah.. not gonna put that on here
(096) To make you cry: not putting that on here either
(097) To brighten up your day: sarah gave me playdo yesterday!
(099) You saw a movie with: last time i went out to the movies was w/brit and jenny to see just friends
(101) You talked to through IM: currently talking to dan, reno, and herculiz
(104) Had sex: never ever
(105) Laughed at someone: a couple hours ago
(106) Cried: today actually, haha
(107) Bought something: sheetz food last week
(108) Danced: last week when sarah and i were blasting 'i believe in a thing called love', although that
(109) Were sarcastic: probably today, i tend to do that a lot
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: kissed was way over a year ago yay! and i hugged my family when they left on saturday
(112) Watched your fave movie: well lately i've decided that while princess bride is my favorite movie, little women is my favorite movie of all-time forever and ever, because i have loved the book since i was like 8 and the movie since i was like 11. and i watched part of it last week
(113) Talked on the phone: earlier tonight i called my mom
(114) Listened to the radio: not this morning, because i forgot to turn on my alarm last night . so yesterday morning when my alarm went off was the last time
(115) Watched TV: i watched step-by-step while i was blowdrying my hair earlier today
(117) Helped someone: i hope so
(118) Felt betrayed by someone close: yes
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
(120) Regret time spent with an ex: yessss [i mean come on, who wouldn't hate reno? haha jk]
(001) Your gender: not male
(002) Straight/gay/bi? straight
(003) Single?: yes
(004) Want to be? sometimes
(005) Your birthday: tax day!
(006) Age you wish you were: something pre-college. maybe 13 or 14, cuz that's also pre-crappy jobs
(007) Hair color? dull brown. it needs dyed again, cuz i haven't dyed it since allie and linda did it a few days before school last semester
(008) Long, short, or medium length? medium and getting longer! woohoo!
(009) The color of your eyes: brown, something akin to the color of poop
(010) Piercings? my eyebrow
(011) Want more? possibly my ears someday, since i sort of skipped that part
(012) Tattoos: none
(013) Smoke: no
(014) Do drugs: no
(015) Read the newspaper: no
(016) Drink: no, but my parents and i are going out [well and tim, but he's only 17] on my 21, since it's over easter break! haha i'm excited
(017) Talk to strangers: depends on where i am
(018) Take walks in the rain: i used to at camp luz
(019) Drive: yes
(020) Like to drive fast?: sometimes
(021) Hurt yourself: not on purpose mostly i don't think
(022) Been out of the country: just canada
(023) Been in love: i honestly don't know
(024) Kissed on the first date: no
(025) Gone skinny dipping: this one time at camp in 5th grade.... haha
(026) Had a surgery: no
(027) Ran away from home: nope, i don't think i ever even tried
(028) Played strip poker: i don't even know how to play poker
(029) Gotten beaten up: no
(030) Beat someone up: nope [my brothers and i didn't really fight physically much]
(031) Been on stage: yup
(032) Slept outdoors: umm i've been a camp counselor for 2 different summer camps? so yes
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: i used to in high school during the 30 hour famine
(036) Talked on the phone all night: nope, my momma had rules against things like that
(038) Slept all day: never past noon in my whole life
(039) Killed someone: if looks could kill
(040) Made-out w/a stranger: no
(041) Had sex with a stranger: nooooooo
(042) Kissed the same sex: no
(043) Done anything sexual w/the same sex: nooo
(044) Been betrayed: yeah, not so pleasant to remember
(045) Broken the law: i speed sometimes
(046) Met a famous person: does dave count? [adrienne's boyfriend, won espn dream job and then was on espn]
(047) Been on radio/tv: yes/no
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: yes
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: virgin!
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: no
(052) Was it a good dream:
(053) Skipped school: never in high school, i wasn't allowed. not even on senior skip day.
(054) Wear hats: i wear a visor at work when i'm making food, but other than that no
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: probly
(056) Judge by their piercings: considering i have a facial piercing?
(057) Favorite place to shop: VDO and old navy. what a combo... ha
(058) Favorite article of clothing: my mississippi shorts! [if you KNOW me, you know what shorts i'm talking about, haha]
(059) Are you trendy: probably not at all
(060) Believe in life on other planets: no
(061) Miracles: yes
(062) Astrology: no, but it's fun to read
(064) God: yes
(066) Santa: the polar express said that he was real!
(067) Ghosts: as reno said, ghosts=demons [and then i break out into song... "don't want no monsters in my house tonight..." oh carman...]
(068) Birth: what kind of question is that? no, i don't believe in birth. ???
(069) Love at first sight: no
(070) Yin and Yang: i don't even know what that means
(071) Witches: satan exists, so yeah
(072) Easter bunny: i used to love easter egg hunts! but why does a bunny lay eggs? that's so weird
(073) Birth control: i didn't go to that WVF last night
(074) Sex before marriage: nope
(075) Sex without love: that's not something that you can really believe or not believe in, is it?
(076) The pull of the full moon: ??
(077) Do you remember your first love: to an extent
(078) Still love him/her: no
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: i don't agree with what reno said, i'll leave it at that
(080) What do you find romantic:
(081) Turn offs:
(082) Turn Ons: i like to leave these kinds of questions blanks. that is all.
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: not alone, no
(084) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? i don't think it's such a big deal
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? no, cuz i don't think that Jesus will have it work out that way
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: pretty much no not at all
(087) Do you think the opposite sex finds you charming: i have no idea?
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: money from my grandma
(089) Do you like someone at this moment?
(090) That you laughed at: sarah as she was trying to go to bed but kept talking
(091) That laughed at you:
(092) That turned you on: that's kinda gross, since i hate boys a lot
(093) You went shopping with: ummmmmm..... i think brit when we went to walmart on our way back here from home
(094) To disappoint you: yeah.. not gonna put that on here
(096) To make you cry: not putting that on here either
(097) To brighten up your day: sarah gave me playdo yesterday!
(099) You saw a movie with: last time i went out to the movies was w/brit and jenny to see just friends
(101) You talked to through IM: currently talking to dan, reno, and herculiz
(104) Had sex: never ever
(105) Laughed at someone: a couple hours ago
(106) Cried: today actually, haha
(107) Bought something: sheetz food last week
(108) Danced: last week when sarah and i were blasting 'i believe in a thing called love', although that
(109) Were sarcastic: probably today, i tend to do that a lot
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: kissed was way over a year ago yay! and i hugged my family when they left on saturday
(112) Watched your fave movie: well lately i've decided that while princess bride is my favorite movie, little women is my favorite movie of all-time forever and ever, because i have loved the book since i was like 8 and the movie since i was like 11. and i watched part of it last week
(113) Talked on the phone: earlier tonight i called my mom
(114) Listened to the radio: not this morning, because i forgot to turn on my alarm last night . so yesterday morning when my alarm went off was the last time
(115) Watched TV: i watched step-by-step while i was blowdrying my hair earlier today
(117) Helped someone: i hope so
(118) Felt betrayed by someone close: yes
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
(120) Regret time spent with an ex: yessss [i mean come on, who wouldn't hate reno? haha jk]
Thursday, January 26, 2006
this is the 902 post on this blog. that's a lot of posts. but i've been using this since i was a senior in high school, although i took a year or 2 off to be disloyal and use xanga for awhile.
but anyway. i like eve 6. i hadn't listened to them for awhile. i'm listening to horrorscope, cuz it's my favorite. i remember the first time i realized that i have the editted version, and understood why there are random blank spots in the song... haha
i own all of the myst games now: myst, riven, exile, revelation, end of ages, uru, and 2 uru expansion packs. it's been like a 7 year process for me. haha. i love it. :-)
lunch soon. then history. it cracks me up, cuz i sit in between paul and brit. obviously the best place to sit. and it makes class more interesting.
so that's all for me.
listening to eve 6 makes me think of lynne, for some reason. maybe because a really long time ago i got this cd from her when i burned a copy of it.
but anyway. i like eve 6. i hadn't listened to them for awhile. i'm listening to horrorscope, cuz it's my favorite. i remember the first time i realized that i have the editted version, and understood why there are random blank spots in the song... haha
i own all of the myst games now: myst, riven, exile, revelation, end of ages, uru, and 2 uru expansion packs. it's been like a 7 year process for me. haha. i love it. :-)
lunch soon. then history. it cracks me up, cuz i sit in between paul and brit. obviously the best place to sit. and it makes class more interesting.
so that's all for me.
listening to eve 6 makes me think of lynne, for some reason. maybe because a really long time ago i got this cd from her when i burned a copy of it.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
a long time ago, reno did this on his livejournal, and i just read it and it looked fun, and i can't sleep
1. How many songs do you have on your computer?
2. Sort by song name--What are your first and last songs?
First: 'Til I Met You - The Swift
Last: Zeus Cannon - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Soundtrack
3. Sort by album--What are your first and last albums?
First: A Collision or (3+4=7) - David Crowder Band
Last: X&Y - Coldplay
4. Sort by time--What are your shortest and longest songs?
Shortest: (Repeat/Return) - David Crowder (:11)
Longest: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Iron Butterfly (17:02)
(i didn't count songs with hidden tracks on the end, or it would have been hokus pick or jars of clay)
5. Sort by last played--What were the first and last songs played on your computer?
First: Sad Clown - Jars of Clay (10/11/2004)
Last: Revenge - James Horner/Braveheart Soundtrack (1/16/2006)
6. Search for "Love"--How many songs are listed?
7. Search for "Hate"--How many songs are listed?
8. Search for "Day"--How many songs are listed?
9. Search for "Night"--How many songs are listed?
10. Go to your iTunes/Windows Media Player/WinAmp and put it all on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and after each one press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
What do you think of me, iTunes?
Lonely People - Jars of Clay
Will I have a happy life?
Last Train Home - lostprophets
What do my friends really think of me?
Suddenly - Superchic[k]
Do people secretly lust after me?
Hey Girl - Dashboard Confessional
How can I make myself happy?
The Uruk-hai - Howard Shore/Two Towers Soundtrack
What should I do with my life?
The Intermission - Monty Python's Spamalot Soundtrack
Why must life be so full of pain?
Cigarette - Yellowcard
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - The Postal Service
Will I ever have children?
Grace - Jars of Clay
Will I die happy?
Beethoven - TSO
Can you give me some advice?
Big Fish (Titles) - Danny Elfman/Big Fish Soundtrack
What do you think happiness is?
Old Rugged Cross - Insyderz
What's my favourite fetish?
A Knife in the Dark - Howard Shore/FotR Soundtrack
What is my significant other thinking at this very moment?
This Time is the Last Time - Mae
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
Seventy-Seven Seconds - Eric and Leslie Ludy
haha some of those were funny
i wonder if i can fall asleep now.
my alarm is going off in 5 hours :-(
1. How many songs do you have on your computer?
2. Sort by song name--What are your first and last songs?
First: 'Til I Met You - The Swift
Last: Zeus Cannon - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Soundtrack
3. Sort by album--What are your first and last albums?
First: A Collision or (3+4=7) - David Crowder Band
Last: X&Y - Coldplay
4. Sort by time--What are your shortest and longest songs?
Shortest: (Repeat/Return) - David Crowder (:11)
Longest: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Iron Butterfly (17:02)
(i didn't count songs with hidden tracks on the end, or it would have been hokus pick or jars of clay)
5. Sort by last played--What were the first and last songs played on your computer?
First: Sad Clown - Jars of Clay (10/11/2004)
Last: Revenge - James Horner/Braveheart Soundtrack (1/16/2006)
6. Search for "Love"--How many songs are listed?
7. Search for "Hate"--How many songs are listed?
8. Search for "Day"--How many songs are listed?
9. Search for "Night"--How many songs are listed?
10. Go to your iTunes/Windows Media Player/WinAmp and put it all on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and after each one press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
What do you think of me, iTunes?
Lonely People - Jars of Clay
Will I have a happy life?
Last Train Home - lostprophets
What do my friends really think of me?
Suddenly - Superchic[k]
Do people secretly lust after me?
Hey Girl - Dashboard Confessional
How can I make myself happy?
The Uruk-hai - Howard Shore/Two Towers Soundtrack
What should I do with my life?
The Intermission - Monty Python's Spamalot Soundtrack
Why must life be so full of pain?
Cigarette - Yellowcard
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - The Postal Service
Will I ever have children?
Grace - Jars of Clay
Will I die happy?
Beethoven - TSO
Can you give me some advice?
Big Fish (Titles) - Danny Elfman/Big Fish Soundtrack
What do you think happiness is?
Old Rugged Cross - Insyderz
What's my favourite fetish?
A Knife in the Dark - Howard Shore/FotR Soundtrack
What is my significant other thinking at this very moment?
This Time is the Last Time - Mae
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
Seventy-Seven Seconds - Eric and Leslie Ludy
haha some of those were funny
i wonder if i can fall asleep now.
my alarm is going off in 5 hours :-(
Sunday, January 15, 2006
still not really in school mode... finding it hard to do things like write this 3-page paper for tuesday, although i need to today, cuz tomorrow chrissy is coming! and then i work 5-9
work is going better, last night i didn't have to clean a lot of stupid things. i learned counter, and did well enough that my manager decided after about 5 minutes that i didn't really need to be supervised, which was encouraging, cuz when i first started working there i thought i would never get the hang of things. although it does take me almost an hour to slice some lemons, and then squeeze a gallon of lemonade out of the rest, while i hear it only takes anthony 8 minutes... haha. so i'm slow at some things...
confusing moment of last night:
"sorry that i ran that up on your register doug, the one i was using was shut down and i didn't know what do do."
-me to doug, one of my managers
"that's ok juanita."
-said manager, doug
"...[pause. insert my confusion.]... did you just call me juanita?"
-me [i was wearing my nametag that clearly states 'tracey]
"yeah, i did."
"i'm not really sure why you said that, or what just happened"
"yeah, me either"
-doug, and then he walks away
ok so maybe you had to be there, but seriously. it was towards the end of the night, so i was overwhelmed with all the things i had learned, and that just threw me off, and then i messed up the order that i was taking, although it got a laugh out of the customers... haha
the mothman prophecies isn't really a scary movie. so many people said that it was, so i was kinda disappointed when i watched it. all well.
i should get on that paper now... i could have been done by now, i've been sitting at my computer screen for an hour doing nothing... haha
work is going better, last night i didn't have to clean a lot of stupid things. i learned counter, and did well enough that my manager decided after about 5 minutes that i didn't really need to be supervised, which was encouraging, cuz when i first started working there i thought i would never get the hang of things. although it does take me almost an hour to slice some lemons, and then squeeze a gallon of lemonade out of the rest, while i hear it only takes anthony 8 minutes... haha. so i'm slow at some things...
confusing moment of last night:
"sorry that i ran that up on your register doug, the one i was using was shut down and i didn't know what do do."
-me to doug, one of my managers
"that's ok juanita."
-said manager, doug
"...[pause. insert my confusion.]... did you just call me juanita?"
-me [i was wearing my nametag that clearly states 'tracey]
"yeah, i did."
"i'm not really sure why you said that, or what just happened"
"yeah, me either"
-doug, and then he walks away
ok so maybe you had to be there, but seriously. it was towards the end of the night, so i was overwhelmed with all the things i had learned, and that just threw me off, and then i messed up the order that i was taking, although it got a laugh out of the customers... haha
the mothman prophecies isn't really a scary movie. so many people said that it was, so i was kinda disappointed when i watched it. all well.
i should get on that paper now... i could have been done by now, i've been sitting at my computer screen for an hour doing nothing... haha
Friday, January 13, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
christmas break is nearing it's end, and i don't like that.
i have absolutely NO desire to return to malone.
i worked 11-4 today. i love the daytime ladies, they're great. i laughed so much today. and i worked on counter for 2 hours before i got thrown in grill, so that was nice too.
tomorrow i work 4-8 at chick-fil-a, thursday 11-4 at mcdonalds, and friday 4-8 at chick-fil-a again. not so excited about driving to canton and back twice this week...
terri wetherald [aka the mother of my best friend from elementary school/jr high/half of high school/still the person in the world who knows the most about me and who i love a lot] came into mcdonalds on her break today, and informed me that my lee-uh is ENGAGED! that makes me happy. :) we were just talking about it the last time we hung out, which was like 2 weeks ago at jenny's house.
speaking of jenny, she called me a bit ago, and i'm hanging out with her tonight. which will either consist of talking and knitting, or watching a movie and talking and knitting. haha. i love jenny.
seriously, nothing is as amazing as childhood friends who know you so well and have seen you through so many stages of life. it's the best.
anyway. i'm going to play either final fantasy: mystic quest on snes, or rct 2 on here.
so that's all for now.
not that anyone reads this anyway, haha
i have absolutely NO desire to return to malone.
i worked 11-4 today. i love the daytime ladies, they're great. i laughed so much today. and i worked on counter for 2 hours before i got thrown in grill, so that was nice too.
tomorrow i work 4-8 at chick-fil-a, thursday 11-4 at mcdonalds, and friday 4-8 at chick-fil-a again. not so excited about driving to canton and back twice this week...
terri wetherald [aka the mother of my best friend from elementary school/jr high/half of high school/still the person in the world who knows the most about me and who i love a lot] came into mcdonalds on her break today, and informed me that my lee-uh is ENGAGED! that makes me happy. :) we were just talking about it the last time we hung out, which was like 2 weeks ago at jenny's house.
speaking of jenny, she called me a bit ago, and i'm hanging out with her tonight. which will either consist of talking and knitting, or watching a movie and talking and knitting. haha. i love jenny.
seriously, nothing is as amazing as childhood friends who know you so well and have seen you through so many stages of life. it's the best.
anyway. i'm going to play either final fantasy: mystic quest on snes, or rct 2 on here.
so that's all for now.
not that anyone reads this anyway, haha
Monday, January 02, 2006
yesterday, i did have lunch with my wifey and christy. it was enjoyable. :)
today my family and i headed to carnation mall in alliance to go see the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe at the movie theater there. on the way there, i was looking around and thinking "hey that's the road to get to camp limrod. hey that's the road that i turned on every day to get to the church. that's the road to shari's house." and i decided that even though it could mess up the job at chick-fil-a, i want to work at camp limrod again this summer.
so then we saw narnia, and sat in the second row because the theater was packed with children, haha. my family liked it. [i was seeing it for the second time]. i liked it again.
when i checked my email after we got home [for the first time in like 2 days, due to the fact that i've become a recluse and don't get online, and when i do i put up an away message or go invisible on instant messenger, and rarely check my email or anything], i had an email from shari saying that she wanted to know as soon as possible if i was interested in coming back to camp. so i took that as an OK from God and emailed her back. it's a good job with good money.
and i think this is the end of camp luz, cuz i'm not planning on working at all this coming summer. i will work on weekends if rochelle calls me, and if i can work it out with chick-fil-a. it's just a weird thought...
anyway. i'm going to play rct2 now. :-)
today my family and i headed to carnation mall in alliance to go see the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe at the movie theater there. on the way there, i was looking around and thinking "hey that's the road to get to camp limrod. hey that's the road that i turned on every day to get to the church. that's the road to shari's house." and i decided that even though it could mess up the job at chick-fil-a, i want to work at camp limrod again this summer.
so then we saw narnia, and sat in the second row because the theater was packed with children, haha. my family liked it. [i was seeing it for the second time]. i liked it again.
when i checked my email after we got home [for the first time in like 2 days, due to the fact that i've become a recluse and don't get online, and when i do i put up an away message or go invisible on instant messenger, and rarely check my email or anything], i had an email from shari saying that she wanted to know as soon as possible if i was interested in coming back to camp. so i took that as an OK from God and emailed her back. it's a good job with good money.
and i think this is the end of camp luz, cuz i'm not planning on working at all this coming summer. i will work on weekends if rochelle calls me, and if i can work it out with chick-fil-a. it's just a weird thought...
anyway. i'm going to play rct2 now. :-)